You know how Facebook is a dirty temptress with all the ads for things you’ve been looking at, or things like the things you’ve been looking at in the sidebar? Well they nailed me with this one. GIVE ME. (But cha-chiiiiing.)
This video on someone coming to your door in the past vs. the present is hilarious and so true.
Stop telling me I should have kids. Joy Bryant talks about her decision not to have children!
Benefits of drinking lemon water!
Organic, cage-free, free-range: what all the labels on your eggs mean. (In conclusion: cage-free isn’t as good as it sounds.) Also, an egg scorecard.
Been wanting to try overnight oats for awhile. This amazing post is just the thing to get me started.
This chambray swing dress would be an all-the-time summer dress. (On sale now, too.)
I love this home, especially that bedroom.
Parker is more interested in drawing these days, and some of those step-by-step drawing books are super complicated. Here’s one that’s on the simple side for kids.
Have a good weekend!
We are totally on the same wave length right now! Just started drinking hot lemon drinks this past month every morning and I like the routine. It's always a good feeling to do something that is supposed to be good for you right at the start of the day. Same with overnight oats! Delish. Happy weekend Bridget 🙂
do you notice any changes?!
I KNOW. they're the bootie to end all booties.
The doorbell video!! It's so true!
8 in the morning, and I'm laughing so loud at that then vs now video. Oh gosh, what a perfect start to my day!! Thank you. xo
Thanks so much! I am determined to get rid of the cereal in my house and make those oats!
Thanks so much! I am determined to get rid of the cereal in my house and make those oats!
ME TOO. they look amazing don't they? and knowing all i have to do is open a jar and start eating that morning?! amazing.
The oat recipes look amazing – thanks for linking to them!
Love all your links. Well given the egg sitch, I guess you'll just have to get some chickens. We have 5 and absolutely love them. They produce more eggs than we could ever eat and they mostly eat bugs/plants from the yard and leftover veggies, fruits, grains from us. The kids absolutely love them too.
i would love to! it's definitely something on my "to do / to check out" list – first need to check if our town allows it!
The egg thing always confused me! I heard a while back that you should go for Free Range rather than Organic, that that's more important. What do you guys do? I trust you completely with health stuff! ha!
we either buy from a local farm that's very invested in free range/chickens eating organic compost, etc. (so prob meets both free range and organic) OR from the grocery store–and when we do that it's usually pete and gerry's which gets a 3 which is still very good. and i believe they're both free range and organic too?? i would assume the farm ones get a 5 – but i can't always get there when we need eggs!
I love these posts! Fun, random fact, my uncle's family farm is listed (with a great rating) on that egg scorecard! Burroughs Family Farm! And their eggs are the best I've ever had.
oh i love that!! go them!
you should check out kids art hub on youtube. it might be a little old for him, but there are probably some simple tutorials on there. it's a dad and one of his kids (i think he has three) and they sit side by side and draw step by step. my son LOVES it!
That Scandinavian home blog may be my new favorite internet time suck, thanks for the new addiction 🙂
Facebook was your temptress and you mine. I clinked that darn link and those shoes are on point.