Two little boys, two very energetic pairs of feet, late summer, and acres of rocks to jump around while their Mom calls after them be careful! Rocks have no give to them! This would be a really inconvenient place to have an ambulance pick you up, you know?! The place? Halibut Point State Park. Coming up with activities in the late summer when lethargy is setting in but so is that end of summer gotta-make-the-most-of-these-days anxiety is a real thing.
New England really shows off her beauty here, I think. You’ve got the thick green brush that gives way to the rocks, and then ocean and sky as far as the eye can see. Bing, bang, boom — three very different landscapes, color palettes, one after the other. It’s kind of spectacular, isn’t it?
The entertainment here is endless, thus so is the potential for expending energy. The boys ran themselves ragged (well, they ran themselves, but ragged is up for debate. There seems to be no end to their energy reserves. Or if there is, I have rarely found it.).
More reminders that rocks don’t give much and please be careful of your precious heads!
To be honest, getting outside is imperative lately. It is grounding and it is life-giving and I need both of them in large doses and often these days. I keep saying that the world feels very disorienting to me lately. It has for awhile, but I’m feeling it heart and soul lately and it’s making me really sad. Are you feeling this way?
Escaping with these two little not so little boys to some place under the open sky does us all some good.
I don’t have much more to say here except that I hope these late summer days are giving you just what you need. And if not, I hope you find what that is really soon.
Note: The parking lot is only being full to half capacity, so depending on the time of day, there may be a wait to get in.
Looks like you had a lot of fun! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog