yesterday, we drove out to glenwood hot springs with steve’s brother, sister in law, and niece. his brother had mentioned that the drive out on 70 was really amazing but i didn’t realize how amazing it was until we reached the canyon. it was unbelieveable!! between the cliffs on either side of you and the river (with occasional rafters–something i’d love to do one day!) snaking along the highway, it was really incredible. the drives all around colorado are so different than massachusetts. and the east coast, really. we’ve got so many trees saddling right up to the interstates so you never see very far. here, you can see for miles and miles. steve grew up in chicago, and spent a lot of time in the midwest, so he breathes a little lighter when he can see a long ways. something about it suits him. (but the breathing lighter is quickly replaced by him feeling a little bleh because he has the weakest stomach when it comes to car sickness… even when he’s the driver. that, my friends, is a post for another day because it can be kind of ridiculous sometimes.)
and then! straight out of the canyon, we reached the glenwood hot springs. it’s huge! there’s a few pools, each one getting further from the natural source and subsequently cooler. still warm, but not hot tub warm like the first pool. seeing as it was 90 degrees out, i opted for the biggest pool and the luke warm one. it was cool, no doubt about it, but i think i’d enjoy it more in the winter time when the steam is so thick above the pool that you can’t see to each end and there is snow on the mountains around. that’d be amazing. so, my two cents! visit in the winter. and also, be aware that it’s pricey + definitely community-poolish (you feel me?). at $17 a person for kids 13 and over, they ain’t cutting you any deals! but, the drive alone was worth it. that drive was something to behold say i.
all of these pics are from the iphone. i can’t wait to get home and download the pics from my good camera because there are some keepers on that! i do love you, iphone, but you are limited!
I have been envying your trip via the insta life. Looks so amazing. Hot springs? All I need to know…
And you and Parker are the cutest btw.
Those views are absolutely breathtaking!! I've never seen anything like that! I feel like I'd enjoy Colorado..
I feel for Steve. Sounds just like me. I get carsick while driving, often. It IS ridiculous and so frustrating. The drive does look beautiful and hot springs can be so fun, minus the community pool feel. Hope you're enjoying your time.
This place looks amazing! I may have to make my way over there when I visit Denver in a month 🙂
Those are some lovely iPhone pics!!
Looks beautiful! What a fun vacation!
so jealous of your bikini bod!! what a cute suit!
You look hot mama! Loving these pics and have put CO on my must visit list as these pics are breathtaking and the hot springs…I must go there!!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip and see more pics!!!
liz, you should definitely visit! between rocky mtn. natl park, vail, denver… there are a lot of beautiful spots!
We used to go to Glenwood every spring with my family…sometimes it was even snowing and we would sit in the hot pool and watch the snowflakes melt in the water! Such a beautiful magical place! 🙂
Back in 2010 I took a sibling trip out to Colorado Springs and then up to the mountains – Vail & Beaver Creek. It was awesome! I feel Steve on the car sickness thing…that and a bit of…"oh no the brakes could go!" What an amazing part of the country though. I would love to go back in the winter! Bummed we missed out on the Glenwood Springs. Next time!!
brakes going on some of those downhills… ughhhh. i prefer to be in the passenger seat on these roads!
I grew up in Colorado, and my first roadtrip when I was learning to drive (I still had my permit) was to Vail. My dad wanted to teach me how to drive in the mountains, because he reasoned that if you could drive there, your could drive anywhere! I definitely had the same fears about the brakes!
Also, I totally feel Steve on the car sickness! I've also been known to get sick (on myself, ahem) while driving as well! I've never met anyone else who gets carsick as the driver!
awesome! I'm so jealous for you! and pretty good photos as taken with iphone! loving it! X
Also I'd like to go to that place right about now.
That pool looks (and sounds) like it's to die for! Can't wait to see the "good" pictures!
Have fun!!!
Incredible. I'm adding this to my list of places to visit!
I feel for Steve either, I chewed so much Ginger but it didn't help a bit. The place looks amazing and a bit scary, cause where I live (Germany) I've never seen something like this. I wish you and your family a really good time. I'm so happy I discovered your blog lately.
omg i need to take this drive. gorgeous bridget!
This looks gorgeous! My sister in law lives in Colorado Springs. I am going to tell her to check this out!
We are planning a fall getaway there (maybe sans kids!) sometime in the coming months. can't wait!
that suit is hawt!
so glad you got to experience the West
xo The Egg
colorado is really incredible – i'm glad you're getting to experience it! you def have to go back in the winter – its unreal! my two cents from living there: drive up trail ridge road at Rocky Mountain National Park, if you can! And if Steve can stomach it – amazing views at 12K+ feet! 🙂
This so takes me back to my childhood. Except the hot springs were in Slovenia but whatever. 😉 :0
That looks so beautiful!
LOVE that place! I went there on spring break one year while visiting a friend's family out in CO. It was amazing to go in the hot springs when it was cold outside…probably worth a trip back!
That is really cool! How cool would it be to go in the winter?! Boo, that they charge so much and take advantage of tourists.