We watched Brooklyn last night and Spotlight the night before. Our friend from Italy who’s visiting doesn’t find our current movies with the same ease that we do so we’re all playing catch up together. Not that we need a reason to plop in front of the television for movie night. Anyhow, I’d recommend both. Dedicated journalists uncovering an awful story or an Irish immigrant trying to find home. Different and both fabulous. Watch them. (I couldn’t decide immediately how I wanted Brooklyn to end, and decided today that I’m very satisfied with how it did.)
Anders has learned nose and taps mine anytime our faces are close. He taps his own, he taps mine. He’s gentle about it, smiling, self satisfied while he does. He’s also beginning to take steps with much more confidence. He’s had it in him for awhile, I think, but has only now decided to do it, ten or twelve steps at a time, until he grabs a chair, plops on his bum.
You might already know, but it snowed today. The second official day of spring. It’s mean, and it’s nasty of Mother Nature to do such a thing to us after teasing us, more than teasing us, into packing away our boots and gloves. Steve looked in the bag by the back door where these things usually are, as he headed out to shovel the driveway. “Where are my gloves?” I’d put them in the basement bins already.
Parker and I dyed Easter eggs the other day. That brownish one is his favorite, a mix of green and yellow and maybe blue? We only broke a few, and I’m not sure if it was him or me. He’s careful, and listens in the kitchen and it’s really nice to have him in there with me. He pulls up the yellow stool so happily. With other things, I have to tell him a thousand times. “Wash your hands, wash your hands, WASH YOUR HANDS!” When he’s in the kitchen with me, he’s attentive and gentle.
Your eggs look great 😉 Would love to know what you used to dye them..a kit/regular food coloring/& did you just hard boil them?? Gotta get my act together this year with the egg dying but I need help!
I used this found at my supermarket!
Hardboiled them first!
felt like i was in your kitchen sipping tea when i read this. thanks for being authentic even when it's just the simple things and not the deep things. after all, most of life is made up of all those mundane beauties that we quickly pass over—kids learning new things before our eyes…finding their personalities right in front of us. gracias.