Almost daily, I get really close to the mirror, stare at my forehead, and then get to pick-pick-picking. It’s so satisfying but achieves nothing besides, probably, pushing dirt further down the pores that aren’t currently showing themselves as a blackhead. Right? I mean “they” always say not to pick, but does anyone actually listen to that? (I have gotten way better at simply putting some clay on zits that haven’t really surfaced yet and IT IS MAGIC.) So, while I’m not saying I have problem skin, I definitely have tiny blackheads, particularly in sort of the center of my forehead, and I really don’t love them? That’s not a question. I don’t love them.
I of course took this to my skincare-guru sister who looked up a mask, tried it on herself, and reported the findings. I was curious enough to try it on myself too. So, let’s go. If you want to skip the homemade mask, this one had me very curious. So did this one–double hitter: blackhead removal and giving your family nightmares. Anyone tried either?Well that’s attractive.
(I didn’t put mine all over my face because my T-zone is more my problem area than anywhere else.)
The mask’s ingredients are as follows:
1 T unflavored gelatin (one pkg. as shown above)
1 t activated charcoal (I got this one.)
1/2 t bentonite clay
2 T water
Mix gelatin and water in ceramic bowl. Add charcoal and clay. Mix well (don’t use metal utensils or bowl; bentonite clay is made less effective when in contact with metal). It may be clumpy. Use double broiler to get it to a liquid consistency, and make sure it’s all incorporated. This only took a few minutes. Then remove from heat, and put it in the fridge for a minute or two until it thickens just a bit to a honey-like consistency. Once that’s complete, spread it on your face being careful to avoid eyebrows. I did this over the sink in case of drips. You can put another layer on if that doesn’t seem thick enough. Let dry completely, 10-15 minutes, and then–the best part!!–peel. If the peeling is too painful (it wasn’t for me), then wet it down and remove it with a damp washcloth (it is water soluble, so you don’t have to peel it. However, the peeling part is where the removal of whiteheads/blackheads comes in.).
Then look and see what you got. I was a little disappointed. If whiteheads were my problem, I think this would be the ticket in removing them. However, I don’t feel like it did anything for my blackheads. Which brings me to my next question… WHAT DOES.
{mask recipe from here}
I have something that speaks another language on my chin…it just winked at me! Got anything for that?!?? ??
ha, dying. I hate those (the ones that are sore to the touch) and I’m telling you, since putting bentonite clay on them at night and leaving it on overnight, they are gone within 1-2 days and never really progress beyond the stage when I put the clay on. make sense? GET YOURSELF SOME!
Tea tree oil! I keep it in the bathroom and if I have a zit or something that’s trying to become one, I put some tt oil on it whenever I’m in the bathroom. My sister (who recommended this) says you shouldn’t overdo how often you use it, but I’ve had no adverse reactions, even when applying as often as every hour. Might be different for dry/thinner skin. Mine is thick and oily.
If you catch them early, some pimples will actually disappear overnight. Others (the ones that make half the face hurt to touch and need their own postcodes) will still appear for me, but will take shorter to heal and will be more manageable.
Indian healing clay mask is the best! Sold at whole foods, amazon etc. Recommended to me by a esthetician. It’s hard core and can be tight but it’s – awesome.
I love how the ingredients are so minimal. I’ve never really had a problem with black or whiteheads, so I’ve never tried any masks targeting them. This products sound convincing though.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
this gets all the blackheads!
I actually have that! and another bentonite clay from my sister’s shop. do you feel like they actually remove blackheads though? I have put it on them, but I haven’t found that to be true! which is why… I pick. :-\
thanks to nursing hormones i feel like i have the acne of a 15 year old so, um THANK YOU.
xo, brittany
16 sandals under $30 on my blog today
guh. hormones man. my face did things during and post babies that it never did before!!!
Biore pore strips really do work. The trick is to wet the skin but the strip on then put a wet cloth over the strip for a bit almost like a temporary tattoo. Wait till its completely dry and voila! The white Boscia peel off mask is really good too. You can buy a sample pack of their three peel offs by the check out at Sephora.
you think biore works for whiteheads AND blackheads? I’m so intrigued. and thanks for the Sephora recc!
If you want to ‘pick’ and not damage your skin, get one of those comedone extractors. I bought one at The Body Shop and have never looked back! It has a different shaped tip at each end and I find it very useful instead of ruining my skin with fingers and nails.If you use severe pressure you can also hurt yourself but one just needs gentle pressure and even a rocking motion against the skin with the extractor and out they pop! If you really want to get addicted and see how it is really done, watch Dr Pimple Popper on you tube, she has over a million followers. Don’t blame me if you get addicted to her videos, ha ha. Some of them are quite relaxing.
that youtube channel. hilarious! thank you!
I’m pretty sure nothing gets rid of blackheads, though I’m a big fan of Biore strips. But here’s the good news–I’m in my mid-fifties, have had combo skin my whole life and I just got carded when buying wine–by a cashier my son’s age! I will tell you that those of us with somewhat oily skin and curse it for years get a big payoff as we age. My friends whom I used to envy for their blemish-free complexions now look much older than I do.
Here’s what I’ve been doing since my twenties: a dab of Retin-A at night (the only proven cream that actually helps with collagen and promotes rapid cell turnover–check out the medical journals) and sunscreen everyday, regardless of weather. There are now good medical articles on how continued use of sunscreen keeps skin wrinkle-free, never mind protected from skin cancer!
Here’s another game changer–I just started using home micro needles and my skin is glowing. The roller is only $30. Here’s the article that convinced me to try:
Oil based cleanser. I was deeply skeptical, but my enormous pores/constant blackheads have never looked better. I use Banila Clean It Purity, followed by a gentle cleanser applied with the Konjac sponge (although I think a wash cloth would be fine too).
i use an oil based cleanser! still have a few pesky blackheads on my forehead though. my skin is pretty good overall though!
I’ve had a bunch of luck with hormonal breakouts AND blackheads using hydrogen peroxide. I start by exfoliating well with baking soda (I don’t want to use a product that leaves behind a moisturizer or anything) then wetting my hands with hydrogen peroxide and patting it on my skin. Don’t get it in your eyes!! Let it sit for a bit and fix away, your pores feel so clean! Dunce off and use a toner to close those pores up before they get dirty. Moisturize as usual.