1. caramel jar caramels: holy sheeet, they’re so good. i reluctantly shared some with the whole family, including my in-laws, and can i say that i should’ve just hidden them and sneaked them one at a time when no one was looking?? hindsight…
2. parenthood: duh. joel’s still my fave guys. but, i sort of love them all. kristina, she’s high on the list. and actually amber is too. heck, they all are, don’t make me pick.
3. being a mom: that goes without saying, but sometimes it’s still worth repeating. this is the greatest gig ever.
4. this season: in falls past, we’ve had some major winds that have blown all the leaves off the tree before we really got to enjoy them. they’re sticking around this year. in fact, even up at the lake there was tons of color and i thought they’d have already fallen up there. not so, not so. fall, you done good.
5. mum+bub detergent
: so you have to know this about me first. i am BIG into smells. i love fresh smelling laundry but since parker came along i was only using unscented stuff. and i seriously missed that fresh laundry scent. enter mum+bub. their line is my favorite ever. i’d already had their lotion and baby soap. and then i discovered (much to steve’s dismay) that they make detergent! i legit smell every piece as i fold it. problem: the price. suffice it to say, i’m using it carefully and asking for it for christmas every year from here on out. it is unreal. sandalwood, i think that’s the key scent.
6. you guys: for real. you guys come here day after day, leave nice comments (i read them all), love on me or my family, offer your advice or support. sometimes i get blah about blogging or only see the bad sides of it, but you guys are a definite positive. thanks. for real. and because i’m always talking about products i love and telling you to go spend your money on them, how about a giveaway from me to you? this blog wouldn’t really be this blog without you so as a thanks for reading and a thanks for clicking my affiliate links and sometimes making me commission, or being sponsors, or just being a supporter in general, i’m going to send these caramels to one of you. one pound of heaven. heeeeaven. and they’re really coming from me to you, this is not a sponsorship thing! (oh the things you have to say as a blogger…) also, fyi: i was really not a die-hard caramel person but these made me a believer.
go ahead and leave a comment with something you’re enjoying lately and i’ll pick a winner over the weekend. (also, caramel jar only ships to the u.s. but even if you’re from elsewhere, i’d love to hear what you’re enjoying anyway!)
thanks again and have a great weekend.
and p.s. if you have a shop/business and are interested in being part of a holiday giveaway, shoot me an email! itsahuntlife@gmail.com
ETA: allyce is the winner. and thanks so much, everyone, for all the sweet comments. you guys are the best.
I'm enjoying Parenthood too… and rainy days giving me excuses to make lattes and read and light candles.
I am enjoying all things pumpkin. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin beer, pumpkin soup, pumpkin carving, pumpkin scented candles and I could go on!
Ahh, I think my comment just went off into the abyss.
I am loving the fall colors, too. My favourite thing is to drive through an avenue covered with trees when it's slightly windy, and see the leaves flutter and dance their way to the ground.
(BTW, I love your blog and it's on my 'Must Read' list. In a nutshell, my mother passed away from a tumor when I was four, and I had a very difficult time when my dad remarried five years later. That was 1987, and I adore my stepmother now because she didn't give up, she didn't quit and she didn't leave when she really didn't need to stay. I know the whole 'package deal' thing when you marry a widower, but, in retrospect, she was a saint for dealing with three children who grieved the loss and rejected the perceived replacement mother for many, many, many years. The only thing I know now, as a mother myself, is even though my mother was present in my life for four years she loved me Very Much. It took having my own children to recognise that connectiveness. And so, I read your blog not just for the mad writing skills –your post on living a simple, electronics-free life is in my 'saved to re-read' folder– but because of your refreshing and honest voice as a mother and stepmother. If being a mother is a thankless job, then being a stepmother to motherless children is even more thankless. But… thank you for sharing your life, regardless.)
wow, liz, thank you so much for this comment. and goodness have you been through a lot. so glad you've made peace with your pain. wishing you so much love!
(your electronics-free bit made me think… put down my iphone! let's just say i STRIVE for it more than i really put it into practice!!) 🙂
I agree. My goal for 2014 is to have one electronic-gadget free day a month. I figure that's a start. Now I just need to con my kids into thinking how fantastic it will be to do things together! 😉
I'm loving the holiday season. For reals… once Halloween hits it's only a few weeks til Thanksgiving and then you get to DO IT ALL AGAIN a few weeks after that! Most wonderful time of the year.
Those caramels would be my jam too, I believe. ; )
I love the change of light that comes this time of year. It's a softer, warmer light. Oh and the trees, the leaves, the pumpkins, the wood stove, the candles, the soups, the sweaters…I could go on and on…..oh and I'm addicted to the chocolate covered oreos my daughter bought me for my birthday. And I don't even really love oreos…ha
I'm enjoying gin! Gin gin gin gin gin.
So we live in FL where it's 90 and humid every morning. But not today. Today there was a crisp in the air and the humidity was nonexistent. A 73 degree dream! I know this doesn't mean much for northerners but for me… It gives me butterflies. It's sign that the holidays are near and that for a few months people are nicer and more loving towards each other. I am thankful for 73 degree weather and the reminder that there's so much goodness in people's hearts and that sometimes a cooler breeze brings out the joy in people.
Yes! Same here! I'm also a Florida girl and the cooler weather today was amazing!
I am enjoying fall like its my job — Pumpkins, leaves, Halloween, chilly mornings, scarves…all of it!
Have a great day!
I am enjoying the fact that our school has come together these past two weeks. We lost two of our students tragically within a week. One (10th grade) passed DURING SCHOOL due to a cardiac arrest in gym and the other (9th grade) committed suicide due to bullying. Our students have been through the ringer and they are showing their maturity in this time of tragedy and I could not be more proud to teach them and be a small part of the big things they will do one day. Staff included… we've really come together as a family. Our whole school. Sorry for the sad comment but I'm putting a positive twist on it because this place has risen to the occasion. We are strong and will continue to be. 🙂
ohhhhh my word emily. that is A LOT. (the bullying death… those stories make me want to keep my kids under my roof forever.)
so sorry. stay strong.
The World Series 🙂
I am trying to enjoy Fall here but it has been a rough 6 months. Te weather is perfect and I need to get out more.
I haven't tried those Carmels but trader joes sells the same kind for really inexpensive and man oh man are they good. Just buy them for your family and put in a mason jar
Then hide your really good ones. Ha.
I'm enjoying Minnetonkas! How have I gone this long without them in my life?
Lately I'm enjoying getting ready for a HUGE career change – from corporate marketing job to NANNY (in adorable charlestown, no less!) to eventually elementary school teacher. Change is scary but I am just trying to stay in the "excited" place and trust that everything will work out! Cheers to following your dreams, right? 🙂
I'm really enjoying my son, Isaac. He's 13 months and starting to get into EVERYTHING! It's so fun to watch him interact with his world and explore. I'm also really looking forward to staying at home with him. Next week is my last week working outside of the home. We've made the (super scary) decision for me to quit and stay at home with him (and do part time daycare in my home too)! So much to be thankful for!
I am enjoying, at this very moment, a mug of warm apple cider with a dash of cinnamon on this first really chilly NYC morning.
I'm a stay at home mom to 2 boys – 9 and 7, Mac and Colin. Because my 9 year old is 100% disabled and does not attend school he gets to hang with his momma all day and read books, listen to music – the fun stuff. Our own kind of schooling. (-: Yesterday, we had our first fire. And that's what I am enjoying right now…snuggling in front of the fire with my hero son as we await the chaos the bus brings upon arrival home with his brother and friends! Cheers to fires!
Bridget, I really enjoy reading this blog – I commented once on your instagram about a skirt from Target – I don't have much time to spend on the computer or phone for instagram but I do enjoy your blog and feed very much! Your last post about being in the hospital hit home big time…we've spent many a day and night there with Mac. From the minute I became a mom the only thing I ever cared about was keeping my kids happy and safe and it when you can't protect them from something it hurts so bad. I don't write a 'blog' per say but I do update people on how Mac is doing here…www.caringbridge.org/visit/cormacmurray
Didn't mean to ramble on there! Enjoy your day and all the Fall happenings!
Aimee Murray
aimee, i just checked out your story and i don't even have words. so glad mac has you and that you are just the mom mac needs. you must have an incredible strength about you. wishing you sooooo much love. and to mac too. enjoy those cozy fires with him by your side! 🙂
Really enjoying my 20 month old daughter right now! I mean, of course there are never-ending challenges, but she is at such a fun age. Always growing and learning new things and able to interact more day by day.
I am enjoying being a mama to my 2 precious girls right now more than ever. We are in the season where the 2 of them are really starting to interact and I LOVE to watch it. Although my Grace is only 8 months old, her big sister (almost 4…what the what?) is her bestest friend in the whole wide world. She lights up at the mere sound of her voice and it just amazes me the bond they already have. I can't wait to see their bond grow even stronger with each passing day!
Also, Thank You as well for sharing your life with all of us. I so enjoy reading about you and your sweet family…you always keep it real and honest which makes me love you all even more.
love this so much. sibling love is one of those things that makes my heart swelllllllll. also, liz, you should know, your comments are some of my very favorite.
That is SO very sweet of you to say, Thank You!!
Right.This.Moment I am enjoying coffee and lots of it. The Lord knew what he was doing when he make those little beans
amen. (said in prayer) 😉
Enjoying being pregnant and so glad my twin girls are staying put for a bit longer!
ohhhhhh what an exciting time! best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy!
i enjoy cleaning up the house lately! it's so difficult to get started but when i am actually at the game, all flows so well. so satisfying. oh, and reading too, totally!
I have enjoyed reading your blog and came across it when another blog shared your love story – good stuff! Not sure what your policy is on highlighting certain things, but my 17 year old daughter recently spent 2 weeks in Uganda Afrcia through the Ugandan Water Project. What I think her answer would be to what she is grateful for is Clean water after witnessing the devastating results of diseased ridden water. She has chosen for her senior project to try and raise funds to support a rainwater collection tank that provides clean water for a community in Uganda. Would you consider mentioning her link on your blog? Thank you either way 🙂 Here is the link
amazing. strangely enough i was just reading about the history of cholera (i'm weird) and how important clean water is. something i take for granted like craaaazy. turn on my faucet, there it is. thanks for this info! and i bet you are so proud of your daughter.
I'm enjoying eating oatmeal in the fall!
This is why I love the poop out of your blog and why I have forever. And by forever I mean when I first started reading blogs. Yours has always been so real and so refreshing and just a good release for me. It's been three years since I started reading, and I'm so so glad I found your blog.
Also I'm really liking the Red Sox right now and all the joy they're bringing to the city and to my school's campus. I am not really liking how late all of the games go but hey lattes are my best friends.
love the poop out of you, alex!
and go red sox!
I have been enjoying my dry shampoo lately. Definitely a life saver as an infant mom. Saves me from greasy non-showered-mom-hair! (Now I just need some beanies from your previous post to help my cause even more!)
i'm out at the moment and the whole showering often thing is for the birds. need me some more dry shampoo. beanies until then 🙂
I'm enjoying meeting other moms in my new town and seeing my 10 month old little girl interact and have fun with her new little friends.
Well maybe not enjoyING but I enjoyED, immensely, a pumpkin cupcake with maple buttercream frosting that I had the other day from Brown Betty (best…cupcakes…ever, if you're ever in Philly)….literally tasted like pancake syrup-y goodness over a pumpkin cake, sinful really. I'm also enjoying the thought of winning some caramels!!! 🙂
I have been enjoying nursing my 6 month old lately. Might sound strange…but nursing did not go well with my first babe. It has gone wonderfully this time around and now I'm experiencing lots of sweet moments nursing an older baby that I didn't get to experience the first time around. 🙂
this makes me happier than you can imagine. i love nursing and want every mom to have that lovely, special experience with it. sooooo happy for you.
I always enjoy your blog but right now, specifically, I am enjoying the lasagna I made last night, a new job and Pinterest. (Maybe a little too much.)
I love the blogs you write about Lindsay and the older kids. The discussions and life as a mom. Parker is a cutie, too!
I am enjoying my once a week self-imposed "pajama day"! I stay home all day in my pj's and only do stuff that I WANT to do (nothing that needs to be done unless I want to do them)! It is so good for my soul!
lynette, you are a genius.
Those caramels! The best! I found a rogue one on my purse yesterday and it was like winning the lottery.
I'm enjoying the change in season here. Each year here I've doubted it will come and then when it does, it's such a welcome surprise. I'm loving sweatshirts in the morning and lightweight sweaters for preschool drop off and strolls to the park.
a rogue caramel jar caramel in the recesses of one's purse is just like winning the lottery.
i like the way you mother, claire. just a side note 🙂
that's such a compliment. thank you, bridget!
I'm enjoying a Colorado fall day. I love being transported to Massachusetts through your blog. I also love dessert 🙂
I'm enjoying the chill in the air every morning and evening. Listening to the crunch of the leaves underneath my son's bike or scooter and we travel around our neighborhood. Football, food and fellowship.
Having a cold that's been killing me the last few days, I've been loving me some miso soup and hot coffee on the regular. Oh, and tissues. Thank God for those.
I live in Southern California so there hasn't been much of Fall but the change in season is happening slowly but surely. But I'd wish it come faster!
Lately, I'm enjoying my mornings. In the past, I would wake up and immediately get to all the things I have to do before I left for work/class. Now, I wake up earlier but I spend the extra hour just to relax, drink coffee, read, and have some time by myself before I begin the rest of my day.
This week has been all about cinnamon vanilla coffee cream and cinnamon raisin english muffins….it's the kind of week where the only thing good has been the breakfast foods…. I'd love to top it off with some caramels though! Wink wink!
yum yum yum!!!! I'm loving watching scary movies and pumpkin tea!
I read all the time and rarely comment. I'm sorry for that because I think you are seriously amazing and love your writing style and how real you are about your life! Anyway, enough mush, I am enjoying these last few weeka of just my girl and I before we bring her sister into the world!
I read all the time and rarely comment. I'm sorry for that because I think you are seriously amazing and love your writing style and how real you are about your life! Anyway, enough mush, I am enjoying these last few weeka of just my girl and I before we bring her sister into the world!
thank you sooo much allyce! and best of luck with the last few weeks of pregnancy!!!!
This week has been a crazy whirlwind of not-great news and stress, so your post today really helps remind me to focus on the good. So things I'm enjoying lately: Anything related to Halloween, good friends who make weeks like this bearable, and meeting my little almost-niece this weekend! Thanks for the giveaway (and the change in perspective)!
Okay, so I've thought this since I started reading your blog, but didn't want to comment in case you didn't know what I was talking about. BUT, now that I know you watch parenthood, I think Steve looks JUST like Adam
Braverman! Like, total twins. So random 🙂
I've been enjoying: Decorating for Halloween, eating lots of roasted vegetables, M&Ms, and hot tea on cold nights!
enjoying lately: homemade pumpkin donuts. (truth: a-rod made them in sweden and can attest to how good they are.)
I have been enjoying a clean (or an attempt at clean) home, with fall candles, low-light lamps, and "coziness" with family. Ahhh.
Hi Bridget! I'm 39 weeks pregnant with our first babe and I've been loving feeling this little one kick and move inside me. I'm thinking some caramel consumption might increase activity, maybe get labor going? 🙂 happy fall.
I've been enjoying: my oldest sons last year in youth football. Next year he will be an 8th grader and in school ball. It has been bittersweet. Hoodies. All things pumpkin! Walks in the nice fall weather!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
What I've been enjoying lately is the show Once Upon a Time, once you're done with Parenthood you should give it a try! Thanks for writing such a fun blog!
I've been enjoying my 14 month old who just last weekend finally figured out he could walk on his own (not holding onto our pinky)! I love the drunk stumble of little babies learning how to walk and gain confidence!
Today I'm enjoying my birthday! Love your blog, you are a great writer.
Today I'm enjoying and rejoicing that I get to be the aunt to a sweet little girl come March.
I'm enjoying my new job!
I'm enjoying the look on my 14 month old son's far ween he finally "gets" something new!
I'm enjoying the last few weeks of feeling a little baby move in my belly, and that is finally turning into fall down here in the south.
I'm enjoying the laughter on my 2 year olds face as he watches the leaves blow across the yard. Also, the smell of freshly baked pumpkin pie and hot apple cider. Favorite season!
Seeing blue skies and clouds- a sign that it is winter here in Kuwait! I love this time of year!
I'm enjoying life, at this moment. I hail from Texas (home of the heat) and the weather has been surprisingly cool (this week). Cooler weather always makes me nostalgic. So i'm making time to slow down, and appreciate the little things. Love your blog! I especially love that you live in the Boston area. I visit frequently, and need to move there soon. Especially for the autumns.
minnetonka moccasins, dandelion tea, pumpkin-scented candles, and indoor icicle lights 🙂 also, i just discovered your blog and spent some time reading your story. it actually brought tears to my eyes…and i love your sense of humor (and steve's)!
thank you so much michaela!
LOVE the fall… I'm enjoying THAT 😉
I also love your blog…I read it every day even though we don't know one another! And I'm happy to read that you're enjoying being a mom…I'm going to be one in March! Super scared about it, so I need to keep focusing on how awesome it's gonna be!
I also love caramels…so there's that 😉
and i mean it when i say it is the best thing i have ever done and probably will ever do. i feel joy literally every day. not necessarily all day, but every day. can't wait for you to welcome your baby!
I'm enjoying foggy weather. It makes everything look so mysterious.
I'm thankful for the hint of fall in the Florida air, new baby belly laughs, the light at the end of the tunnel that has been my husband's schooling, a family that loves and cares for me and my God who rescues me daily from my selfishness.
I am totally enjoying the changing color of the leaves here, and Parenthood also. Have you ever been a Grey's Anatomy fan? I used to watch, and then caught up on the last few season lately. Its good. Too good!
So one of your comments here led me to your "about" section (not sure how I skipped it the first go around) and wow – your story is pretty incredible. I am so happy you and Steve found one another!
i love these posts because it's a simple way to appreciate the small things, and you can easily forget about those, when you go at 100 mph. so thank you for reminding me to take a break and enjoy!
i'm enjoying a very special minute in my day: 5pm every day, i pick up my son from the childminder; i ring the bell, the door opens and i see him speed crawling across the room with a massive smile on his face.
being a working mum has its challenges, but is also very rewarding. that minute is the fuel that keeps me going all day (that and caramels 🙂
I'm enjoying a daydream about you sending me those caramels! 😉 And also the scent of some fresh baking cookies I have in the oven right now and the few moments of quiet while my two kiddos nap and I peruse my favorite blogs. It's a much needed break for me!
Those caramels look amazing!! I am enjoying the fact that "fall" has finally hit Florida and the weather has gone from 95 degrees to high 70s! I'm also enjoying the fact that I escaped the nasty stomach bug/pink eye that my daughter had last week. Phew!
Do people ever tell you that your husband looks like Adam Braverman? Confession: When I first started watching Parenthood, I kept thinking "he looks SOOOO familiar?" until I realized it was your husband he was reminding me of. I'm sure I am not the first to say this. Right?
if i had a nickel for every time we've heard that…
(people have even mistaken him out and about for peter krause!)
It is weird to say I'm enjoying school??? I just went back to college (after 14 years) and even though I'm only in the 2nd week, it's lifted my spirits, given me hope and has given me a pep in my step that hasn't been there for the past few years. It's so refreshing knowing I'm going in "a" direction and not lost anymore.
so happy for you, emily. that is awesome. you go girl.
I'm loving the fact that it finally dropped below 80 in Florida. Love me some beaches but this time of year always makes me miss living farther up North!
I am enjoying Bon Iver music, buying fun jackets, and making pumpkin spiced chai lattes (thank you Trader Joes).
Those caramels look AH-MAZING. Yum!
And can I please tell you that I look forward to reading your blog every day? So thank you for writing. You are awesome and inspiring and I love reading about your life. xoxox
rebeka! you are so nice! thank you so much!
Caramels in the fall time. mmmm
I've been enjoying being able to finally wear my tights and boots! I love me some colorful tights and a good pair of boots. Thanks for being so real with all of us. You are a phenomenal blogger and a fantastic mother! I always look forward to what you blog about!
girl… thank you so much for that. and colorful tights are the bommmmmb.
Oh yum, those caramels look soooooo good! I'm enjoying the beautiful weather we had today and eating lunch outside. No cell phone, no email, no distractions. Pure bliss!
Well besides enjoying your blog lately… I've been having fun playing with my kiddos outside. The cool fall air is just heavenly.
I'm three and a half whole weeks into the whole marriage thing and I'm kind of loving it. Maybe one of my favorite things is now having an excuse to cook legit meals a couple times a week (ya know, if I want to). Love me some solo kitchen time! wut wut!
Miss Bridgette, I've been reading your blog for forever now. I loved it at first because I was dating an older guy with kids and was like "I can relate!" but I didn't stop reading when I left that guy on his sorry butt. You're just delightful, you and that family of yours. Thanks for sharing your life with us strangers!
thank you lara!
Ugh, hello autocorrect. I hate it when people spell my name wrong. Sorry bout that!
don't even worry about it!
Something I'm enjoying lately is the blog project I've been working on with with the Women's Services and Resources group at my university. It's all about feeling beautiful in your own skin, and I've been working with 9 amazing women to guest post for each day. I'm so excited about it!
I love reading about you and your cute family!
My two week old babe. My last child had severe reflux and even hospitalized at 2 weeks for losing so much weight- I never knew newborns could be this much fun (and not scream in your face 24/7 because their throats on fire ) needless to say , I'm enjoying this easy going cuddle bug.
love this.
I am enjoying the way the sun shines through my kitchen window at about 1:00 pm. It is absolutely stunning!
What am I enjoying lately?….
Exploring the new city that I recently moved to.
Making new friends.
My first ever true fall…I grew up somewhere where there aren't really seasons! (But I might not survive the winter!)
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win!
the feel of socks on my feet again!!!
Right now, I'm enjoying watching my little siblings interpretive dance around my living room to Josh Groban.
Right now, I neck deep in finishing up school so I am enjoying taking in the light fall breezes and enjoying the leave changing before full fledged winter hits her in Montana.
OMG, Sandalwood detergent? That sounds like a dream. Gap used to sell individual note perfumes, and the sandalwood one was the best scent I've ever found. The day they discontinued those was a sad sad day in my world.
These days I'm really enjoying my homemade pumpkin spice granola. It is like a million times better than anything you'll buy at the store, and it's totally adaptable for different tastebuds or allergy concerns. I eat it practically every day over strawberries and yogurt. YUM! I'm also enjoying my sweet daughter. Her development has totally exploded lately and she is doing exciting new things practically every hour. She's the best.
it's unbelievable. the lightest sandalwood all over your clothes!!
im enjoying my 13 month old son. the fun is here! he tries to copy what i say, has finally just started signing back "more" and "all done" when i was about to give up! and so much more. loving this age.
I am enjoying newlywed life!
I started reading this blog because my name is also Bridget (word up to the correct spelling!) and we're totally the same age, but I'm from Australia! And I kinda loved that! At first I felt like our lives were way different (I am minus husband and minus kids) but your voice just kept me coming back! Your blog is way more than 'just a mum' or 'just a wife' and I like that.
Anyway, back to the question! In the opposite to loving fall, I'm loving spring time down here! We have gorgeous purple Jacaranda trees blooming everywhere in Brisbane and you can't help but be happy 🙂
you guys heading INTO summer is going to make me jealous in abouuuuut 1.5 months. 🙂
Oh my gosh, those caramels sound amazing! I love anything caramel! Speaking of that, I'm enjoying Talenti salted caramel gelato lately. Sooo darn good! Also, as someone above mentioned, I'm loving all things pumpkin! In one trip to the grocery store last week I bought pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, pumpkin eggnog – and I narrowly resisted the pumpkin spice bread. Haha! Oops!
P.S. When I read #2 on your list, "parenthood", I at first thought you were talking about being a parent…I was like wait, those aren't her kids' names?! Hahaha! Then I realized you meant the TV show (I haven't seen it).
i'm enjoying taking nice long walks in the cool autumn air–oh, and walking on crunchy leaves!
i'm enjoying taking nice long walks in the cool autumn air–oh, and walking on crunchy leaves!
So thankful that my hubs has finally reached year 4 out of 5 of his residency program! There is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel!
p.s. thanks for the detergent tip!
Okay, this will sound very old-lady-like of me, but I've really been enjoying the knitting. I have beanies (oh how I love a good, slouchy, beanie!) knitted for two out three of the kids, and one for the hubs.
Annnnd of course, the Fall foliage has finally began down here in the south, so I've been clicking away with my camera to catch all of the colorful leaves.
Tonight it was a post-kid-bedtime-back-porch-date with my thoughtful hubs . . . cold, clean air, pumpkin spice lattes, and – the way our back porch is situated – the neighbors probably caught glimpse of a smooch or two (scandalous, huh? ;)) I also really enjoy having some natural alternatives when caring for my wee ones during cold season! Thanks, again, for your post series 🙂
that sounds awesome 🙂
and you're welcome!
Ok, this is going to sound incredibly cheesy AND like I'm sucking up, (because those caramels look so good), but I am reallyenjoying reading you blog. As a mommy to a little 8 month old baby boy, your Parker stories warm my heart. ( :
enjoying this crazy/wonderful season of life with an almost two year old 🙂 just tonight we saw an ambulance and as she began to imitate it, I thought of the video you posted of Parker (the genius) and one of his talents was an ambulance sound. my girl is growing up too fast, I tell you! too fast!
thank you for such a sweet, thoughtful giveaway. you rock for a million reasons 🙂 xo
Parenthood is my jam. Gosh I look forward to Thursdays.
Today my almost-2year old gave a toy to his 7week old sister. Heart. Melt.
Parenthood! I'm always enjoying Parenthood – it's definitely one of the best shows on television. I just finished watching all of Friday Night Lights, which was also amazing; I'm really sad I have no episodes left. and since it's October, of course I'm in the mood for anything and everything pumpkin 😉
parenthood is amazing. since we're overseas military, i can't watch weekly. i am rationing the last few episodes on netflix and crossing my fingers for the day i can start the series over. 😉
Great giveaway! If these caramels have made you a believer, then I want to see what they're all about. Right now, I've really been enjoying my nighttime chamomile tea before bed. It's a lovely little cold weather ritual that I start as soon as the temperatures drop.
Thankful for an occupation as Physician Assistant- I don't usually feel this way, but I did after your post about your son's ER visit. I work in an Acute Care clinic and often suture lacerations, but rarely feel appreciated. Reading your post put a smile on my face!
Ah, Parenthood. I have so much love for Amber. I'm also loving the weather lately. Also, I'm almost loving the fresh haircut I recently got. I chopped about 4 inches, and it was pretty scary for me at first (I'm not adventurous at all about my hair), but it's growing on me. I'm already a believer in the awesomeness of caramels, but I would sure love to taste these since they are good enough to change your mind!
I'm enjoying the fact that in about 4 weeks I will get to meet the little sweet baby that's been kicking my ribs for all these months! Also caramels, yum.
One of my favorite things currently is Friday Night Lights. Girrrrrrrrrrrrl. I've been an avid Parenthood fan for years (I'm sure you now know to have tissue ready for every. single. episode), so my fiance and I decided to give FNL a go. A lot of this decision was made because of your love for the show… so thanks for the heads up! We're on episode 7 and HOOKED.
SO GOOD, right? and so many of the same actors!
Parenthood. It makes me want to bust out a few more kids. I love those Bravermans….I really love Zeke. When you catch up with this current season, just wait until you see how he is there for Julia when she needs him. Heartwarming for sure.
Lately, I'm enjoying hot chai tea with cream and honey….
Love Parenthood and really have been in love with the month of October here in Colorado…I just can't get enough of it and don't want it to end! It has been one of the best Falls ever.
My current favorite thing? That would have to be alone time. I had my kiddos super close (a little boy, followed by adorable twin boys 19 months later) so I have been in full-time mama mode ever since. My oldest is now in first grade and my twinners just started preschool. While part of it makes me sad since I LOVE being a mama, the few hours of alone time I get each week are like heaven! It has awakened a part of me that I had completely forgotten existed! And I'm a better wife and mom because of it. 🙂 Love your blog! And would LOVE to win those yummy caramels. 🙂
that is a full plate!!! i don't blame you for enjoying the downtime — even though you're missing your babes at the same time!
Cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattes! 🙂
I love caramels and parenthood also. But lately I have become obsessed with Jimmy Fallon. he is so funny.
agreed. he's one of my favorite celebrities.
I am enjoying the leaves changing in the mountains (here in Utah), seriously the most beautiful thing. I am also enjoying the sunny/cool weather we have been having.
This is so sweet, thanks for continuing to produce posts for us to read and sharing a little giveaway. I'm enjoying time outside. We moved to LA from Seattle last fall. So, while I'm desperately missing a change of seasons I'm enjoying all the sun and time we get outside.
I'm enjoying sweater weather here in Georgia! It's chilly tonight but back up to the 70s next week. Thanks for picking me!
Hi Bridget! I am enjoying how crisp and delicious this fall air feels! 🙂 I love caramels, and haven't tried the Caramel Jar yet — temptation!
I've been enjoying the extra moments I've been able to steal away with my husband the past two weeks. We're in the midst of thyroid lump/thyroid surgery/potential cancer diagnosis for him… so while I'm not so thankful for that – it's given us more time together!
There is a quote flying all over Facebook that says "October is favorite color" I would have to agree, it is so pretty right now. Enjoying it before the dead of winter!
I'm enjoying my last few weeks of pregnancy! 🙂 I'm loving pregnancy in the fall- it's so fun!
Recently I've really been enjoying my family, having an awesome library within walking distance and Parenthood, in that order.
I don't know how I could say just one thing. Let me start by saying my best friend of 10 years got me into your blog a couple years ago, and I just kind of found it again. I am THOROUGHLY enjoying it! You are one heck a lady. The amount you've done, and taken on, and been strong, and so real in so many posts is just amazing to me. Truly inspiring. Being real when you have thousands of people reading about your everyday life could get a little intimidating, but you do it with such grace. (I digress…)
I'm enjoying this newlywed part of life. I've been married almost four months, and I enjoy every day that I get to fall more in love with the man I call my husband.
As well, today I read (I'm in the job market right now… meaning my life consists of netflix, pinterest, and reading) Open House by Elizabeth Berg and it was such a good read! I love to just get lost in a book, and I love the peaceful calm that comes with finishing one with a happy ending. Not overly cheesy, just a the-nice-girl-wins-sometimes kind of happy ending.
Happy weekend!!!!
thank you so much, chelsey!
and i've read a few elizabeth berg books – including that one – she is so good!!!
What a nice time to say thank you back for sharing your family's stories with frankness and joy! Right now I am enjoying all that I am learning through having hard conversations with college students through work. It's actually starting to feel less like work. I am enjoying learning to clean house better. I am enjoying friends who you can tell the hard things to and the knowledge that they'll keep you accountable and love you all the while. I am enjoying God and learning about Him in Life of the Beloved. So much. And I am enjoying the sun.
I'm enjoying being pregnant and finally starting to feel her. 20 weeks! Baby girl will be here in March.
Fall is my favorite, and while our season here in Chicago is already switching to winter (we had SNOW… gasp!) I am thoroughly enjoying all things apple and pumpkin. There is nothing better than a nice warm mug of apple cider with maybe some caramel vodka after a loooong day of work 🙂
The cooler weather, being pregnant (for the most part), coffee, coffee, finding new music and reading good books.
Oh and caramels. I am in LOVE with caramels right now. haha.
Mmmmm. Caramels!!! I just joined a new gym, and I'm really enjoying my new fitness routine. That might be a counterproductive combination with caramels, but that's ok! When you're working hard you deserve a treat!
The perfect weather in Salt Lake! After teaching high school for five years, now that I'm a SAHM I had no idea how beautiful the weather was here in Sept/Oct! Taking lots and lots of walks!!
I've been enjoying Honey Crisp apples here in MN. Delicious
I am enjoying this whole stage of life I am in… for reals. But in the moment (today) I am really enjoying having my husband home for the first time in 2 months and LOVING watching him rally our boys around on the dirt bike, letting them "help" unload the truck and trailers and watching them climb all over him. It's nice to having our missing puzzle piece home for a bit!
Soups, stews and all other natures of the one-pot-dish! Hooray for cooler weather.
I'm enjoying the cold weather! Normally I am still in such a depression about the end of summer that I just claim to be into fall to fit in. This year, however, I love the cool weather and cute clothes that accompany them!
I am loving this weather! Evening walks, the beautiful fall colors. I just love each new season.I hope it is not too late for the carmels!
enjoying this stage with tuck. i think the last month can't get any better or more fun, and then it does! it's just so much fun right now.
Love your blog – don't comment often! Parker is about the same age as my daughter so I can relate to most everything you write about him! THANKFULLY we haven't had any ER visits… yet! I love Parenthood as well and Joel has always been my favorite!
I'm digging this chicken recipe. Dare I say it has changed my weeknight cooking life? Yes, I will say it. It tastes so good and it takes 30 min. tops. Plus you can sub kale or chard for the romaine. Severen and Soren love it! http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Parmesan-Chicken-with-Caesar-Roasted-Romaine-394709
Cooler weather, tea, and sweaters! Thanks for loving on us, we love you so! xox
I just came across your blog and loved reading your love story! It gives me great hope in the quest to find my future spouse:)