01. The Oprah Speech. You all know my love for her runs deep. Her speech brought it to a new level. She was poignant and classy and spoke to the political climate without actually getting in it (such a difficult thing to dance around while still saying so much) and it was just a really moving speech. She’s a good woman. I’m not even talking about Oprah 2020 like I’ve heard whispers of around the internet. I’m simply saying her speech was really wonderful and I would’ve loved to have been in the room to witness it live.
02. These leggings. If you’re going to commit to working out, it’s nice to have a few things you love wearing when you do. These are my new favorite leggings (by my always favorite brand). They’re high waisted which I love and so comfortable. I got a bunch of compliments on them during mountain climbers too. (JK about the compliments coming during mountain climbers.)
03. This book. Guys. Ten days into the New Year and so far I’m making good on my resolution to read more actual books. Finished The Reader!!! I’m patting myself on the back big time, and will probably fail for the rest of 2018. Anyway, it was incredible, heartbreaking, and makes you a bit sad in that heavy life-gone-wrong way. I’m still suggesting you read it, because it’s an incredible story, but it isn’t light. (P.S. The movie is good too.)
04. Dew Skin. I plan on doing a longer post about my make up routine these days, but wanted to give a shoutout to this that I’ve been using a lot lately. I’m normally feeling like I need coverage in the winter, but I think my skin is enjoying my current products because it’s clear enough to use this (and a little of the concealer pen for under eye and the bridge of my nose) for coverage alone. It’s got a sort of glowy finish plus is really hydrating and has vitamin C for brightening and age spots. I didn’t love it immediately but now I do. Go figure. (P.S. It’s got SPF, and when in doubt, No. 2 works for almost everyone.)
05. Jerry before Seinfeld on Netflix. Speaking of, WHEN (why hasn’t this already happened?) will Seinfeld–all seasons–be available on Netflix or Amazon??? We’ve got Friends, Frasier, we don’t have Seinfeld?!??
Jerry Before Seinfeld is AWESOME! I’ve kinda been over anything new he’s done (albeit I still watch reruns of Seinfeld like it’s my job– that IS a job, right?!). But it Jerry Before Seinfeld is funny, and smart and the passion seeps out of him. And as someone who always feels like she missed that comedy boat– it was inspiring and brought back the genius of Seinfeld…and desire to be…funny.
all seasons of Seinfeld are on Hulu!
Congrats on finishing your first book of the year! 🙂 I’m lagging behind!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Ahhh that Oprah speech! I crued watching it! And also I second your comment on Zella leggings. I’ve owned several pairs for years and they all look brand new despite nonstop washing and some rough use (think, crawling after babies on carpets)
*cried. Proof reading is my Achilles heel
You know Seinfeld is available on Hulu right?
i didn’t know that. but THANK YOU LAUREN!!
Speaking of Netflix, when will they have The Office (US, with Steve Carell) ???
they do! i think!!
Re: Dew Skin
Current thoughts on if it’s helping with brightening and age spots?? Yep, you’ve still got my attention with these products. : )
so brightening yes, i think so. age spots… i have some sun spots on my cheek — but no age spots (that i know of!) so cant speak to those yet… but i’m also using the brightening oil so could be a combination of things!
Is the dew skin similar to B.B. cream? That’s what I use now, but my goal is to switch out one old product for a better product as I use them up, and I’m almost out of B.B. cream.
I think B.B. cream is more similar to the tint skin than the dew skin! the dew skin is just a tinted moisturizer—super sheer coverage. just slightly skin perfecting. but i love that it’s moisturizing too and has a nice sort of dewiness to it.
I’m interested in this beauty counter stuff since you’ve been posting about it…i appreciate that you suggested a number 2 is a good color choice bc I am that person who has never worn make up-mostly bc I’m truly intimidated by it. I clicked your link and it said to join a Bridget hunt social. Is that something you’re considering? I’m north shore and would probably try to attend one of yours. Full disclosure-‘probably’ is pretty ambitious
Beautycounter is truly not intimidating! Email me if you’ve ever got questions. And on the social front—I’ve not actually had a physical social yet. They make me nervous!
also loved your full disclosure!
The Reader is SO good! My resolution is book-related also, and I just finished This Is The Way It Always Is by Laurie Frankel, and it wrecked me! If you’re looking for a family story that is endearing, funny, challenging and beautiful, highly recommend. It’s been said that it’s best to avoid reading about it so you go into it without pre-conceived notions, fyi.
Thank you for the recommendation!
This is a silly question that I feel like I SHOULD have an answer to, but I don’t. I literally don’t know how to wear makeup (other than insane stage makeup for a dance recital or play). My mom never wore it so I never picked up the skills… but now as a Mom myself sometimes i just want to put on a little something to look rested/showered/confident for date nights and such but I look at my bag of makeup I bought for my wedding and just…..don’t know what to do. Did you take a class or a tutorial or did you just instinctively know? Am I the only adult woman in the dark about this?
Ps: amen to Seinfeld needing to get its act together and hop on to Netflix (Hulu has commercials! Boo!)
You are NOT the only adult woman in the dark about this! I only got into it like 2 years ago, and was mostly trial and error, asking some questions at Sephora, and watching a few YouTubes. I think sometimes just thinking there are a lot of ‘rules’ makes it intimidating to even begin. Rules like you can’t use your fingers to apply xyz, or that you have to have a certain brush for xyz. Throw most of them out the window and just see what you like! Start with a nice tinted moisturizer and a blush and a mascara! Go from there! 🙂