we went to a polo match. our very first. let’s just say this it was a glimpse at how the top one percent live. polo matches and wine on a sunday. and the country club directly afterwards.
we even did divot-stomping!
dry erase crayons! who knew! he’s at the stage where eeeeeverything is his canvas (including a coffee table and our green couch). hide your pens!
a beautiful new england barn i spotted after grabbing some delicious donuts on a saturday morning.
he carefully played with legos there, lining up motorcycles on the windowsill, for a good hour.
we like five guys. he takes after his mother in his love for cheeseburgers.
click to read more, folks!
an evening scene: steve’s checking his email. he’s the type who cannot let it pile up at all. i could take a lesson or two from him.
is she looking lovely and grown up or what?
longest human being.
watching boats, passing time.
cuddles before nap. the best kind.
probably waiting for me to make and serve them food. probably.
doc emily came to visit! and it was fabulous. she’s a keeper. and has fabulous hair, right?
does that face scream “gimme a baby goat” or what?! i am with you, parker.
waiting on a tractor that never came.
apple-picking in 80-degree weather was not quite what we had in mind.
nevertheless, we trudged up the hill to our apple-picking destination without the hoped for ride.
drinkin’ the fall kool-aid. my apologies to the “forever summer!” folks.
lately. also known as a massive photo dump of sorts. here’s the biggest news: william and lindsey are now in 8th and 6th grade respectively and the growth between the two of them, particularly william, is quite literally shocking–even within the last six months. william is 5’9″ now with canoes for feet (size 12) and i have him by one measly inch. one measly inch! by christmas, he’ll probably have passed me. it’s a bit odd to me, when i’m actually looking up to kids that were once so little (nathaniel and jordan have long since passed me!). i’m surprised steve and i haven’t had to sell a car to feed this child, because with growth like that, i’m pretty sure he’s eating his weight in food. but seriously, the whole nine yards have changed: voice, characteristics, everything… they’re all whispering, “teenager” to me. still, he’s still the sweetest 13-year old boy i know. (the other day i was walking back to the house with an uncooperative parker on my hip, his scooter slung over my shoulder, and a red kickball in the other hand. william excused himself from his friends, ran up to help me, and walked home with us carrying some of the loot. what 13-year old does that?) i didn’t think anyone’s growth, namely the speed at which it happens, could shock me as much as parker’s but william’s is topping the charts these days. and lindsey is just as sassy as ever. she’s reading through this warrior series
and absolutely loving it. at times, it is all she wants to talk about. she’s growing like crazy too, and coming down for school in the mornings with different hairdos sometimes–a clip here, hair pulled back there. experimenting in the world of fashion and all that. growing up. it’s kind of crazy. where’d the last seven or eight years go?
hope your weekends were swell, friends.
I can't believe how big William is now!!! That's crazy.
I love this post so much. I glimpse into the life of the family we love so much. Thanks for sharing. Your photos are beautiful.
looks like life's been great lately. i just love all the time y'all are able to all spend together. i look forward to that time soon. 5 more Mondays in this cubicle…then HOME! Praise the Lord! What a good boy William is to carry all that loot. I hope to raise a boy like that. Makes you appreciate manners so much. Even when easton says 'no thank you' or 'yes sir' my heart just pumps up with pride. LOVE a child with manners. Y'all have a good Monday! xoxox
five more! cannot wait for you annie!!!!!!
YOU AND ME BOTH SISTER! Now….if only TN and MA were a bit closer so we could pal around town together!
Your photos are lovely. You have such a knack for capturing the most charming moments with your family!
I just love your pictures & your fun captions! It is crazy how quickly kids grow! My youngest nephew is 4 & it seems he was born yesterday! Happy Monday!
Such sweet kids y'all are raising. I'm in love with New England in the fall- as a Texan, I cannot get enough of the leaves. Glad I'm here to stay!
1. you are such a polo fox.
2. is parks holding bacon? if so, svea is pleased beyond measure.
he's not holding bacon in any of these but he does love it. so svea can still be pleased.
Gorgeous photos!! We just discovered dry erase crayons last week. Love them. Also, Crayola washable markers really do wash off just about everything, including brand new couches. I know from experience. 🙂
thank god for crayola. (and oxiclean)
These pictures are so great! My 2 year old is in the draw on everything stage as well. He is always waiting for a moment to escape with a crayon or..gasp…a marker!!
oh man, if I can tell you anything about living with tall people (Kurt is 6' 9") it's to shop at Nordstrom Rack. We can only find Kurt shoes there (size 16-17 for him).
Maggy!!!! You should've mentioned this long before now. Steven is 6' 4" and we have the hardest time finding him clothes….do they by chance have clothes for tall???
That's it. Send William over here to babysit for me and teach my kids some manners….we are SO heading down the wrong path as of late. 🙂
That is the best picture of William. He's going to be such a good grownup.
love myopia!
those yellow pants on parker are great – H&M? Must get for my boy.
h&m, you got it!