today, like so many days, anders-badger was like a kid on christmas morning. i was making gingersnaps and he bounded out of the kitchen in his cream and gray striped onesie hanna pajamas yelling, “yes! i love these!” he sat down to eat one and exclaimed, “yay!” as he took the first bite. a few minutes later, it was bedtime, and he climbed into bed and crawled on top of me (he still routinely falls asleep this way, like he did as a newborn) and said, “yay! your soft shirt! i want to stay with you forever!” and all of these with a level of enthusiasm that is perhaps the purest thing in the whole wide world. i turned to parker–we often do this when anders is being beyond the pale funny or cute or sweet–and we gave each other a knowing smile. “everyone needs an anders in their life,” i said. he smirked, and gave a nod, agreeing with me.
So cute! Loved this little anecdote 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Lump in throat. Ache in heart. Little kids are the best. Merry Christmas!
This is so cute!