it’s been busy around these parts lately. that’s to be expected. summer being here and all, but add in a move and the craziness is ramped up a bit. it’s all good stuff, fun stuff, but i’m definitely seeing the parts of life that are neglected. namely, this space, the grocery shopping, and, you know, the basic shower. (just kidding, i’ve mostly got that under control. make up + hair maintenance, on the other hand, not so much.) in fact, as soon as i sign off here, the kitchen is begging to be cleaned and the groceries replenished. we’re out of milk and eggs, among many other things. but you know things are desperate when the milk and eggs are gone.
my parents were just up. only for a few days but, as is always the case, it was so nice to see them. we took them out to dinner–a combination of things needing celebrating: an anniversary (44 years for them, right mom?) and mother’s and father’s day. dinner was so nice. the four of us rarely are together without lots of family around, so to get dressed up a bit and treat them to a delicious meal and some cold white wine was really nice.
rooms are slowly being emptied here, and a few things moved over to the new house (we close in about a week and a half!) which is exciting and odd and a little sad too. deciding, “what do i absolutely need for the next two weeks and what can be put in storage” is always a funny thing. i think i’ve figured it out and, if not, there’s always target. steve’s parents come tomorrow, and the day after they leave, we close and then i will go to new jersey while steve drives to minnesota (24 hours and he’s doing it without stopping–except for the necessities, you know. there are reasons, namely jordan who can’t stop work until noon on one day and they’re making a 5:00 wedding the following day). and since parker would probably implode if he had to do that in 24 hours, he and i will be in new jersey for a bit. is this all very crazy? yes, we think so too. if you think of it, do say a few good words for our honda and its 230k miles–that it gets there, i mean. what’s a few more miles when you’re already at 230k?
nathaniel just left for hong kong, well, a few days ago and he’s there now. we’re checking our emails and facebook trying to get a glimpse of him in hong kong but pictures aren’t his top priority so, nothing yet. nathaniel, if you’re reading this, take some pictures of yourself!!! and then, post them! jordan is working constantly–he’s always been a seriously motivated worker–and making good money. he’ll take some time with his cousins in minnesota this coming month though. william is off with friends right now, and was at a sleepover last night, and lindsey just got back from a short camping trip with her friends. parker, well he’s sleeping right now. all that to say hunts are here, there, and everywhere. it’s a wonder we keep track of anyone.
parker is strategically, any chance he gets, shutting off the wi-fi on my phone. and so, a mere four days into a new month, i get texts from verizon: “you’ve used 75% of your data plan ending A WHOLE MONTH AWAY” which is fun. parker, dear child, please stop doing that.
we went to the beach last night with some drinks and small bites and it was nice and cool and the sun was going down. we met my sister and her family there. did you know the beach in the late evening is one of the best places to bring a kid? they love it, they run around, they can’t get lost, and they get nice and tired out in time for bed. a win all around.
so, i think i’ve covered all of it. terribly interesting! aren’t you glad you checked my blog this morning?
hope you guys are having really good summers and that the weather is beautiful wherever you are.
now i’m going to clean the kitchen…
Sounds very busy around your parts!! I don't know how you're keeping up with everyone either!!
Aren't you glad you checked my blog this morning? – Always!
Althoug it isn't morning for me but spending the evening in the garden with some blueberries at the side reading your blog while waiting for my husband to come home is a favourite of mine 😉 I feel a bit lazy and guilty though, thinking about your workload. Hong Kong, wow, that must be very exciting!
I keep your honda in my thoughts 🙂
your comments are always so nice!! 🙂
are you in england???
thank you for the honda-love. it needs it!
Well I'd really love to, but I'm living in Germany.
I am glad I checked your blog (as I do everyday anyway)! So nice to hear the Hunt's are doing well and you are right you guys are all over the place…busy, busy! Good things happening and coming and a happy summer to you and yours!
My husband and I are doing our first road trip together in August. We will be doing the opposite of your husband and kids, leaving from our home in MN, ultimately ending up in Boston to see friends. We've been told to stop in the Finger Lakes area. Any recommendations?
i can't say i have any — but i would probably say the same… finger lakes! we normally stop in ohio at steve's cousins house when we do the trip!
I'm always happy to read your blog! Sounds like quite a busy summer you have on your hands, but what fun you Hunts get into 🙂
This all sounds really lovely. Also, aren't you so glad it's FINALLY summer? I know I am.
I got the same 75% text after 4 days! I'm trying my hardest to make it another two weeks, but we all know that won't happen. Yay money!
i knowwwww. i will soooo not like the bill if there's a huge overage charge on it. it's coming out of parker's savings! 🙂