It started a few weeks ago when I got the late fee for Parker’s soccer registration in the spring. I wondered well, what else am I late for? And also who are the organized folks who are thinking this far ahead? Surely not I. So I began investigating a little bit. School in the fall. What’s that about?
As it turns out, we’re looking into one for Parker next year. For a few days, the whole idea made me very knot-in-the-throat emotional. He’d give me a sweet look, a cuddle, an unprompted I love you, Mom and I’d think see! This is what I’ll miss if he’s in school! Then, I put my selfishness aside (like a big girl!) and asked myself what does he need? What’s the best thing for him? It was a struggle. And asking yourself these questions on what feels like the hundred and eighty-seventh day of this dreadful winter (and a winter when we introduced a newborn) complicates things. This, right now, is not our all-the-time life, I have to remind myself. This is not our year round normal. This seven-feet of snow, icy sidewalks, lack of playdates because of the treacherous conditions on the roads or because of another two feet of snowfall, libraries being closed (libraries can close for the weather! Those librarians do not sleep behind their desks, as it turns out.), nursing a newborn around the clock, boredom. So, I circled around the idea for a few days, poking and prodding it hoping it would spit out a solution. I’d call Steve on his way to work with a new revelation that just needed to be hashed out right then and there. No doubt he loves when Bridget has a lot on her mind.
After some looking, some talking, some thinking, some praying, I think we came up with a happy medium. A place that we can wade into slowly and that he’ll love too. Well, I sure hope the latter is true. We’ve got awhile till we get there.
But first, spring!
(Your experiences good, bad, or otherwise? Or just a “you can do it!” vote of confidence. We’ll take that too.)
You can do it bridge. It'll be good for both of you. You'll cry when you drop him off…a lot…but it gets better I promise.
You can do it! You are a strong mama! Springtime will be here soon! It's basically already March! I will pray for no more snow! Bc I don't want anymore either, tho PA is way less than where you are. ?
You've totally got this. So there!
My oldest starts Kindergarten in NBPT this fall and I was super impressed by the parent indo night last month. Fingers and toes crossed …for all of us:)
I'm in the same shoes as you are. I've already whined it out to my patient husband, "…but he's my baby!" He nods his head and waits for me to get over it because I've done it once before with my now teenager.
It's usually emotional at first but after that it will become a routine that comes with a lot of good. I started a tradition years ago with my oldest; every year, on the first day of classes, I will take him to his donut shop of choice. It's a nice tradition between just me and him. 😉 You've got this!!
We're doing better here, after some rough "Kindergarten" time (just for me, the kid was doing great after about two weeks) so: yes, you can do it and – after reading your blog for some years now (how did that happen?!) – I'm pretty convinced you will do it with class, grace and all the empathy you need for this.
You can so do it and Parker will just love it, he really will. Definetly harder on mom than on him but he'll thrive and you'll both get into a new routine that will work and be great! Since I work FT my kids go to daycare so it's never really been a question or issue for me and my oldest who just turned 5 attended 3k and now 4k at her daycare which really wasn't any diff to me than actual daycare, cause she's at the same place the whole day. Well, she will start Kindergarten in the fall at a new school for 5 days a week all day every day and if you could just hold me for a minute while I process that it would be helpful!!!! Kidding aside, she's ready for it and I know I have to be too! Hugs and good vibes sent to you! 🙂
Ok, what is your solution?! We are doing this dance also!
Ok, what is your solution?! We are doing this dance also!
I sat in the parking lot and cried for most of the first week when my oldest started preschool. He still sometimes cries when I show up to bring him home, because he loves it so much. You can do this!
I think you do whatever is best for your kids and work through it! I am homeschooling. It was after an immense amount of thinking, talking, and praying that we came to that decision. Is it easy? Nope, but we love it for right now. We just take one year at a time and re-evaluate for each new season of life. My kiddos are 6, 4 and newborn – so we aren't that far into the journey.
You know it's so true! I can't believe my son is 2 already and next year we will have to think about pre-school. What? My kid is going to go to an actual school?
I cannot home school and will probably not ever do it so the only option for us is a good school. Yeah, don't get me started on that one!
Time just goes by so fast but I'm sure you will figure it out smart chica!
my son just started pre k too, he is doing great and really seems to love it. we also are easing into it, just two mornings a week now and that seems to be right choice.
also our first day of preschool;
We put our 2.5-year-old in Preschool this year when he had just turned 2.5. At the beginning, it was for me to have a Break, but he flourished so much that we added a day and now he's in 3 days a week. He just loves it and all of his friends and teacher so dearly. Sure, we had a good month of tears and begging me to stay, but now he tells me to leave, "go, Mommy….I want to play now." His social skills are abundantly improved. He shares so much better than I was able to get him to do. He's learned his ABC and 123s (before he wouldn't sit still long enough for me to try to teach him). I'm constantly shocked by his compassion for others now and how I arrive at each class to find him sitting Criss Cross Applesauce and actually listening….to a teacher! He comes home exhausted and has stories about new friends every day.
Right there with you with a 3.5 year old and a newborn coming in June. Don't want to make this decision! Keep us posted!!
It'll be great for all of you. You can start out at just a couple days a week or whatever feels comfortable. You'll have time with your new little one, he'll have playtime with other kids and lots to tell you when he gets home…it's a win-win for sure.
I had one in preschool, and one in Mothers day out. I loved both. I loved having them gone a few hours a week twice a day. Having a full-time job and being a super mom to three daughters, not to mention a wife, it was a nice break. They learned so much, and blossomed into awesome little creatures.
I have the same exact sentiments that LLLJess wrote! My now five year old twins started preschool when they were 2.5 (it was only 2 days a week) and they have absolutely thrived there. Its a few hours a day (ours is 9a-12noon) and they look forward to it! They have made so many friends, learned so much more than I could ever teach them, and every week it cracks me up to hear what their "jobs" are at school. My son is the "line leader" this week and he takes such pride in it:) My daughter is the is the "weather watcher" where the child looks out the window and lets the class know the weather forecast for the day. Its adorable…activities that your child just can't experience being at home with mom or on playdates. Good luck…I'm sure Parker will love it:)
You can do it! He will love it! Imagine how proud you will be when he comes home with all these wonderful works of art and stories!
I think that your thought about this being the best thing for him is what you need to remember. He will love interacting with the other kids and I'm sure will really love going to school. Just remember that even the rough days will help him learn appropriate emotional responses and how to deal with difficult situations. It's all part of raising a well adjusted, happy child. It will all be good. YOU CAN DO IT!
Also, I meant to mention that when questioning your decisions, you can always read up on all the statistics that show how much preschool benefits your child throughout their entire life. Preschool has long-term effects on important societal outcomes such as years of education completed, earnings and reduced crime and teen pregnancy. Preschool is good and important and you're doing a good thing by sending him! 🙂
i'm probably the least experienced person commenting on this (since i don't have kids!), but i worked at a preschool part-time during college and i thought it was an awesome chance for kids to learn surrounded by their peers. everything was fun! and new! and had a song! and they seemed to love it, even the ones that sobbed in my arms for 20 minutes after dad/mom had left. ultimately, this is a you can do it! comment 🙂
You can do it! I've got my kiddo on a two year old class waiting list (at our church preschool) for this coming year. I'm also a stay at home mom and wonder if it's best. But I know she's going to love it. She adores being in the nursery at our church and playing with the other kiddos so much that I know she's going to love it. There's an excellent ted talk about preschool and so many studies that show just how amazing it is. We're starting off with 2 mornings a week to ease into things. The opportunity to run some errands without a kiddo is also something I'm looking forward to! 🙂
So I didn't do preschool with my two oldest because we "homeschooled" and I was living in a place where there were a lot of other moms doing the same thing to save money because preschool can be expensive. And my first two were very shy, introverted home bodies who needed some more time to adjust to school.. They transitioned into school fine. (Well one is still very tired out by being around others, but is happy.) My 3rd kid has been in a preschool program since before she turned 3 and it's been three days a week. She has loved it, she's super extraverted and high energy…. Both ways produced happy children.
That picture goes great with the post! I can totally sympathize with you. I wound up doing two years of preschool with my little guy. I was at the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Bible study and a moms group and he was awful in the nursery…crazy separation anxiety. I thought it would be better for him to have consistent teachers. The beginning was rough…for the both of us! I was pregnant and emotional…and he was just emotional as well. It was an amazing year for him though. He really learned a lot and became a lot more confident. Looking back I'm so thankful that we did it. Kindergarten is no joke! It's insane how much they expect the kids to learn so quickly…which makes me sad that they can't enjoy being little for a bit longer. Good luck, mama. Who knew this journey of motherhood was gonna be so heart wrenching!!
Everett's been in some sort of play school or preschool since he was newly two. Looking back, I think 3.5 was probably the age where it was actually more beneficial and enjoyable to him than being at home with me. So you're not starting late!
It is going to be emotional, no matter when Parker starts. Every time we bump up to a new class, I get emotional again, and just thinking about kindergarten and real back packs makes me want to cry. The first day is hardest on you, and the second day is hardest on them (because they realize what's happening and how long the day can be), but once you make it a full week, you'll be all smiles again. If he's as sensitive as Everett is, expect some tears at drop off. A teacher who is kind and quick on her feet can be a real blessing with that. We've had some who just stand there and watch as your kid gloms onto your knees and raises hell about being left behind. We've got a classroom aide now who tells Everett he's her favorite and rushes over the second we walk in to take him into class. We're mostly past the tears stage, but any sort of change in morning routine can set that off again (i.e., I take him in instead of Mike).
You'll both find your way. Always here to talk it out if you need.
Ah this is such a tough one for me. Where I live school is free so everyone does it from age 3. The hours are 9-5 5 days a week there aren't part time options. So I decided not to put my son in school this year. But next year when he is 4. I'm still
Unsure what to do. I wish some part time program was available 🙁 all the kids are in school all day so play dates are very limited. It's a tough decision. Good luck!!
I definitely think every kid is different. My daughter started with 2 afternoons a week at a private preschool that has an awesome reading and writing program and does Hands on play and learning, tons of crafts, and amazing teachers. The second year she moved to 3 days a week for 2 hours. There is no pressure for kids to move at the same pace as other kids in their class, they progress at their own speed. Most importantly they learn how to work and get along with other kids and are introduced to school as an amazing and fun opportunity that is exciting. I will no doubt cry at the end of the year just like I did the first year, because we have formed such bonds with the teachers. So, I am pro preschool and think you will both love it and appreciate your time together even more! (Long time reader seldom commenter because, kids. 🙂 )
YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT! Easton was in 'school' from 12 weeks until he was about 3 1/2. And LOVED it. Then he was home with me almost a year when Emerson was born. He just went back in the Fall, 2 days a week. Kindergarten starts this year. And I may be in the corner when that happens. But 2 days a week…totally doable. PLUS. A friend once told me, "easton had one on one time with you, Emerson needs that too". So…that kinda helped. And Emerson LOVES having Easton home…but she also really enjoys Tuesday/Thursday too…when Easton goes to school and we are home with each other. I think you're going to do just great! AND SO IS PARKER!!!!!!