I don’t get to Rockport very often, even though it’s really a perfect day trip, even a half-day trip, as it’s not that big of a commitment driving wise, parking isn’t an issue, and it’s a simple (and lovely) drive to actually get there. I’m not sure why it’s not on my radar. Is my mind only on some sort of a north-south wavelength? Rockport is east, about as far as you can go nearby, unless you’re going south and then east and you hit the Cape (look here, I’ve unearthed this old-school map to demonstrate.) But anyway…
Rockport is a sweet walking town, Bearskin Neck is the section that truly juts out into the ocean capped by a huge jetty at the very end and a nearly 360 degree panorama of the Atlantic. It’s not technically pedestrian only but it practically is as it’s mostly shops without parking lots dotting the walk.
The beautiful and iconic Motif Number 1 as I peered through the space in the houses.
We had Parker’s jacket along, but he decided to leave it in the car and in a moment of foolishness, I didn’t shove it under the stroller or tell him to wear it anyway. But these days! The temperature is just so unpredictable. In the shade: jacket on. In the sun: jacket off. In the mornings: heat on. In the afternoons: windows open. It’s why, and I’ve said this before, I always end up with a cold this time of year because I don’t dress properly. (I know, the jury is out on whether a chill can truly make you sick, but I’m of the mind that it can and that’s because my Mother has always said so.)
When, within minutes of our walk, Parker was requesting his jacket and saying he was “too cold!” we popped into the most picturesque cafes of all on Bearskin Neck: Helmut’s Strudel. I saw hot cider and the decision was made. We shared a croissant (if Parker sees one, he will always request it and I like to think his many mornings of “cornetto semplice!” have stuck with him), a blueberry muffin, and a cider.
This look you’re seeing right here was definitely the moment that Parker plucked a piece of Anders’ blueberry muffin from him and Anders gave him a death stare. That boy, for being a little as he is, can seriously hold his own. When Anders is pissed, he’ll let Parker know it (and rightly so! Parker can be way too pushy!).
I know these pictures are virtually identical, but I like them both and couldn’t decide. Is it just me or is Parker looking awfully grown up in them? Also, I just love Anders’ smile these days (in the first shot). It’s a combination smile and constipation, if we’re being honest. It’s so funny.
Isn’t that the sweetest ice cream shop you’ve ever seen? Bearskin Neck is surrounded on both sides by water so just beyond every cafe, home, shop it’s just a blue vista. It makes the whole thing that much more charming and unique.
Trivia fact: Legend (one) has it that Bearskin Neck got its name when a bear got caught and was killed when it hit the rocks. Legend (two) has it that Bearskin Neck got its name when a local killed a bear that attacked his nephew and left the skin out to dry on the rocks.
outfits // on me: sweater (similar): gap, jeans (old): h&m; hat: amazon / on parker: sweatshirt, hat, jeans: h&m, sneakers (on sale): zappos / on anders: hat: freckletree (i’ve had two of these and they’ve gone through both boys and are one of my favorite hand me downs ever), jeans (old): gap, jacket (old): old navy, shoes: zappos
Oh now that looks like a place I’d like to live… Not that I bet it’s reasonably priced to live there! LOL. A visit all the way from South Jersey may just have to do! Any good BnBs up yonder?
Although some sleuthing shows that the Bearneck Leathers building is up for grabs!
do it!
Just from reading your blog I’ve fallen in love with New England – so beautiful.
Lovely! Even if my husband and I don’t move to MA next year, we will at least need to visit!!!
I’m from Portland Oregon, but we have taken three east coast trips in October and I don’t think there’s a prettier place in the world. Last year we did a lot of Maine and I think for harbor towns Camden was a favorite. I loved Rockport when we were there!
This town looks lovely. I’m from the west coast and love seeing your east coast travel pics:)
parker’s little legs hanging off that bench and almost touching the ground is too much for me!! how is he so big?? and new england is on my list because of you! so charming!