Some notes to carry us into the weekend together, shall we?
// I shared this article on my Facebook page, but it’s worth sharing here too. So interesting. Since sharing it, and summarizing it for Steve, I’ve been trying to utilize the tips in it and telling Parker, “Wow, you worked really hard at that!” Then Steve swoops in, not half a second later, “Parker, you have a natural proclivity for this, don’t you!?” He’s a brat, doing untold damage, one comment at a time.
// Nothing fits anymore. Nothing. Waistbands are too tight (those damn waistbands) and shirts ride up. Kids on the playground are running from the scary lady who’s belly is showing. I really should’ve gone up a size in my H&M maternity jeans. I was bemoaning that this morning as I was dressing and Steve, again with the really helpful comments, suggested I wear his shirts and pajama pants for the rest of the pregnancy. What I really want to clothe myself in is everything Ingrid and Isabel. Have you ever worn their stuff? It’s like butter. What are your favorite (inexpensive) maternity clothes? I think I got away with more non-maternity last time because it was summer–dresses and stretchy skirts sufficed. Now, it’s cold. And I’m still pregnant. (Isn’t this dress adorable though? Can I get away with wearing it every day?)
// Elizabeth is back to blogging (sort of — I don’t want to make empty promises on her behalf but I think she’s back? Are you Elizabeth?) and I enjoyed this read since we’re straddling the no-nap-sometimes-nap world as we speak. Fear not, parents! Quiet time can take the place of nap time. Or so we hope.
// Your comments were hugely helpful yesterday. Whether they were actual hands-on advice or an “I’m right there with you!” I appreciated them more than you know. So thank you very, very much. I think Parker read the post because the last three days he’s been totally easy-going. I’ll take it.
// Last two nights! Nashville and Parenthood. SPOILER ALERT: Of course, I’m disappointed in Rayna’s decision but, as a Twitter friend pointed out, the tension would be gone from the show if she’d have chosen Deacon. Of course. And this being the final Parenthood season? That’s crap. Especially because the reason is financial and not ratings. I suggested on Facebook that we begin a fundraiser to keep it alive. I suspect we won’t raise enough money, though.
// I asked for book recommendations and, as always, you guys came through. I think this book will be my next read. I’m a bit of a sucker for books that I know will be made into movies. Doesn’t hurt that Reese Witherspoon will be the star either! Oh, and every book on parenting that you suggested yesterday too. I’ve got my work cut out for me.
Have a good weekend, everyone! It’s gonna be in the 80s here. What?!
(that dreamy pin–originally here!)
Happy Friday! I lived in my ASOS leggings in the last few months! They were a life saver!! I am sure you have leggings….so that might not help..but its all I got! 🙂
Hey don't forget the spoiler alerts!!! Nashville is waiting for me at home… 🙂 Not surprised, though – she simply couldn't choose him, because it's such a huge part of the show.
Putting that book on my to-read list right now…
Happy weekend!
GAH. What was I thinking? Adding an "alert" now!
Wild is terrific. Happy reading!
I am pregnant during the winter this time as well…first time I was due end of June so like you said I got away with skirts and things I already had. I have been looking on Zulilly, the clothing is hit or miss with maternity but sometimes they have cute stuff at decent prices. I am tempted to order their $17 maternity skinny jeans. I just check it daily to see if they added stuff I like on there or if I should skip. Target has a good clearance for maternity. Other than that I have been getting basics from H&M and Old Navy.
I had great success with h&m but i just didn't account for my actual hips expanding. Now the waists all feel too tight and we're just getting to cold weather :-
Have a great weeekend too =)
And thank you again for the post, I learned so much from all of the comments yesterday.
I'm sad about parenthood too – the fundraiser idea is so good! I've never heard of Nashville here but I'm tempted to start watching now.
It's really good– I think they're in the third season now. Check it out!
I'm a quality over quantity kinda gal and think splurging on one really good pair of maternity jeans is worth it – I like to do a price/wear analysis… "If I wear these jeans 3 times a week for so many months they're only like $4/wear which is like the cost of a latte." Paige Maternity are my favourite and they've fit me well (and are really flattering!) all the way through my pregnancy.
Also totally bummed about Parenthood, "Wild" is a good read. I just read "All The Light We Cannot See" and it was good & I'm just starting "The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry."
I usually am the same way but I have such a hard time splurging on maternity! (I do the same price/wear analysis… too funny.
Ugh, maternity is tough! Old Navy, Motherhood, H&M, Gap have some things. Sometimes you can score on Craigslist or Facebook yard sale sites and get a load of clothes for cheap.
Reading Wild changed so many things for me. Months later, I still think about it all the time. I can't wait to hear what you think.
Bridget, I loved Wild…stayed with me for a long time. Great read. Also wanted to share with you that when Jake was bordering three, the hubby cam home to find me reading, "Your Three Year Old, Friend or Foe?" It was very effective in describing neurological changes that create periods of "harmony & dis-harmony" Much better received than our pediatrician's advice to treat Oppositional Defiance Disorder. The only one suffering from O.D.D. in our household would be me. And a very over indulged Jack Russell.
Meant to pick up Wild today after the playground. Forgot! Tomorrow!!!
I laughed at the picture in my head of you reading that as your husband walks in. I'm seriously adding to my list of reads every second through this comment thread!
(Also, loved getting a comment from you, Jenn!)
I love ASOS for less expensive maternity. But, I'm with you, not much beats Ingrid & Isabel. You'd look fabulous in a burlap sack!
Gap was my favorite. I got coupon codes in emails- even better if they stacked on sale prices. They've got a huge stock up sale now, with an extra 25% off. !!
Loved the article as well. I don't know how well it works for a newly minted one year old, but getting into the habit on my end can't be a bad thing. It inspired me to take an online macroecon class at Kahn Academy and brush up on my math skills while I'm there. All about the growth mindset, right?
I mostly stuck to GAP and Target's maternity items. I splurged and bought an expensive pair of jeans online, but then they came in the mail and it felt like I was like wearing burlap – so scratchy. I returned them, then the next week found maternity jeans on sale at Target for $10. They were so much more comfortable! They won't last another pregnancy, but hey, they were ten bucks.
I like to keep people guessing. You know.
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