we love these. they’re what sustain us in the long winter months until our next trip to the shore! honestly, parker will just open the vimeo app on the tv once in awhile and just sit and watch. so, here’s our latest. my attempts to capture some special times with cousins and family together. a moment in time. geez, these make me nostalgic.
in case you’d like to make them yourself (do it!), for the more vintage looking frames, i used the 8 mm app. the other clips are taken with my dslr. they’re put together using imovie (more simple than you think!). uploaded to vimeo. shared here! that’s it!
Love the video! 🙂 thanks for the app recommendation! ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Ooh, this video makes me want to eat some ice-cream. I love the vintage frames! They look very cool. Whoa, the sand track you guys built is amazing! The most impressive thing I’ve made with sand at the beach is a ditch- and that’s like the opposite of making something. Hahaha, I love at around the five minute mark how Anders is just doing his own thing!
That is the sweetest!