let’s talk about beauty products, girls!
disclosure: i’m in no way an expert. like at all. but i do like looking nice. sue me! i’m also not a products hoarder. i buy one thing, use it until it’s gone or long past its expiration (or, in the case of mascara, add a drop of water to it, mix it up, and try to get a few (hundred) more swipes out o’ the tube), and then… i go and buy more. i know there are gals who try new things all the time but i just like to know what works and stick with it. i do not like wasting my money in this arena. i went through a period where bad gal lash was the only mascara i would use and then, upon closer inspection, was like, “mmm…. is this really worth the $20 price tag? are my lashes really falling under the “bad gal” category?” i moved on to the generic drug store variety and have felt every bit as bad gal as i did when i used “bad gal lash.” it is what it is.
so basically, either i use something and like/love it and keep buying it over and over. or i get a really strong recommendation from someone who i deem smarter than me in the “beauty products category” (which all of you and your mothers fall under) and then i go and buy that. simple!
here are some things i’ve really come to love. but please read till the end because i need some advice.
1. nars pigalle. it’s a great every single day lipstick (for my skin tone anyway). you don’t look like you’re going to the club (i so respect women who can wear red lips to the grocery store and think nothing of it but i’m certain that everyone’s staring at me when i do so. but! i went to a party this weekend and wore my red lips and did not look back. who’s a big girl?! i am, i am!). also, nars, in my humble opinion, actually is worth its price tag. particularly their mattes. they truly stay on. at the same time, i’m not a lipstick expert so maybe cover girl/maybelline’s do too? spill the deets. other favorite lipsticks are nars red lizard and this mac nude who’s label has since worn off (and sometimes i combine that with the pigalle–soooo fancy). i have sooo much to offer here.
my questions: do you have an orange you love? i want an orange. do you have a lipstick you love in general?
2. anastasia brow wiz. this is like the greatest addition to my beauty routine ever. i had invisible eyebrows (evidence: yesterday’s post) and now i don’t and, guess what, eyebrows you can see are actually quite lovely and really add something to a face. who’d have known? i added this about a year and a half ago and am on my second pencil and it’s sort of a must for me. don’t let yourself fall victim to the invisible eyebrow.
3. this expensive hair dryer. hear me out. it’s going on probably ten years under my tutelage and still works great. dries faster and better than any other hair dryer i’ve used, so cost per use is like… a penny at this point.
my questions: a really good brush? that helps the blowdrying/styling??
4. oribe dry texturizing spray. i just started using this so technically it has no business being in this round up until i’ve seen the real fruits of its labor. i will say though–it smells really nice. i catch whiffs of my hair in the breeze and am like, “damn what’s that delightful smell? oh! just me!” and the reviews on amazon were all really, really positive. i’m a sucker for good reviews. will i continue buying it at its hefty (for dry shampoo) price tag? TBD.
my questions (these are some of the most important of the whole post): do you have a dry shampoo you can’t live without? (i’ve used suave too.) or a make-hair-more-voluminous-and-amazing-without-showering routine??? cause that’s really what i’m going for. more volume, less showering. please tell me what to do. also! my ceramic curler thing is on the fritz (i have to hold the on button really hard for at least ten minutes to have it remain on. this is going on a year or so. my thumbs are numb by the time it’s hot. it’s time to replace it.). do you have a curling iron you love????? link me! please!
5. sephora liquid eyeliner. when i want to be extra fancy and glam i put this on and, let me tell you, it does the trick. i really love using it and probably do so about once a week. small victories for this SAHM! way less glam, though, when my eyes water, i rub them, and then rub this all over my face too. and here’s a better tutorial than any i’d attempt to do.
so, i guess that’s all i have to add to the beauty regime conversation. really valuable, right??? oh, i really, really love cherry chapstick too. that should have been number one.
what are some tried and true products/tips/tricks that i should know about???? word-of-mouth recommendations are my favorite.
I love nars lipsticks too! especially that they wear off nicely without disappearing or being splotchy. I have this curling iron and really like it and although it looks kind of complicated, it's not: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00011QUKW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. good luck with the rest of your search!
It totally looks complicated! I'll check it out though. Thank you, Meredith!
Ooooo! Oooo! Oooo! DRY SHAMPOO! You have got to try this stuff: http://www.amazon.com/Lulu-Organics-Hair-Powder-Jasmine/dp/B002HDSPYG/ref=sr_1_12?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1414012772&sr=1-12&keywords=dry+shampoo+powder
it's all natural (which I think you may like!) and it seriously, honest to god, actually works. I use to wash my hair every other day and now I use this and wash my hair TWICE a week and ADDS VOLUME! I can't speak if it is better than the orbie but it far surpasses drugstore dry shampoos (I have tried them all and they always left a weird funky white texture in my hair) you can also purchase the dry shampoo in a travel bottle size for I think $10. next time I plan to probably just buy the travel size bottle because this stuff lasts forever (even though I use it every day). anyways I need to calm down bc writing a novel length recommendation is borderline crazy cakes.
one last thing: mason pearson hairbrush. WORTH EVERY PENNY. I think we have similar hair textures (wavy and thicker) and this just does so good. I brush my hair when its wavy and it just bounces back all gloriously and frizz free. seriously great investment plus its beautiful on your vanity and fun to travel with. the only draw back is that I don't use mine to blow dry my hair bc I don't want the heat to ruin it and distort is anyway. I also don't use it with the dry shampoo/heavy product. also I got mine on amazon discounted. I am more of a miniamalist person but swear by this brush and have a separate one for blow drying/using dry shampoo. that is all!! xoxox
I have heard of that brush! Okay, okay. I will check it out at Sephora.
All natural! I do like that. I am pretty sure dry shampoo cannot be good for us. THANK YOU.
Nars Heatwave is a really great red-orange but it's sort of bright. Also, I LOVE Ojon's Full Detox rub out dry cleansing powder but I cannot find it online anywhere right now which is stressing me out. It gives your hair SO much volume and makes it so clean and magical. I swear by hair powders for dry shampoo vs. sprays which always end up making my hair feel kind of gross. This Oscar Blandi dry shampoo is a close second, it doesn't give your hair quite as much texture (which some people might like, the Ojon stuff is kind of intense) but definitely still gives you volume: http://www.sephora.com/pronto-dry-shampoo-P254307?skuId=987057&icid2=Oscar_Blandi_Drystyling_Carousel_P254307_image all my former sorority sisters swear by the Oscar blandi stuff as well.
Oh I have heard RAVE reviews of Heatwave. Thank you!
Also, if a bunch of sorority sisters are swearing by something, I want to be on that train.
Blergh! Blogger ate my comment!
What I was trying to say:
In terms of dry shampoo, I like Dove's. It has a nice scent (to me) and it does its job fairly well. In terms of actual effectiveness, I think Vidal Sassoon's is my top pick…except for the fact that every. single. one. I've bought has crapped out on me after a few uses. Like, the thing just completely stops spraying. Ridiculous. But outside of the terrible packaging, that dry shampoo really hit the spot.
That drives me crazy. I've heard of spray things not working anymore — with tons left in the actual bottle. All the angry emojis.
Thank you, btw!
Hot Tools Curling Iron:
Almost 2,000 reviews, practically five stars, for only 27 bucks, how can you go wrong?
I have this curling iron and love it.
Thanks for all the great advice! Just bought the brow pencil.
I really like the 27 bucks part, especially. Thanks Kiani!
And I hope you love that brow pencil! Just do it gently so you don't end up looking like you have drawn on brows! I almost do it like I'm "sketching" in my eyebrows. Does that make sense???
The oribe shampoo is on my must-try list. I'm currently on a bottle of not your mothers clean freak dey shampoo and I am not entirely in love with it. I actually really liked psssst dry shampoo (I got mine at Walgreens) and was surprised with how much I liked it.
I've heard tons about the hot tools curling iron too but haven't tried it because I can't quite justify buying one until my current one gives out.
Also dying to try the brow pencil! Thanks for the recs.
I heard really good things about the Psssst! one. Super cheap too, right?
I have NYM and I'm honestly not the biggest fan either. I had heard such good things about NYM products but the dry shampoo actually seems to do nothing but make my hair greasier.
What foundation/bronzer/blush do you use? Your skin looks beautiful!
thanks Erica! i'm not dedicated to one of any of those, but i use this at the moment for undereyes/blemishes: http://www.amazon.com/Holika-Clearing-Petit-Control-Powder/dp/B0059NL39U/ref=sr_1_6?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1414026703&sr=1-6&keywords=bb+cream
and bronzer and blush–both sephora brand!
Love a good beauty post! I've wanted to try Oribe for ages but I'm scared of the price tag, so I picked up the new Garnier Fructis texturizing spray at Target to try it out first. I have nothing to compare it to, but it smells awesome and adds texture and grit to my hair for sure!
I love the Batiste dry shampoo, it comes in different shades which can double as a root cover up if need be. I need it since my hair is naturally light and I dye it dark. But it is only $8 and it is amazing. Also I love Nars lipsticks, along with YSL (totally a splurge, but they feel like butter on the lips).
I absolutely ADORE the Oribe dry shampoo. It does wonders for my oily hair and smells amazing. I know it's pricey, but I use it very sparingly so it lasts quite a while.
I love beauty posts, not because I can necessarily add any valuable comments (sorry!) but because I always learn about new-to-me products and tricks. The drop of water in old mascara is genius! 😉 I need to try Nars lipsticks because I have had zero luck in the lipstick department. Thanks for this post!
Oooh I love posts like this. I'm sure beauty bloggers have great recommendations, but I want to know what the one product to love is- not 50 versions of it. I love Clinique's lid smoothies, Revlon illuminance cream shadows (target!!), and my newest obsession is Pixi correction concentrate concealer. HOLY COW. $12 at Target and I have no more under eye circles. None. And I have a baby, so I'm not like some super well rested person. 🙂
I love hearing what you use! My favorite dry shampoo is Klorane, which I bought in Canada but you might be able to find it online. Full marks on effectiveness, smell and lack of residue. I have Psst!, which works well but I just can't get past the smell. To me, it's way too "fruity girl" smell. I love Oribe dry texturizing spray. It's expensive but I've tried a few others and nothing else comes close, so I'm going to repurchase. A newish hair favorite is Texture by Bumble and Bumble. As the name suggests, it gives a bit of texture and grit and makes me feel just a little bit like a rock star. Agree on eyebrows and Nars. I love Cruella and Dragon Girl. Lately, I've been wearing a plum called Palais Royal. It's their satin formula. Damned would be a good matte alternative. For an orange, I suggest Nars Red Square. My new HG mascara is Maybelline Full 'N'Soft. I might not ever go back to expensive mascaras. I can vouch for the Mason Pearson brush. I've also heard good things about the Wet Brush. Okay, I think that's enough from me. Please let us know how your new additions go!
Birchbox.com carries Klorane
Oh, one more thing: a new favorite for me is Glossier (of into the gloss)'s new skin tint. It is so good. I look and feel like I'm not wearing anything but my face just looks better.
skin tint… like a foundation?
Yes, it's a very thin foundation. It just evens everything out a bit. It's so watery, you'd think it wouldn't do anything. After you put it on, you're dewy and look healthy–like you happened to wake up to a great skin day.
I have such a hard time investing in a dry shampoo with a high price tag. I've tried a lot of the cheaper ones and I know they don't work that well..but something about spending almost $50 on it just makes me nervous!
you and me both, friend.
O.k., here's my 2 cents… I bought a new mascara at Target about 3 weeks ago and it's the best I've ever used…Neutrogena Healthy Lash. The price was great and it's absolutely clump free. I swear one swipe over my lashes is about all I need. IN LOVE. My one other recommendation is Bumble and Bumble hair powder. You use it to cover greys between coloring and it works great. (It's spendy- got mine online- but it last forever!) Instead of spraying it right on my head, my stylist told me to spray it on a cotton ball over the sink and then rub that where the grey hairs are showing. Voila!
Where do you buy Nars lipstick ladies?
check out the beautycounter products. the company is doing some amazing things!
love this. I just bought that Oribe too!!! What are thee odds? I wore it for the first time this morning and yeah I keep wondering what the magnificent smell is and for once, it is ME.
Really curious about the hair dryer. Buying it now on Amazon!!
Oh I sooo hope you like it.
Two words: curling wand. I use this one and LOVE it!http://www.amazon.com/BH-CurliPops-1-Curling-Wand/dp/B00CPGE4Z4/ref=sr_1_4?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1414107320&sr=1-4&keywords=curlipops+1+inch+curling+iron+wand
I love that it's shown with a glove.
I really love Birchbox! Its a monthly subscription box of 4-5 decently sized samples for $10. You can review products, refer friends or buy the full sized product on their site and earn points (100 points=$10), so eventually you can get what you love at a discounted price or for FREE even! Its great for yourself or as a gift for someone else. Check out the site…. https://www.birchbox.com/invite/818tv
I have tried about every dry shampoo out there, and hands down Batiste is the best. I prefer the Fresh and Tropical scents, though they have a lot. I have long, fine hair, and a ton of it, and it gets greasy quickly at my roots. If I'm out of Batiste, I also like Big Sexy Hair's volumizing dry shampoo and DryBar's Detox dry shampoo, but I find both to be really strongly scented. I have also liked the smell of Klorane dry shampoo, but it's not as volumizing as the others. I have also used Oscar Blandi powder (the spray versions were total crap, in my opinion), which works well and has a lemon verbena scent. But it's expensive and because it's the texture of baby powder, it's hard to regulate usage and I would go through it too quickly. Anyhow, those are my top five.
I love beauty posts too! My faves are: Aveda illuminating Powder foundation- provides soooo much more coverage (while still feeling very light) than other powder foundations as well as Aveda's loose powder + brush which is expensive but the softest brush I've ever used and perfect at eliminating shine. They have really good hair products too. Estee Lauder has a great lip liner in the color "Fig" Jen Aniston swears by it! I also agree about the drugstore mascaras although I'm currently on the hunt for a new fave after Cover Girl changed the brush on their Professional series….how could they?! -Oh, and I too wish I was gutsy enough to wear intense lip stick shades….sigh. 😉
I'm a little late to post this comment as I am a recent follower but I had to share my semi-recent (last six months) amazing finds as I'm obsessed with these AND they work amazing:
Dry Shampoo – Klorane
Curling Wand that actually keeps curls allllll day – Sultra
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