parker’s had a cold much of this week. so, you know how that goes, we’ve been housebound. bound feels soooo apropos here. how perfectly that word does justice! he’s had a permanently yucky nose (i apologize, here and now, to any mother i may have judged in my younger years when their children had dried snotty noses. it is so much easier to just let it be, snot and all, then to keep torturing them with tissues.) and we’ve been boooored. i’m really of the mind, “we keep our germs to ourselves” (you’re welcome) so we haven’t done any playdates, library, nooothing all week long. does grocery shopping count? we did go grocery shopping. when steve comes home each day, i’ve been like, “here’s your child!” arms outstretched, parker dangling mid-air. then i escape with my glass of wine to the far corners of the house. (speaking of wine, cupcake merlot is amazing for those who aren’t fancy wine drinkers. i like red wine but am not a fancy wine drinker by anyyyyy stretch of the imagination so, there you have it. gimme a two buck chuck and a $300 bottle and i will not know the difference.) anyway, lindsey had a half day and parker was napping and i wondered… how shall i fill the time when he awakes?! sugar cookies! it’s that time of year, anyway. you all know i’m already not a baker, but tis the season so i always abandon my cook hat, trading it for my baker’s hat this time of year. and for sugar cookies most of the time. parker was more than happy to climb right on the counter, stick his hands in the flour over and over, and make a big mess. and, at the end of it we’ve got sugar cookies.
Hope your boy feels better soon! And yum! Cookies!
Yum, I love making sugar cookies at Christmas time and the kiddos love it too so it's a win, win! Also, yes to the yucky nose (and I also apologize for once judging)…..I mean really, there is no way you can chase them around all day with a tissue so I say let it go (well, I mean for as long as I can stand it cause in reality it kinda makes me crazy…those yucky noses ya know)! Happy Friday!
there is no way at all! happy friday/weekend to you liz!
Aww poor Parker. Hope he gets better soon. BTW, those cookies look yummy! I can't wait until my little is old enough to help mama make cookies!
I hope Parker feels better soon! You can feel free to send any extra cookies to our little family. Plz and thnx.
Tis the season indeed, for snotty noses and sugar cookies 🙂
oo I need some of these in my life.
Even now that Axel's cold is gone that nose keeps on running! And it's so raw and red, poor baby, we just do a hot bath at night to loosen things up. No way you can keep it wiped all the time. I hope he's feeling better soon!
hope axel feels better soon too! poor babies, indeed.
Those cookies look delicious! Also — I'm a huge fan of wine deals at Walgreen's, they change up which wines get the deal so it's fun to try out different ones for around $3 a bottle. And they sell Cupcake there too! Hope you have a great weekend!
wine at walgreens?! had no idea.
Can I just say thank you for enduring cabin fever, as to not spread germs!!! I mean I am in alaska so its not the germs would directly reach me…but I am the same way. I just wish more parents were at times. Like the little girl that had PINK EYE and went to preschool, which prompted me to turn around and not drop my son off. Anyhoo…I digress. Oh wine, have you tried Modern House Wines? Found at your local Target? Give them a try!
you are very welcome! i DO NOT appreciate the germ-spreaders!
is modern house wines the ones where the label just says EXPENSIVE on it? i've seen them in magazines and it looks good!
I don't think there was one thing you wrote here that I didn't identify with. 🙂 The snotty nose. Check. Totally judged those moms whose children looked disgusting before having my own. The handing the children off? Absolutely check. I need me time pronto when AJ gets home. And the sugar cookies? I think I've baked more this winter than I had in the last five years combined. Oh, and cheap wine? Bring it on. 🙂
ha. speakin' the same language, you and i, jen!
mmm Christmas cookies! Is there anything better this time of the year?
I know exactly what you mean about the crusty nose. I hate seeing other kids with green crusties encircling their nostrils, but the fuss I get from trying to clean it, almost not worth it! Hope Parker is feeling better soon.
I've been sick with a cold since Tuesday, ugh! Can't wait to feel better and bake up my own sugar cookies. A snow day like today seems perfect for it but not when you are germy.
Aw! So many colds are going around my classroom–I just can't keep up! I hope your buddy starts feeling better. Love the cookies!
Hope Parker is feeling better soon! Cheap wine is for me too. If champagne ever tastes like Martinelli's then maybe I'd consider paying top dollar.