This picture is from Congress Hall’s bike rental shop in Cape May. The whole yellow vibe Congress Hall has going on is SO GOOD.
Making: beef enchiladas at the moment. We just got home from NJ and it’s nice to cook in my own kitchen. (But it was equally nice being off most of the week!) I use Gimme Some Oven’s enchilada sauce and otherwise throw whatever I want in (ground beef, corn, spinach, onions, black beans, and cheese this evening!).
Drinking: white wine from Palazzone. Missing Orvieto and our friends. (Hi Sylvia!)
Reading: Into Thin Air. I think I started it like 10 years ago but, with a renewed interest (after watching Everest the other day), I am EATING IT UP. Completely riveting story. If you’re into the outdoors at all, read it if you haven’t already. It is sooooo good. I’m totally mystified.
Wanting: this dress. I love a good casual summer dress.
Listening: Keith Urban’s “Wasted Time” — SUCH a good summer song
Looking: through all my pictures from New Jersey. I got some great ones. I am always so happy to have captured those precious memories on camera.
Playing: in the sandbox!
Eating: berries, grapes, all the summer fruit. Anders just sat here feeding me grapes too. Sometimes he’ll reach for my mouth like he’s going to give it to me, then yank it back and pop it in his mouth with a smirk. God I love that kid.
Wishing: it wasn’t July yet. I feel like summer should JUST be getting underway. If it’s August before I’m ready, I’m petitioning that school start a month later. (Seriously though, post for another day, summer is too short. And also, is homework necessary? Okay, let’s not do this right now.)
Enjoying: bike rides, where I live, my family, geraniums, putting lotion on after I shower. The most random assortment?
Loving: these shoes. Just wish they wouldn’t make me like 6’2″. Tall girl problems.
Smelling: this candle. I love the earthy scent.
Feeling: badly for Anders who’s cutting his canines. Damn teething! Poor kid. He’s pretty miserable unless he’s totally distracted from life.
Wearing: pajamas.
Following: the #BlackLivesMatter news that continues to emerge. I really enjoyed this article. I haven’t known what to say about the subject. I still don’t. I just think it’s so heartbreaking and I want a change. Me saying that feels so trite, because I’m not the victim. There are so many who stand to gain so much more than me by change taking place. It has to happen. How?
love that relevant article. so good.
I love that #blacklivesmatter article. I just wanted to scream YES! to all of it. I’m saving it because I too am at a loss for words.
Also, isn’t cooking in your own kitchen with your own stuff after vacation such a good feeling?
same. it’s one of my favorite reads so far on the subject. and yes to cooking in my own kitchen! though gimme a week and I’ll be sick of it again.
I’m not adventurous at all and I’ve never gone climbing but I LOVED Into Thin Air. It was fascinating and the story stuck with me long after I finished it. I also loved Between A Rock and A Hard Place by Aron Ralston. It’s the true account that the movie 127 Hours was based on. It sounds like it would be depressing thing to read about but it was really well done and had a lot more detail than the movie.
ooh. thank you for the book recc! i loved the movie.
Thank you for the link to the article – a very informative read.
And on a lighter note, NJ and Cape May also always look so pretty! I hope Anders is feeling better soon, there should be another way to get teeth 😉
TOTALLY hear ya on being gobsmacked that it’s July already. I’m with ya, sistah, on not letting August hit without our permission. I’ve had four months of maternity leave – which is up in two weeks – and I’m mystified at how quickly it’s gone. And I felt like I was so present to everything (I get the same sense from you) – and yet POOF! It’s nearly gone. Summer too — there’s still a lot of it left, but I’m aware we need to be mindful of how we’re spending our days … that it’s not totally endless. Wish it were!
Homework … I keep reading about how it’s just not that beneficial and especially not till kids are older. A number of schools here in Chicago are implementing a homework-is-optional policy through second grade and some are toying with that for older kids too.
I’m reading Into Thin Air right now, too, and am also loving it!
Preach, fellow tall girl! There’s nothing like loving 4″ heels, but feeling weird about the comments you’ll get if you wear them . . . Those Urban Outfitters shoes you wore with the Brass Ponte Pant are ahhhhhhmazing. Please continue showing me what to wear. 😉
I love Into Thin Air!!!! So good. It’s one of my all-time favorites. Krakauer is such an amazing writer. Read Into The Wild if you haven’t! Also, Learning to Fly by Steph Davis. That book literally changed my life. I am a skydiver because of it!