I walked the kids to school today. I told them they could walk ten paces ahead of me, or twenty if need be, and that’d be okay. Parker didn’t heckle them from the stroller, and I didn’t heckle them either (mostly because I was too out of breath from hoofin’ it with a belly and a stroller and, if we’re being honest, being plain old out of shape) but I had to be a part of the morning somehow. It’s not the same as last year. They’re not going to familiar places, and I needed to see them enter the doors of their new schools. Watch their backs as they leave me until threeish, or so. And if my witnessing had to be half a block away as I watched their new shoes hit the pavement, so be it.
Though, they did walk with me and even let me give them hugs as I saw them off.
We started the morning at about 6:58 at my sister’s house where I grabbed a bagel, some coffee-to-go, and a few pictures. Since we haven’t entirely found “our crew” yet, it was nice to walk with cousins who’ve got the lay of the land. William, as we neared the high school, went one way and we continued on up the road to take the rest of the kids to their school. As Lindsey was about to depart, a girl pulled up having just moved from Colorado and who is going into the same grade as her. Serendipitous.
As I watched buses trail about the town and people on foot take pictures out front, kids hair styled just so, backpacks on snug, I got emotional and, if I let myself, I’d have cried. I didn’t, I didn’t! But as my nephews got on one bus and it drove away, I saw one young boy looking out his window and I thought, “There’s somebody’s whole world, whole heart, right there in that seat.” It sounds corny but first days of school make me corny, and weepy. It’s hard letting your kids go. Even when they’re coming back a few hours later. Because it’s one step closer to the inevitable. College, marriage. Those phases that they don’t return home from few hours later. It is what it is. I won’t wax poetically here, but I could!
This summer was a good one and we managed to shuffle some fun things into all the cracks we could fill. Beach days and boat days and, not so fast, it’s not over yet. I’m not totally buying the pumpkin-scented-flavored-everything just yet. There’s some more good weather to be had, some more flip flops to be worn, some more sand to wash off our feet.
But school’s in session and with it another year. And so it goes.
Happy 1st day of school to your two….hope they have such a great day in their new schools! And cousins that know the way of the land…win!!!
yes. i homeschool my young'ns but my mother is a public school bus driver for a rural school district. she always reminds herself (when struggles arise) that the child in question is someone's parker and that she needs to treat him as such.
Love the way you describe the morning town. Sounds really picturesque.
ugh…got that pesky lump in my throat reading the part about being one step closer to the inevitable. oh to freeze them for a bit longer in each stage!!!
I'm with you about not letting go of summer quite yet. It's been hotter here the past couple of days than it had been all summer! Glad my little man is home in the afternoon and our neighbors are nice enough to let us use their pool 🙂 I'm holding out on the pumpkin stuff as well!
I feel that way too I almost did cry on the first day of school! Now that I have kiddos of my own I can see where my dad is coming from when he would always say cherish these moments they are over as quick as they came. Cheesy I know but true none the less and like I said made me want to cry when I saw 2 of my 3 off to school.
Bridget!!! It's me, Allyson! (you know, the one who waved like I reallly knew you at "the hundred event"?
I have been vacationing; and I'm just catching back up in your world again. I sent my oldest to preschool (which she ADORED), bawled the whole day, and decided I am keeping her home for awhile longer…because she IS my whole heart (and I had a million of the same thoughts that morning). She just needs to be with me right now; there is so much time for that.
You're just as fab in person. I wish I would have stayed for the brunch…especially after seeing all of those gifts! I totally missed out…but the boobs and babe beckoned. Can't wait for my wellies, though! So wonderful to "reallly" meet you! xo