What day is it? What year is it? Who’s president? Where am I? The questions I ask myself or others in this strange time-warp of a week between Christmas and New Years. When routine is still topsy turvy, and the year is about to change a digit and you are considering New Year’s resolutions: should I or shouldn’t I?
You should do whatever you want to do, that’s what I say. But here’s what am I working on for the coming year? And this is as stream of conscience as it gets, but here goes: cooking more plant-based meals, exercising regularly (this has been on the list for about 10 years straight… maybe this next decade holds some magic), managing time better in the whole ‘do less, net the same’ line of thinking (this book to the rescue), spending less money / saving more money (this is still very, very, very much a major dream of ours and I think about it almost daily.), adopting kindness, love, and empathy to all but especially those challenging relationships in my life where sometimes I use sarcasm more than I should, and finally, digging deeper into my faith.
Here’s some things I recommend you do in this strange where-am-I week:
Watch The Biggest Little Farm and be prepared to be wholly inspired (family friendly, a few sad “circle of life” moments that can be tough for a sensitive child–they were for Parker.). One of the best documentaries we’ve watched in awhile.
Write down what you hope for the coming year. Getting out of debt? Going on a trip? Purging excess from your life? Big or small, write it down.
Eat some delicious food. A Christmas gift to me from me was this new cookbook and it has so many cookable recipes in it. Plus, she’s quirky and fun.
Get outside. That’s always a good thing. Always.
Okay, now off to make pesto for dinner–Parker’s request. Also, publishing this post at 5:15 which is breaking the blogging rules but in this upside down week, it feels perfectly appropriate.
outfit: sweater (similar) / jeans (sevens, old) / shoes c/o / hat
This time of the year is the strangest – I even have work on the 30th, haha, which feels kinda like I’m in a dream or a trance! Hope you’re having a great week! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I love a good documentary recommendation! I just watched the trailer and will be watching the rest of this ASAP! I mean, I have no plans for the rest of this week anyways… I have no idea what’s even happening in my life until school/work starts up again. I feel like I should be checking a calendar, but it’s strangely empty. Weird. It’s all weird.
This week is so weird and so wonderful. I don’t think I stepped outside of my house once yesterday.
Love the boots!
Mariya | https://www.brunetteondemand.com/
Adopting kindness – yes, it’s on my list too. Have a lovely rest of the year and start in the new one!
I like one solid resolution surrounded by a handful of “yeah that would be nice” statements. My commitment is to quickly journal each day, with a focus on gratitude. I received a daily planner & don’t need that function, so I’m leaving it on my nightstand as a simple way to jot down a few things. My cushion goals are smoothie lunches, daily yoga (hi again Adrienne!), getting outside every damn day, and beginning to shift to purchasing primarily second hand clothing. WE’LL SEE!