Another Christmas come and gone. Anders was the tiniest little peanut last year, and now he’s sitting up (still no walking, and barely even standing without assistance–he’s slow to all of that, and content to be worn in the sling or hang on my hip and I quite like it that way.), and flipping through books, and biting. Yes, biting. Don’t let his sweet face fool you!
Anyway. We warned the kids that after a three-month trip abroad, this Christmas would be light on presents. Not only that, but gosh! We don’t need much. So, there were some clothes, some Nerf guns, an army fatigue outfit (Parker is so earnest with the outfit, with the guns. I learned long ago not to bother fighting the boy culture–Nerf it is. And he’s thrilled. He also manages to be a tough guy, and still cuddle with me almost any time I want.).
We played a round of Balderdash that night and it was so funny. Nathaniel and Jordan are serious readers so they both are really good at the game, while William and Lindsey came out with the most ridiculous things that had us all laughing. Fezzle according to Lindsey? A drizzle in February. (It’s actually a litter of pigs, by the way.)
Kids are on break so we’re watching movies, lazing around, going for walks. I discovered that Lindsey has never seen The Notebook so we watched it last night. And then The Vow was on and we watched that too and it somehow became a serious chick-flick-night (also Rachel McAdams night). The Notebook wins, of course. “It wasn’t over! It still isn’t over!”
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Love, love, love Nancy Tillman. The Crown on Your Head and The Spirit of Christmas this week. The last page in Christmas and I'm like desperately trying to whisper out the words between tears.
YES. I read it to Parker's class last week and STILL almost cried at that last line. Like shaky voice and everything. #emotional
LOL your handwriting is great. Santa's is slightly different haha Love it.
Quick question, I know you've posted before but who made your logo?
Nothing is better than On the Night You Were Born. I will always cry and it will always be my favorite <3
Have you read the continuation of the Notebook? The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks…it was amazing and I read it in a day!
We love Nancy Tillman as well and, nope, can't make it through without crying. Reading those books is definitely more for me than my son!
We were just discussing last night how Grey's posture is so much better than ours!! Looks like your family had a great Christmas! 🙂
I still remember the year I discovered Santa and my mother had the same handwriting. There were some serious debates happening in my head that year. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Maybe Steve should write the Santa response next year!;) Or William, I bet he'd love that little responsibility!
Nancy Tillman! She gets me every single time. But I love love love everything about her books.