i’ll try to keep it fresh and simple.
we had a blizzard. it kept coming and coming. and it ended up being super fun because a) we didn’t lose power–this being the chief reason b) we have a snow blower and thus are not trapped by the never ending snow c) the kids already had the day off. steve had the day off too which had him mostly hemming and hawing about how he could’ve easily taught his morning class because the snow really didn’t start until after that and blah blah blah STEVE IT IS A DAY OFF ENJOY IT. we started friday morning on the right foot… with a roaring fire, watching seabiscuit (horse movies that make me cry for the win always), and popcorn. and then it began to snow and basically didn’t stop for 24 hours.
william and jordan, always the adventurers, decided at about 8:30 pm friday night (mostly due to william’s prodding) to walk to a nearby gas station in the crazy winds and snowy swirls to get the really crappy hot (lukewarm?) chocolate that was undoubtedly awaiting them despite the fact that we had whole milk and starbucks hot cocoa mix in the house. it makes perfect sense and so i didn’t question it. what can normally take about a half hour took them about two but, like i said, i didn’t question it.
meanwhile, i sat by the fire, sending my wishes up to the power gods that we would keep ours and contemplating… should i shower now in case we lose power? should i just do the ‘ol dry shampoo routine if my hair gets nasty and power’s gone for days? that is, until steve informed me that he already filled the bathtubs in case of a power outage and so… last-chance cleaning was thereby thwarted.
what else? well, we went sledding, of course. and after a day of snow-play had us coming in the house too late to think about a gourmet dinner, i threw some frozen pizzas in the oven. which brings me to my next point. i consider myself a bit of a, oh, foodie? i mean, i’m not a foodie like some people are foodies, but i’m like 70% foodie. and i eat frozen pizzas? is that even ok? they’re red barons which, by frozen pizza standards, is pretty good if you ask me but still. it’s embarrassing. and even more embarrassing when i saw this pizza that ashley threw together that had my mouth watering. (still too scared to attempt it. but! fascinated by the fact that some pureed san marzanos and salt is it as far as sauce goes!)
alright, moving on. i said fresh and simple didn’t i? the kids made a crazy snow maze on this tiny frozen pond by our house and, i tell you what, if i were a kid i would’ve thought it was crazy fun. i did think it was crazy fun and i’m not technically a kid any longer so, you can imagine. excited kids. steve, parker and i visited for a bit and slid around. it had little forts and everything. they stayed all day and came home famished after a day of that good old-fashioned fun makes a parent happy.
that about sums it up. thanks for the fun weekend, nemo.
omg parkers little bright red nose in picture three. so cute.
Wow look at all that beautiful snow! You have such a cute family. Looks like you guys were having fun.
The Compass Rose
That looks like it was a blast! I'm jealous! I love being snowed in!
At least it's Red Barron. I buy Totino's…you know…the 99 cent ones. Yeah. Those. They are ma fave!
I'm jealous of this snow! We NEVER ever get snow like this. If we did, the city would shut down. We shut down over an inch…even a dusting. Looks like so much fun!!!!
i posted about NEMO too!
soooo much snow 🙂
stay warm!
xo – heather
This Life Is Yours Blog
The little snow cave that Steve and Parker are in were always my favorite. We got a shitload of snow here too, but only on Friday, so we had a cozy night in, drinking beer and watching DJango and keeping busy. You know, the newlywed kinda snowed in 😉
Actually, make it six hundred and fifty four posts about Nemo 'cause I jumped on the bandwagon, too. Snow makes the best pictures! I love Parker's rosy nose in the one of the two of you. Tiny little rudolph.
Exclaim & Murmur
oh wow! I have never experienced snow like that!
How the freak did you make living during a super storm sound so awesome? Can I be a apart of the Hunt fam?
how lovely to find your blog, i have been entranced with your story sitting here waiting for dinner to cook, surrounded by my tired kids and my fighting dogs! As soon as i get a minute again i am going to loose myself once more in your love story, your beautiful kids and your beautiful pictures. thank you for sharing xxx
I definitely chose to take a shower… just in case! But we kept power through it all, thank goodness.
I have never seen this much snow in my life! It is snowing 90 miles west of me right now and I am hoping to get just a little bit for my kids and I! We haven't played in snow in over 2 years 🙁 Stupid Oklahoma weather!!
I don't miss too much about North East winters, but I sure do miss the fun of a good snowstorm. We just don't get a good snow down here in DC very often.
When I was little and we had a big snow, my dad would be out there snow blowing the drive way. And, no matter how exhausted he was from all that work, he would always make us a snow igloo…we would be out there playing in that igloo for hours!
snow forts and mazes are my jam. looks amazing! i was in nyc this weekend and they got a WHOLE 6 INCHES. boring. i'm glad you guys were able to get enough to have some fun : )
Man, I live in Idaho and we're supposed to have feet of snow like that in town, and we don't. I'm SO glad you ENJOYED it! The maze looks dreamy!
@jane, thank you so much for this sweet note!! glad to have you along 🙂
@fit with flash, 27 INCHES here!!
@alice, thinking snowy thoughts for you guys!!
sounds so fun!! all of it! frozen pizza, bathtubs + seabiscuit, stuck at home, no school!! amazeee!!!
though..as a lifelong californian, the idea of a MAZE on a FROZEN POND totally freaks me out!! but it does look incredible 🙂
sounds like an amazing weekend! that snow looks gorgeous!!! XO
Man, that all looks superb!!!! Jealous of the snow.
Jealous! I'm in Vermont and we were supposed to get hit hard too but it was a flop. I love snow [ hate the cold though!?! ] but this brown slushy stuff is not as fun as 'up to your doorstep, have to swim through it' snow. Enjoy!
We fill our bathtub too when there's a storm coming. Having a well is nice because I don't have a water bill but I don't like losing water when we lose power. Also, if it makes you feel any better our storm supplies were Asian noodle bowls and brownies.
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like lots of fun. I consider myself a foodie and I bought some frozen pizza today. They are a stand by in case. But my four year old has cried because we didn't remember to make dough in time once and we had to have frozen pizza.
that snow is crazy! I secretly hope for it to dump snow like that here — but then I would probably be run out of town of people figured out it was me that wished all the snow on them.
p.s. I saw that recipe — definitely bookmarked it for the future. I am intrigued by the sauce and these steel pizza "stones."
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Awwww…how fun! You all are so so lucky. They forecasted maybe a tiny sprinkle of snow here and what did we get? Rain. I feel jipped. I remember good, old fashioned days of fun outside as a kid and they are so good for kid souls. Honestly, I'm happy for y'all. 🙂
Just hopped over from Anna's blog and so glad I did. Love your space and love your voice! Glad to see you weathered the storm comfortably. =)
That is a lot of snow! But it looks like such a fun outing 🙂 Love the picture of the cave
Oh aren't you guys cute with your mittens and beanies building snow forts. I don't care what you say, I'm still jealous you have snow 😉
That is some ridiculous snow! Where are you, Boston? Oh my. Your blog is lovely. Looking forward to following along.
So much snow!!! How fun!