{top: c/o chic nova}
{pants: zara}
so, at the moment i’m nursing a sinus infection (i think) and it’s wretched. to those of you who frequent these waters… i am sorry. it ain’t fun. i feel like i’ve lived off of raw vegetables and hummus (“i’m sorry if my hands smell like tahini, i was just making hommus.” name the movie.)… trying to avoid carbs and dairy and ALL THINGS DELICIOUS to get well. stupid. and in august? stuuuupid.
and then! last friday, i broke my toe. my pinky toe. my poor, poor pinky toe. i slammed it (i mean slammed) it into a door. it was 11 am and i’d only had a few slices of apple since waking up at 7. i’d hardly say i’m knoooown for this but it’s happened before: fainting. just a sort of low blood sugar thing once in awhile if something gross happens to me and i haven’t eaten enough. so i looked at my toe and just by the looks of the poor thing i knew i’d done it. it wasn’t quite bent the right way and, i don’t know, it just did not look like its twin! i won’t go so far to say it was a bit deformed buuuut it was a bit deformed. i felt sweaty, i felt faint. i asked steve to pull it because i suspected it was dislocated. he gave it a meager pull. i googled. felt faint again. ate a banana. the whole debacle was just that. a debacle! the little toe is now black and blue and about twice the size of the other one but surprisingly not hurting very badly. in fact, i’d take another broken toe over any more of this silly sinus infection.
(i’m leaving out the part where i got an x-ray and apologized profusely for even coming in at all. my story went something like this, and repeated to everyone i saw: “i wouldn’t have come if i had known it was broken! i know you do nothing for broken toes! i just wasn’t sure if it was dislocated and i read that it can heal improperly if it’s dislocated…” and blah blah blah hangs head in shame blah blah.)
and that was my friday. minus the part where steve got nearly maimed by gracie who escaped and didn’t want to be carried home by him because some neighbor girls were playing fetch with her. i’ll save that for another day, yeah?
pass me the neti pot!
i broke my toe once–hopping into a pair of jeans–it was so embarrassing! hope that your foot and sinuses are back to 100% soon!
Also sick in the throat. But I loved reading this.
And I'm sorry, but I laughed about Gracie. Sometimes a dog just needs to be with her friends?
apparently. i mean, his side is SCRATCHED up. and he was piiiiiissed.
Get well soon, Bridget.
I felt like fainting reading this, because I just dislocated my toe a while ago and it hurt so bad – memory strikes me now. (But your writing is so inspiring, it was still definetly worth it)
Btw. just saw your last Instagram picture – I adore your handwriting 😉
I hope you feel better soon so that you can enjoy august.
yep. i mean, i'm not a wuss with pain and i was like 'holy shit i broke my toe' – and yes! i hope to feel well soon… before summer's out!!
I hate summer colds! My poor 3 year old Colton has been dealing with some major allergies since like June! Stinking Oklahoma weather!!
And my baby daddy dislocated his pinky toe about a month ago. It was really gross and a bit deformed. He stole my raft I was using in the pool and hid it and while jumping back in he hit it. That's what he gets for taking my stuff! Anyways, it was really black and blue and swollen. He taped it to his other toe for about a week during the day.
I hope you start feeling better soon!
revenge is a bitch.
(thanks alice!)
Oh my gosh! Are we the same person?! I have the WORST sinus infection right now and fainted twice. It's not connected, but is it? And no fun things to eat? Because I've been eating fried chicken like it's the biznaz, but is that not good for sinus infections? I've had this for about two weeks now. I should probably go consult Web MD so they can tell me I'm dying.
Crap. Sorry about your toe. Hope it heals soon.
i mean, i can't promise that fried chicken is helping or hurting but is it delicious in the meantime? then i say go right ahead. 🙂
Bridgetttttt, get better! Sinus infections are the wretched devil himself. And broken toes are no joke. I once "knew of a girl" who broke her toe by dancing in my friend's living room and smashing it into one of those obnoxious pillars. Thankfully I was at a doctor's house. Painful. Embarrassing. Also, painfully embarrassing.
Hope you are feeling better soon. 🙂
the girl is YOU ISN'T IT COLLEEN! 😉
I broke my pinky toe a few years ago and had to get an x-ray too…so embarrassing!!
Haha oh my gosh, you poor thing. Not to scare you, but I broke my pinky toe when I was like 12 and its never been the same. 13 years later and its still so much fatter than my other pinky toe. But isn't it weird that it doesn't hurt too bad? Mine was totally sticking out the wrong direction like yours!
Hope your sinus infection goes away soon!
Hope your toe is feeling better soon! You seem to have only referenced two toes. (Insert chuckle) You do have more right?!?
I kid. I kid. 🙂
I've only stubbed a toe.. apparently "gingerly" compared to your incident since I've never actually had anly black and blue. I can only image the pain. Terrible! Those little buggers. Always getting in the way!
I'm sorry this made me LOL but it did. But that does sound traumatizing and I would probably do something similar. Glad your toesies are all ok.
Movie=Wanderlust? (Haven't seen it, but I've seen this line quoted before on Twitter:)
I broke my big toe in elementary school when I fell down the stairs and I couldn't hardly walk for a good week. It's the worst.
wanderlust, you win.
big toe. that's even more traumatic!
i once broke a baby toe, too.
i said some special words to express how i was feeling about it.
you probably endured the situation with more grace than i did.
do you want to know that mine is still a little deformed? better luck with yours.
that's what i'm hearing ; once broken doesn't seem to go back to its original state. boo.
Awe lady!! Feel better! Lots of fluids!
I have dislocated my baby toe 3 times now and it sucks! I feel your pain.
For such a little thing, it's amazing how disorienting it is to have a pinky toe that's not quite healthy. Poor little thing.
And I hope you feel 110% better in the sinus soooooon. 🙁
Ooo oooph. That sounds so painful. It hurts bad enough when I simply stub my toe…so I can only imagine.
Here's wishing you a week free of sinus yucks and broken tootsies.
Just wanted to say I hope you and your toe feels better soon.
Oh bless your heart! But your storytelling was pretty comical and made for an enjoyable read. Hope you're feeling better asap!
I nearly barf if I bang an elbow or knee on a doorframe! I think it's more from the shock factor than pain. Anyway, I don't think your drama is excessive. Hope your toe is on the mend!
I've had my share of broken toes and sinus infections, and I think the latter are worse by a mile. If you're using a neti pot and cutting out dairy you're on the right track…I'd also suggest a hot toddy if you can be in air conditioning 🙂 – http://anna-gemutlichkeit.blogspot.com/2011/12/remedies-for-christmas-cold.html
ah i am with you. i have something nasty. headed to the doc tomorrow. the pits this sinus stuff! and oh my, so sorry about the toe. ouch! and i getcha on the faint thing. i do it too.
Ohh that does suck! Is it wrong that I was hoping for a photo? pahhaha