you’re two, parker man. you are two. at two weeks old, i couldn’t imagine you reaching two years old. what that’d look like but here we are. i’d like to take a moment to highlight some of the silly things you do so you can look back and think, “so that was me at two years old, eh?”
// you say boku for big and bebe for little. for example, you’ll run into a room and announce, “poopoo! boku!” from your mother’s perspective, all of your poops are pretty boku and rarely bebe, so i’m fairly distrustful of your assessment of the poop-situation.
// as i write this, dada’s pushing you around the first floor in a peg perego of the vintage variety. one that he used to use for your big brothers and sister. you have several stuffed animals occupying the stroller seat next to you, and your feet are hanging out the front like you’re a lanky teen. every time dada bumps into a wall you says, “uh oh!” also, you are trying your first rice cake and giving most of it to gracie who trails behind.
// whenever we give you a snack, you wait until you have one in each hand. “twoooo!” you say with your lips puckered way out. you won’t take a bite until you’ve got ’em both. how dare we give you only one! such stingy parents you have.
// i kiss you at least eighty times a day and i really don’t think that’s an exaggeration. square on the mouth, whether you like it or not. i can’t imagine even your future wife will outdo me and i am a-okay with that.
// you can identify the difference between bulldozer, excavator, crane, concrete mixer… so on and so forth. i think this is pretty impressive. but then again i am your mother and i think nearly everything you do is impressive.
// you are so reasonable about leaving playgrounds. this is really something because i often see kids being dragged off by their exasperated (and rightly so) mothers. you know, dragged by the arm, potential socket damage. i’m often surprised there’s not a plethora of abandoned limbs on the playground outskirts from all the johnny’s and susan’s who refused to leave previous days. but, usually if you’ve been given a warning, “one more time down the slide!” you’re cool with leaving and i really like that. i am quite sure that i will eat my words one day in the not too distant future. you’re probably buttering me up now and you’re really gonna let loose in your third year, huh?
// you say, “upp-ah! upp-ah!” when you want to go upstairs. like a greek wedding (opa!). and usually that’s to william’s room to play with toy guns (yep. you love them. what is that? i try to tell myself it’s a boy thing and not a big deal but really, i’d rather you fell in love with crayons and paper over toy guns.).
// you can be moody at times, and opinionated, and have spent a bit of time in time-out in the last several months. i think of the toddler phase as a mini-teen-raging-hormone sort of phase. prepping me for the big one to come in about ten to eleven years. i’ll brace myself.
// sometimes the big kids in the neighborhood are all over and william will bring you to hang out with them and, i swear, you’re probably thinking it’s the coolest thing ever. little you surrounded by sometimes five or six kids ten and older. they’re all really nice to you and you couldn’t be less interested in returning to boring mom after the fun you’ve had with them. luckily, i know not to take it personally.
// recently, you wanted to play with lindsey and i just wanted a hug first and you would not give it. you just walked out of the room holding onto lindsey’s hand. i fake cried (i’m pretty sure i’m not supposed to do this?) and you turned around and with a smirk on your face, came back to hug me, and then walked away with her. really cute.
// lindsey is “zzzz!” and william is “whim!” and you haven’t yet figured out nathaniel or jordan. gracie is usually called, “woof woof woof.”
// sometimes we’ll walk over to some good flat ground nearby for some scootering-time but, dependent on your mood, you will either just stand there holding your scooter, refusing to actually ride it, or, you’ll decide to comply with your mother’s wishes and, poor you, ride your fabulous scooter around. i haven’t figured this out.
// you think me singing ten little monkeys is pretty funny because i do the silliest voice for the doctor with a bit of a crazy english accent.
// dada does this claw arm that is equal parts exciting and scary to you. he’s freakishly good at sound effects from motorcycles to helicopters. it’s weird.
// we like to go through the day’s adventures for dada or the big kids if they’ve been out. i include you in this conversation, you interject words or sounds you know, to tell the story. so many adventures, so much recounting!
i love being your mom. it’s like the sweetest job in the world and i’m pretty psyched the gig is mine. it’s not always easy, it’s very rarely relaxing, but god is it good.
Aw! He'll love reading/hearing all of these when he's older!
awww he is so adorable<3
He is so adorable! What a lovely blog post you wrote for him
That picture is precious.
I love it.
Can't believe he's two! Remember you announcing you were pregnant with him.
My boy is the same about snacks….has to have one in each hand! He turned 3 last week though and has figured out to ask for 3 now. Obviously, he can't just have 2 anymore.
iiiii love this i love this and poopoo boku is the besssst! and the worst, i love poopoo bebe, though it concerns me at times if it's too bebe.
Great post! I laughed the whole way through!
How sweet is this!!! He will live this when he is older!
Great Post, I really love your writings over the last posts (I do love the others too, but I'm still in the "reading prozess" because I'm pretty new to the blog) I'm a bit jealous about parker and his leaving playground behaviour; our kids are never ever ok with it and convinced they have the worst mum

The fake crying is really sweet; can't blame you for that, although I think one should
this is so sweet!!!
lucky Parker, and other your awesome kids! they really have such a cool mama!
happy birthday Parker!
i remember that day you were born <3 hugs to all of you!
Oh. We aren't supposed to fake cry? Dang. I've probably ruined my Jack then because I pull that on him all.the.time. He just turned 3 yesterday. I call him my Sour Patch Kid….first he's sour, then he's sweet. But the sweet is soooooooo good that it often makes me forget the sour part.
Love this post. It's good stuff. <3
That picture is too cute! Oh, Parker you are growing up so very fast. Love this post about all of the things he does, aren't toddlers just the best??!!! They are so much smarter than we think at times and that's what amazes me the most I think! My girl (3 1/2….what? how did she get that old??) does the same thing when leaving the park or someplace she loves…one warning and then she is ok to go, no throwing fits and no limbs being pulled…I love this and hope it always stays that way!
Also, i have pulled the fake cry before too and it works like a charm for that one sweet hug you are longing for….I now it's wrong and I don't do it much but it's pretty darn cute!!!
Love this. Sweet memories recorded and stored forever. Parker will love this when he is older.
He's two! Happy Birthday, Parker! And good for you for not crying when leaving the playground.
Time just flies! I loved this post. Lucas will be two in November and I'm in denial!! xoxo
I'm rethinking allowing svea to marry parker after your kissing comment.
William gets an A+ in my big brother grade book. He is amazing. Also, this picture is delicious.