i’m going to declare right now that this 18+ month old time is the best yet. if you click on parker archives, you’ll discover that i’ve said that at every single age and, praise the lord, i’ve really thought it at all those times. but gosh darnit, he is so much fun right now!!! he is seriously my little buddy and he has stolen my heart totally and completely. we go everywhere together and i feel like i know him so well. he gets things–he gets that these pjs have construction trucks on them and his face was seriously, “look at meeee guys!” when he put them on for the first time. he gets that we sing a bath song (the same one shannon sang to the older kids when they were little!) and he starts to hum it when i say, “bath time!” he gets that we pray at dinner and he stops eating and puts his little fists up to his forehead. he gets that some things he does are funny and he looks around waiting for all the laughs. i think nearly every single thing he does is cute and, how’d i get so lucky, but i know he loves me. he hugs and kisses me all the time, and seriously, is there anything sweeter? i love, love, love being this kid’s mom.
p.s. thank you so much for your votes over here. i ain’t gonna win but it’s fun to be there anyway. so, thanks!
{annie_loo} @ The Farrar Four says
Bridget! Seriously! He is precious!!!! Love that little face! That little grin! God bless his bones!
Don't you love how each milestone gets better and better. You think, it can't get much better than this…but the more they learn, the more fun it is. Enjoy ever milestone Bridget!!!!!! He's a doll!!!
Kimberly says
He is adorable!
Jen says
He is seriously the cutest. and reading this made me really excited to be a mom one day and experience all those things 🙂
happymommy says
Cuteset Parker pictures ever!!! I agree that every stage is just the best and they just keep getting better. I have a 3 year old girl and boy is she fun right now!!!
Merry2181 says
He seems like such a sweet little soul. And honestly, the way you write about Shannon and keep her alive in your home is so, SO touching. You're a good person to treat the situation as you do.
Erin says
i say that about the three month old stage right now..getting huge smiles when she sees me, and carrying on conversations with her coos. can't wait to see what the next stages bring!
bridget says
@erin, oh three months is a seriously sweet, mushy time too!!! the smiles are the best!!!
@annie loo, YES. i do miss little parker, but goodness, is he fun right now.
@merry2181, thank you!! 🙂
jackie says
my ovarieeeeees
Alex says
Oh god Bridget, I've fallen in love with your son. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Anna Elizabeth {Photographs and Memories} says
Bridget, he is SO stinking cute!!! his little grin is to die for, and i am obsessed with his footy pajamas… so adorable 🙂
Beth Ann says
Love these pictures- what a ham! It is such a fun stage. I find myself renigging on the "no Disney characters" clothing and stuff because well, he loves Thomas the Train and Mickey! He gets excited and points and it's just so fun and cute! What makes him happy makes me happy, duh. Why didn't I see that one coming? Fun times. Wonder if we will be saying the same thing about favorite stage at 2 and 3 years old?! I'm only a little scared….
180|360 says
He really is the cutest little munchkin!
Dancing Branflake says
Freakin adorable. If I have a son, I want one just like him…. especially that smirk!!!
Lottie Simm says
my little one is three months and i just find her smiles amazing and so cute, so goodness knows what i will be like when she is 18 months 🙂
sara says
are you serious with this boy?!
he. is. SO. CUTE.
i can just tell what a sweet soul he his just by lookin' at him.
Alice says
So stinking cute!!
GirlRural.com says
Very sweet sentiments!
Emily says
I agree with the previous 39045 comments; he's adorable and your photos are beautiful.
Also, I thought you should know I tried out your black bean burger recipe last night (& linked back from my blog). Yum.
jenny says
Seriously. So darling. My husband and I always say that every new stage is our favorite, too. But now, having two kiddos with one on the way, 18-24 mos is prob one of my top favs. They're old enough to DO stuff and be incredibly darling, but young enough to still be innocent and not show-off. 🙂 Enjoy!
Adrienne Gomer says
Ummm, are you sure he's yours? Because it looks like you just cloned Steve. Or Lindsey, but male.
Also – I agree, every age is my favorite. I currently have a 4 year old and it's my favorite. Listening to her talk and understanding how her mind works. Having to explain the simplest things to her and watching her figuring it all out. I started doing this Q&A a day for kids book with her and her answers sometimes blow me away and sometimes they are just hilarious. One question was "what is something you'd like to buy?" And her answer was "lettuce and milk so I'd have lots of snacks for my friends"…. The girl has never eaten lettuce in her life (she does eat healthily though). You definitely need to do this book with Parker. Here's the link…
I also have a 10 month old that I want to eat because he is too darn precious. 4 years old and 10 months old, yep, those are my favorite ages 🙂
v.jack says
Oh, be still my heart! He is scrumptious! What a sweet and handsome little man!
Anna {dear friend} says
bridget says
@adrienne gomer, that book looks super cute! i'm going to check it out! thanks!
@anna, ME TOO. 🙂
Anna D Kart says
He is such a cutie! 🙂
toi says
Oh gosh Bridget, he is adorable! I love all the post in which Mr Parker makes an appearance. He is adorable :). Can't believe our children our just four months apart
Chelsea says
Winner- best closed mouth smiling person EVER!! How does he do it?!! And I completely, whole heartedly agree about this age. Wyatt and I were just talking about that tonight… how fun the boys were. How they were ACTUALLY fun to play with!! (sounds bad, but it's taken us a while to get there with them:) haha. Such a joy to see them get a personality and communicate. I think that's it.
Parker is just a doll. That face of his, oh man.
Victoria Schuler says
His little face and little body SCREAM, "I'm a little man!" to me. It's like he's an old soul already!
Cute guy, lucky family!
Danielle says
The little tight-lipped smile is slaying me!
Jennifer says
little man is a doll. what a kid. my sweet boy is three but i very much remember 18 months being a point where things really started to take off and get SUPER fun. i LOVED every stage and age till then, like you have, but somehow 18 months ushered in a new thing. glad you are having such a blast and soaking it all in. it's luscious!
Betsy says
He looks so proud in those first pictures. I love it!
Lexie Loo, Lily Boo, and Dylan Too! says
He is adorable! He looks like such a sweet little man!
Mrs. Yellow Ribbon says
Stinkin' cute. That's all there is too it.
Nicole Dianne says
so I'm pretty much terrified to have kids at this point in my life, but reading your posts puts things into perspective every so often 🙂 I can't wait for my own little buddy to go everywhere with and know everything about <3
teeny says
oh my goodness. his little face and feet crossed sitting on the stool!? priceless!! framers for sure.
whatevergatsby.com says
i seriously do not understand why you guys don't have this kid doing gap kids commercials. he is SO CUTE! he'd sell baby sweaters like hot cakes.
Clair says
Seriously ADORABLE. And also nice to see such a happy mama!
Kristina says
That first pitcure!!!!
Loving it! So cute!!!