is it time for one of these yet??? i hear enterovirus is going around. do they try to freak us out with the names they come up with (remember NOROVIRUS) or is it just coincidence? i think the former… i’m gonna call the next one teddy bear virus no matter what name they coin. i’ve already been asked if i wanted the flu shot at an ob appt. and i’ve already had one wicked cold… i blame william, who came home with it practically the third day of school.
all that to say yes i do think it is time for one of these, but if you think it too early, at the very least, you can start stocking your cupboards now so you’re ready when the germs strike. there is nothing worse (okay, very few things worse) than scrambling for supplies once you or the kids are already sick. i cannot stand that and, as someone who’s a bit of a self-professed germaphobe, i have learned that it makes me feel much more sane and in control when i know these things are already at my disposal.
disclaimer: i’m not a doctor. do your own research and determine if these things are right for you and your family!
elderberry syrup.
so, this is a no brainer. it’s easy and so, so, so much cheaper to make your own than to buy it at the store. i made that batch on the left last week and it’ll last a good month or more. that amount at a store would cost me at least $50. i literally have everyone line up–from steve right on down the line–and give them all a spoonful of it every day. it keeps the immune system working better and, when actually sick, decreases the severity and length of illness. i use these elderberries and this recipe and it’s made me quite a few batches the size you see in the picture (and i’m still on my first bag).
if you’ve been reading long enough, you’re probably rolling your eyes right now because i have mentioned congaplex so many times. it’s just that good. i’m nervous if i have a cold and my stock is low or depleted. have congaplex all the time and take it often (when sick). all the research i’ve done has shown it’s pregnancy safe, and is a whole food supplement thus difficult to overdose on. i’ve taken upwards of nine a day. i buy them at a naturopath nearby but have gotten them here
before too. more information here at their site (i’ve heard the best things about the company as a whole.).
nature’s plus animal parade.
this is the latest multivitamin i’ve gotten for parker. i can’t quite figure out what is the best multivitamin for young children at the right price point. so far, i’m happy with this one (and he loves it too). every day he exclaims “viamin!” and if he has a shirt or pants with pockets, he likes to carry the vitamin around for a little while before he eats it. it gives him a sense of control, i think. ha. i’d love to hear what vitamin you’ve heard about or have experience with that’s good.
onguard oil blend.
this is my second winter really utilizing essential oils and i gotta say, i’m sort of into it. this is just one of the many i frequently use, but probably my favorite one through the germy months if i had to choose. (oregano oil, breathe blend, and lavender are also high on the list.) on guard
goes into the diffuser and on soles of feet when sick. it also smells awesome (think cloves, cinnamon, orange. very christmas-like.). we have this diffuser
and i’ve been really happy with it. i also love the minimal look of it. i know you can buy directly through the doterra website, but i think their shipping per bottle is for the birds, so i typically buy on amazon (even though i actually have a membership). i think one bottle per winter is sufficient (and maybe more than you need depending on your family size).
bach’s rescue remedy.
this is just a homeopathic stress reliever
and i really like it. i’ve had it for over a year but have more recently really relied on it when i’m getting anxious or stressed out. call it placebo affect, call it legit, i think it works. i’ve given it to the kids when i can tell they’re anxious about things, and i’ve used it myself many times. i notice a direct correlation between me getting really stressed or anxious and then getting run down and sick within days. that takes a toll on your immune system! this helps.
other things we do:
tons of fruit. tons of chili and soup (best with homemade stock! i most often use a chicken carcass these days and do it in a crockpot so there’s no need to hover over it.). less carbs. more vegetables and good fats from butter and meat, etc. parker and i have started making homemade popsicles about once a week that feel like dessert but really are pretty healthy (i do put a big scoop of vanilla yogurt in them, but that’s all the artificial sweetener that goes into them.). i also include a huge handful of spinach when we make those, and he gets the biggest kick out of dumping bags of frozen fruit into the blender, being the official button-pusher and official popsicle-stick-placer. i also make my own antibacterial spray (i also buy it from the store–both work) but it’s so easy and cheap to make with tea tree oil (a cheap oil as far as oils go!), water, and these amber bottles. we also take probiotics, daily. as well as cod liver oil. getting everyone on board with this isn’t always easy and there are many days i forget my supplements too, don’t get me wrong. i’m not rigorous (i wish i were more rigorous!) and i still crave sweets (especially when i’m pregnant). chips, crackers and cheese, nachos, ice cream, chocolate, caramel, etc. i wish i didn’t crave it as much as i do, but it’s just not the case. so, don’t beat yourself up if you feel like this is impossible. i figure these things just give me a little more wiggle room for the ben and jerry’s vanilla heath bar ice cream that i keep sneaking spoonfuls of. you with me?
here’s a list that includes a few of the same and a few different things. once there, you can scroll down for some more crunchy stuff. anything i’m missing? what do you do?
I just bought Rescue Remedy – it was actually recommended in my birth class. I have terrible anxiety (which often translates to fainting episodes) when it comes to medical things so I'm hoping it might help take some of that stress away as the birth nears!
oh man jay. i hope it helps! i do find that it helps me relax. best of luck with the remaining weeks–and the birth! you can do it.
Thanks Bridget. I am somewhat eased by the treatment of pregnancy here in general – less medical condition, more a normal part of life. Unfortunately, it still involves hospitals and the hospitals in Norway smell, look and feel like any other hospital I've visited 😐
Aren't EOs so great? Have just used Tea Tree and Breathe but I'm hooked.
yes! what are you using tea tree for most these days? (i know it has like a million uses!)
I always love these posts, Bridget. <3
What probiotic do you take? I've tried a few but haven't loved any of them….
biokult! i normally only bought into probiotics that require refrigeration but apparently this one is legit and, bonus!, doesn't require refrigeration.
Our dog trainer recommended Rescue Remedy for our dog… but I'm a dunce and never thought to use it for my own anxiety. The dog and I can share the bottle. 🙂
Also, Natalie wrote about daily shots of raw ACV the other day (link below in case you're interested). I thought I'd give it a go, but I'm only 3 days in so it's tough to tell if the whole "I'm cured!" thing can only be attributed to the placebo effect. (I like to think I'm above being tricked, but I am most certainly not.)
It's icky and makes me shudder, which has kept me from sticking with it in the past. But if it works, I'll cringe through it.
geez, i should use it for gracie then. she is SUCH A SPAZ.
i've taken acv straight before. SO YUCK but i do think it helps get rid of colds!
I beg everyone to get a flu shot! My best friend has Acute Myeloid Leukemia and depends on others to keeping the environment as flu-free as possible. Flu for her and others in immune-compromised positions can be deadly (her kids often wear gloves and masks and does she).
Lisa Bonchek Adams, a popular blogger with metastatic breast cancer–and mom to three kids–often implores people to get a flu shot, reminding them that the vaccine is from a dead virus and cannot give people the flu! Here's one tweet:
Kids who died from flu last season: Most skipped vaccine … Great info. shot is free in US and there is egg-free option
And here's her blog–you may have heard about her through the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. She's been writing poignantly about her illness for several years:
i keep hearing SO MUCH about essential oil-ing… wondering if it's worth giving a shot. julian has been sick twice in the last six weeks and i just don't know if i can take a whole fall and winter of this without being a little proactive at least…
Fantastic. This is just what I need. I got sick sooooo many times last year, and I'm talking multiple bouts of the 104+ fever for days on end and the terrible cough. I am SO not going to do that again this year.
PS. Ever tried cherry bark syrup? (I think that's the name.) I took it last time I was really sick and felt like it got me on the road to recovery as soon as I started taking it. Nasty, but soo good.
i havent! will look into it. multiple fevers! thats terrible. this winter will not be a repeat. say it with me!
We use those same multis for Leland, and he is a big fan. We also use that brands kids probiotics and vitamin d. They seem to be priced reasonably without a lot of added ingredients.
this is brilliant – thanks! How much oil do you put in the diffuser when using? I'm jumping on the oil bandwagon this fall.
a few drops (for my size diffuser anyway!)… 5 or so. it's mostly water that it takes!
Thanks for sharing this great info. Have you tried fish oil? It's great for the whole body especially brain. Just sharing 🙂
yes! i take carlson's cod liver oil every day! (well. most days. well… when i remember.)
You've officially become my health guru and I need to bookmark this for life.
you're my dance guru but the thing is i'll never be able to do what you do so you win.
We do the same, along with Bragg's apple cider vinegar and probiotics!
Do you think the amazon oils are up to standard? I have heard so much flack from oil people about purchasing on amazon that I have been afraid to try it. But, really, that is the only way (for me!) to afford/have time to purchase the oils. Thanks for you input…
emailed ya!
Oh, I'm so curious – I just purchased On Guard and Serenity via Amazon a few days ago. Sorry to butt in here, but wondering if that was a mistake or ?
Thanks for all these tips – super helpful!
How many hours do you oils last in the diffuser? I am looking one the can rum all night but so far no luck.
definitely a whole day — i usually have it on the interval setting though (i think it's like 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off?). stadler makes a huge one that you put way more water in… maybe check that one out?
Thank you I will look into it.
This post is so great – thank you!! Quick question… I'm about to make elderberry syrup as I do every year, and it just occurred to me that maybe raw honey would be dangerous in pregnancy? But maybe not, because it's heated up a bit in the cooking process? What are your thoughts? (I'd much rather use raw because of the benefits but want to be careful.)
good question, Whitney. I actually looked into that myself too. I read that raw honey is FINE for pregnant women–heated or not– (but not for babies under 1). still, to cover your bases, definitely check into it yourself (but I think you'll find the same!).
Thank you thank you! Found the same thing. 🙂
I need some information about using essential oil with shower. Thanks you
Lucy @ Diffuser Expert
Hi Bridget! Loooong time reader and this post has been on the back of my mind for apparently 3 years now… what?! Anyways, I was wondering how long that bag of elderberries lasted you or how many batches you estimate you made from it? Thank you!
ha, i love it. but i wish i could answer your question better — the bag will last for QUITE a few batches but i wish i could remember how many!
Maybe it would be better if I asked if you still make your own and how often you re-stock on elder berries if you do? Either way thanks for the reply!
I didn’t last winter! But should have, really. And have restocked ONCE. So, they last quite awhile.