you know, me and the steve-man… though we be married, we don’t agree on everything. (you don’t say?!) and gosh, isn’t this whole live in the same house forever with this person that you agreed upon a funny thing anyway??? who ever thought it up? and not only that but we’re gonna procreate? i mean, you need to pass a test to get your driver’s license but some whispered sweet nothings, a little red wine and – BOOM – you find yourself raising another human being?!!
it’s crazy.
so, well, here are some things that we both agree upon and definitely do not agree upon.
// pillows, bed-sharing, and the like:
steve might be like half-assed, “where’s my pillow?” and if it doesn’t leeeap into his arms, he will just take mine. (not if i’m currently using it. that, my friends, would be cause for couch-sleeping.) but, ew! pillows should not be shared! ever! my head and my head only may touch my pillow. right?!?? and on bed-sharing, beds are only for pajamas and clean ones at that. do you lay on your sheets in your street clothes? don’t even tell me. so, yeah, steve and i have different bed-hygiene and his is way looser than mine so suffice it to say, there’s an imaginary line and he shouldn’t cross it.
// paul simon + his groovy beats:
i play a lot of paul simon. from pretty much graceland to so beautiful so what i don’t think the man can do much wrong. and some of those cds are like sweet nectar to my soul. steve thinks a lot of his songs are too busy, too complicated, “too clever by half” (what does that even mean??!), too much what steve, magic in them!?!? it’s just theeeee most ridiculous. it really should be a deal-breaker when you consider my love for paul but i let this one slide.
// modern family:
we both still think this show is ace. i don’t hear as many people talking about it anymore but we both will always get in bed with a laptop for an episode. our favorite, if i haaaad to say, would be cameron. but don’t make me say because phil and gloria are not far behind.
// travel:
though we’re strapped down by our army of kids and a lack of funds at the moment, we look forward to traveling together and, for now, the traveling in our dreams suffices and sometimes quite well. we’ve got plans and we really like each other for the most part, so i look forward to hitting the open road with that guy some day.
// interior decorating:
we don’t always agree on this. and while i wish he would just not have an opinion, he does. so last night i asked him to, “show me the pinterest board that you’ve been looking at for a year plus hoping to make a reality one day.” he couldn’t. thus, his opinions count for 30% and mine for 70%. i’m kidding, but only sort of.
// health food + healthy eating in general:
he gets back from his annual physical and, after hearing his cholesterol is a little high, starts going for the apples and pears and, you know, whole fruits in the house. this lasts, oh, 3 days. it happens every year. then, he gets over it and goes back to foods that crunch in his mouth. here’s the thing–he’s a pretty healthy eater. eggs or oatmeal for breakfast and something veggie based for lunch. but he’s not a fruit guy. he says, “they’re too inconsistent.” lays potato chips? well, you know what you’re getting every time you reach into that crinkly bag. i choose to eat fruits all year long and yes, even suffer through the occasional mealy apple. he gives it 3 days. i always laugh as he heads straight for the fruit basket after his physical.
// mexican food:
do you know that it might’ve been a deal breaker if we couldn’t agree on this? mexican food is where it’s at.
// going to the movies:
we both love going to the movies. and back when we were wee little chaps (what?) we did this fairly often. and do you know… some people actually don’t care to go to the movies?! we love it, me and steve-man. give me that guy, a coke, a large popcorn, and a dark theatre and it’s pretty close to my heaven.
you and yours? agree on most, disagree on most?
me + Joe..
-he always untucks the top sheet because he says he feels trapped if not. His side of the bed is all sorts of crazy in the morning. I could pull the covers up on my side and one would hardly know I ever slept there.
-he's the money conscious one, I'm the one who always wants to splurge 'just a little more.'
-we both love to travel- obviously, we moved overseas! Neither of us have a yearning to move home…yet.
-we also love Modern Family. I can never decide between Phil or Cam as my favourite but I'm pretty sure Joe would say Phil.
hahaha… so funny.
it is craziness, huh?
but fun lovable craziness.
the #1 thing me + the hubbi agree on: ice cream.
don't agree: christmas light. i'm white ALL the way, he likes the colored. i win π
xo – heather
This Life Is Yours Blog
haha i love this! the mexican food topic really is a deal breaker… so glad my man love it too!! π
xx, kara
@jay, bed disagreeing!! glad we are not the only ones.
@heather carson, ice cream… us too! haagen daz chocolate! and WHITE LIGHTS ALWAYS AND FOREVER.
love this. we honestly disagree on more than we agree on. politcs being a big one. people don't 'get' how it works but it just does! And keeps things interesting. Plus we each love a good debate!
Lovely couple and awesome picture.
Online Kids Games
Bridget ~ this was so fun to read! (Also… SO happy to hear that I am not the only one that thinks that about pillows!!! :))
The bed thing! Even before my husband and I were married I told him about my bed rules and excessive sheet changing… I think he has gotten used to it, but he thought I was nuts at first. Boys! Thanks for the post!
This is so funny. We definitely don't agree no the bed! I think the sheets should be snug and you only get under the covers with clean jams with its time for bed. Taking a nap? Grab a blanket. And the bed should be made every morning! Brian on the other hand, he's untucks the sheets the minute he gets into bed, never wants it made, and thinks my napping rule is absurd. We definitely don't agree on that!
We just moved in together, and I was thinking, "Great! I'll finally get to decorate an apartment exactly how I want!" Wrong. Brian has an opinion about EVERYTHING. As tough as it is not to get my way sometimes, it's sweet that he cares so much about building our home π
@sophie, husbands and wives should proooobably just have separate beds.
Yes- mexican food is a big one.
We 100% don't agree on types of movies. There's always a disagreement at the Redbox kiosk. He said he's going to need a night alone where he just watches all these (god-awful) movies that I won't let him rent because I have zero interest in seeing them!
Oh, and we're not married yet, so our potential for things to disagree on is still very high π
Shower, clean PJs, clean sheets, then get into the bed…no way with the street clothes! My hubs is not as into Mexican or sushi as I am. Sad! We do NOT agree on food/eating. He's a meat and potatoes guy and I'm a PB and J kinda girl.
Ha! Mine has interior decorating taste too and sometimes very strong opinions, which, cracks me up… I usually win though (;
Beautiful picture of you two!
yes, we disagree on a lot of things! And too also wish he didn't have an opinion on somethings so I can handle them.
But we do agree on a lot of things so that makes life a whole lot easier
Yes, Mexican food! That's what good marriages are made of, I tell you! And, also, look at you on a blogging roll!
me + Kevin.
In general, we're carbon copies of one another. There is just enough difference of opinion to keep it interesting.
Like curry. Curry is one thing we do not agree upon. In that he loves it and I want to puke when I catch a whiff. Also, he's like an expiration date fanatic ("What!? The milk expires tomorrow? Throw it away!") and I'm a bit more lax (sniff it, take a little bitty sip/nibble, then judge).
I laughed about the pillow sharing! My husband doesn't see any difference between our pillows but I can tell the instant I lay my head down if it is his or mine. I maybe have woken him up before to switch pillows. π
And I loved your comment about the Pinterest board! So true!! I have to admit that sometimes I just decorate first and ask questions later because I don't want to factor in my husband's opinion first. If he has one (and often he doesn't), I feel that it shouldn't matter as much because he OBVIOUSLY doesn't feel as strongly as I do about interior aesthetics!!
The interior decorating mention totally cracked me up. Whenever I ask my husband's opinion on something for the house, he says, "It's your world. I just live in it." I really am working on accepting his input.
@a desert girl, HAHAHA. i totally laughed about your expiration date thing. steve's the same way. he doesn't even want to sniff milk close to its expiration date. and the expired thing he's weirdest about… SALSA. um, why? meat? no, milk, no. salsa???? "THE SALSA IS OLD, THROW IT AWAY. OMG OLD TOMATOES."
@amber, hahaha, i love that.
@amanda, right?! three posts yesterday, one today, who do i think i am?! π
main thing we disagree on is music…
I have a wide array of people in my ipod…The Beatles, Nina Simone, Mumford and Sons, and my favorite U2. U2 has been my favorite FOREVER. We went to see them June 2011 and my sister and I were all like yay we finally are seeing U2. Our friends and her professor were like holy cow, you are so lucky to see U2. My husband went to the concert and today is still like oh yeah, whatever…I saw U2. Lesson learned for me : he is not my concert partner anymore, and he is ok with that. He never listened to any of the above till he got stuck with me. He listens to like maybe two bands, other than that it is talk radio and sports…put me to sleep.
What we agree on: healthy, whole food/organic eating all the way. It makes my life easier because I am not doing two separate things and and we enjoy shopping for it together. And mexican. Always a winner in our household.
I just loved this post and the photo of you both is too cute!
For my husband and I we do agree on quite a lot and I think that may also be due to our personalities. Even if theres something he likes that I do not, I can see why he likes it and vice versa.
π the things we do disagree on usually are do to my decorating or organization habits (ocd a bit). It is very much like your pinterest story.
oh and I could listen to the same song over and over and over, and he definitely could not.
Traveling is definitely something we both agree on. We moved to live in England so that we could travel more. Hopefully now that we are a bit more settled we can find the means to do more of it. I agree it definitely is more complicated with kids.
Thank you for sharing! I just read your blog posts on how you guys met, such a sweet story! xx B.
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
The bed one seems to be a big one! For us-I've always been a fan of sleeping in PJs. He prefers naked sleeping and skin on skin. It's not a deal breaker so I go along with him on this one. He is far too easy going and I get my own way far too much to not willingly cave on some things.
One big thing we both agree on is food-we are a veggie and vegan household for life!
And mexican is a big favourite for us too π I wonder are there any bloggers who don't like it??!
I lurve Modern Family! When my husband was still in the same state (sob!) we would watch multiple episodes every night, even first season ones. And Cameron is my absolute favorite! Then Phil.
I feel the exact, EXACT same way about bed hygiene. Thought I was the only one!
oh girl. you make me laugh.
i couldn't agree more on the bed one…but i think in general (or maybe it's just my hubby?) men are more lax then women in areas like that. i mean, wearing street clothes in bed? yeah, the thought just makes me cringe!
agreeing on mexican food is basically why we got married..
and i'm not even joking. im not making myself a plate of tacos and then make you pasta or whatever else you intend to eat. tacos is what we are having.
tacos have made this marriage.
and i'm glad to not be alone on this (;
Oh my gosh the bed hygiene issue! Yes! I relate exactly and it's almost a deal breaker at times. And street clothes in the bed…. Ahhhh panic attack! What almost did me in the other day was suitcases on the bed. Gross.
I don't mind the sharing pillows thing…but absolutely no street clothes on the bed! When I had to take the subway for work I was even more picky about it!
the pillow sharing thing, ha, so funny. that one doesn't bother me.
me + jimmy
shoes in the house!! i have baskets by all the doors, they should be removed and placed in one. my children both had it down by the time they were walking, my husband, however, can't figure this one out. makes me CRAZY.
running the dishwasher after you do the dinner dishes even if every single possible square inch isn't utilized. there is nothing worse than waking up to a dishwasher full of dirty dishes. ok, maybe waking up to a sick child in the night, that is definitely worse, but dirty dishes are a close second!
sleeping with socks on. impossible for me, necessary for him.
we do agree that snickers taste better frozen.
we LOVE movie dates too.
and he knows how to make the perfect cup of tea even though he isn't the tea drinker in the house!
if we agreed all the time what fun would that be?
Baby bed times. I think they are set in stone but Adam thinks staying up late doesn't doesn't hurt them.
Since I just had a new baby two weeks ago, I have learned to let him do things his way, if I don't want to do it myself! Its hard. Very very hard, to keep my mouth shut. π
I am not attached, but I just wanted to comment on how awesome this photo of you two are {& your caption underneath makes it the best!}.
Ah! The pillow thing! My husband came home early from work yesterday, sick and went straight to bed. When I went in to check on him, there he was with his sick head laying on my fluffy, perfect, clean, infection-free pillow. I called him out on it and he said, "Here, it's fine…you can have it!" On what planet did he think I wouldn't mind sleeping with his sick infused pillow? Now I'll never be able to sleep with it again…and I'm about to leave the house to buy a new one haha!
Ah! The pillow thing! My husband came home early from work yesterday, sick and went straight to bed. When I went in to check on him, there he was with his sick head laying on my fluffy, perfect, clean, infection-free pillow. I called him out on it and he said, "Here, it's fine…you can have it!" On what planet did he think I wouldn't mind sleeping with his sick infused pillow? Now I'll never be able to sleep with it again…and I'm about to leave the house to buy a new one haha!
Alan will come home from work…stinky, sweaty, nasty and will lay on my clean bed!! I get so pissed!! He also is NOT allowed to take off his boots/shoes in the house…OH MY GAW they smell HORRIBLE!
i love marriage (and relationship) quirks.
and that you said "wee little chaps"
@alice, sounds like alan needs to install an outdoor shower! not even allowed in the house till the filth is gone! (now wouldn't that be a novel idea?)
@susanne evangelista, wee little chaps we were!
this is ADORABLE! such a good idea to share. i think my husband and i are pretty much the same as you and your hubs. a lot to agree on… and a lot to disagree on! keeps the marriage interesting, right?!?!? XO
Pete + I…
We tend to agree on most things. We love going to the movies (although that doesn't happen much these days with a 3 month old in the house), We both prefer a quiet night in on a Saturday night, than a night out on the town. We both tend to enjoy the same tv shows (Modern Family included!).
But there are somethings that drive me crazy that don't seem to bother him at all. The one that comes to mind is closing drawers, cupboards, etc. I'll get up in the morning after he has left for work and go around closing all the drawers and cupboards he left open that morning. It's like a path of bread crumbs! I know exactly what he did each morning based on the things he left open…
My husband and I agree on most, its 50/50 when it comes to interior design as he is very "things should be clean and put inside a cupboard" where I like books on shelves with tons of frames and vases. We also agree that mexican food is the best – in fact no matter where we travel we always look up the closest mexican restaurant and go there for dinner even if the reviews suck, I mean its mexican how bad can it be!
We disagree on some little dumb things. Like the top sheet. Craig hates top sheets. I get pissed when he messes up my neatly made bed to get the top sheet off of him. That's the biggest one I can think of right now but one that rightly pisses me off like every night. Goddamn, Craig. Goddamn.
hmmm… i would say that we agree on a lot and disagree on a lot. we have the same sense of humour and usually love the same movies, tv shows, podcasts (this american life is a weekly tradition) and comedians. but i'm a vegetarian yoga teaching hippie, and he's, um, not. so there's that. yin & yang i say.
Agree on almost everything but food. I eat really healthy and well, he does not, and it drives me nuts!! And I like doing things more than he does..we are both perfectly fine staying at home most of the time, but occasionally I want to go out and he does not and then I get cranky and tell him we need to "live it up before kids". Thankfully we both agree on mexican food too! Thai and Indian though? not so much π
Street clothes in the bed?! Is that even legal. It shouldn't be. Disgusting.
Yes, I have to agree with Steve – fruit sucks… Too inconsistent! I'm always saying that! Seriously.
Movie theaters are the best. We go to the ones with the best popcorn sometimes regardless of the movie that's playing.
I am glad I am not the only pillow non-sharer out there. If I am not in the bed, he will grab my pillow and just about strangle it (I should be flattered, I suppose…). No sharing!
I can't get him to like country music. Six years in and I have been able to creep a little more into the mix than normal, but not by much!
Love all these comments about street clothes in the bed and how it should be illegal. This post totally validated my neuroses. Thank you! π
The Pinterest interior design board comment. Cracking me up.
I made my b/f a Pinterest account, added myself in to his boards as an extra "group pinner"…and VOILA!
"But David, looooook, YOUR Pinterest board has herringbone wood floors on it! And a trip to the Maldives!"
@madeleine, mads! that's genius! subtle brainwashing!
Mexican food is the secret to a successful marriage.
this is such a cute post (and picture!)
we disagree about sleeping habits too, i must (MUST) have the sheets untucked and curled underneath my toes. and don't get that flat sheet near me – i don't need it or want it. the hubs on the other hand? totally needs the sheets tucked in at the bottom and claims that i'm always "screwing up" the sheets.
we don't agree on most shows, except for the important ones like modern family (best ever), dexter, and mad men. and really, those are the only ones i'm worried about…soo he can watch all the sons of anarchy he wants while i watch parenthood π
omg beds. they are for sleeping in clean jams or a freshly nakey body. my boyfriend thinks it is acceptable to EAT in bed. food with crumbs. i…i can't even. that will have to stop. also, he sleeps on the decorative pillows. what? men…i tell ya.
LIsten. This could be a whole BLOG, let along a blog post.
Last weekend Kurt & I were having dinner with a friend and he was telling us about his last girlfriend. They broke up and long story short he had to go to counseling about it. Whereeee the counselor pointed out that they enjoyed doing different things in their free time and that's a deal breaker. He was all "on days off from the kids, I would want to go for a hike and she would want to read! can you imagine?!!"
As Kurt and I share a look across the table…wondering a) if we should break the realities of marriage to him and b)where we can egg this lady's house…
As for Kurt and I. We agree on Mexican food, ministry stuff and dogs. I am pretty sure the Mexican food & dogs are deal breakers for me.
Health food…well…this is the man who called me when we were dating to tell me how proud I should be of his food choice that day….he got chicken nuggets at McDonalds instead of a bacon burger.
He was dead serious Bridget.
@maggy, this is making me LOL. from the counselor's advice to the mcdonalds.
@hayley, decorative pillows! they don't get washed on the regular. men!
Oh man, if my husband didn't like mexican it would have never worked!
We both love to cook.
We both love to take mini trips to different places around where we live (Berkshires in MA, Boston, NYC)
We agree on politics, thank GOODNESS!
He listens to music I HATE!
I am a tidy person, he is not so much.
agreed agreed agreed on sooo many things. mostly the paul simon blasphemy?! didn't know there was such a thing as not liking the paul man, but i can let it slide. boy and i always agree on burrito quality in the boston area, our particular favorite pillows, but not on blanket preference, or guacamole (yeah, i know. another blasphemer.)
Who knew Mexican food was the secret to lasting relationships! (Btw- what's your favorite mexican place in the area – I'm a Bored Cafe fan all the way)
We don't agree on driving – I am a "get where you're going" type and he is all "windows down, just enjoy the music". He gets behind slow poke drivers and would never think to change lanes if it weren't for me chirping in his ear….#worstbackstreetdriver
We also disagree on Star Wars…I just don't get it.
This post and comments are amazing.
I am so on board with the "no street clothes on bed" rule. Absolutely. I think that follows in line with no shoes in the house. But street clothes on bed… seriously, we (my hubs and I) don't even like street clothes on the couch. We have house clothes for that. And if I've been in court for work, or God-forbid, an airport, those clothes don't even make it in the house while on my body. We are crazy like that. One time, a cable guy came into our house to fix something and then he sat on the edge of our bed….. cue anxiety attack.
Bath towel sharing is even worse than pillow sharing! And my husband doesn't even believe in sheets! He pushes them off almost every night.
Biggest disagreement: I think he should empty his pockets before putting his clothes in the dirty clothes basket…he thinks I should look through his pockets before putting his clothes in the washer! No sir, I don't think so!
@haute mama, NO HE DIDNT. that is most DEFINITELY his job. give him my email. i'll tell him whats what.
@lisa marie, i'm fairly certain your house is really clean and thus i want to come and hang out on your sofas… in CLEAN pajamas.
I could get lost in all these comments. So interesting to see other people's habits/similarities & differences. We share pillows and let the dog on the bed. Enough said! Haha.
fun post!
house & home:
my hubby and i pretty much agree on the decorating style. thanksfully he lets me take the lead b/c home decor is my jam. i'd say 95% of the time he likes what i've done.
i'm definitely the heathlier one. when i do laundry i always am emptying candy wrappers from his pockets and when he cleans his car out i see his plunders! however, he never complains with what i make for dinner. we had a "heart to heart" last night where we are both committing to clean eating. now, i'm working on him to join a CSA this summer!
i need way more than he does! he can go to bed at 3am and wake up and work the next day. if i did that i'd be so tired and grumpy.
he rarely buys clothes for himself. me – c'mon the girl loves fashion. i would shop endlessly if i could π
Loved this post! Thanks for the laughs!
My fiancΓ© hates the sheets tucked into the bottom of the bed, he says he feels trapped! Therefore when I make the bed I put more of the top sheet on my side, tucked in and he gets the very end of that sheet not tucked in! Problem solved..
The hamper is still an argument, I say he should check his pockets BEfORE the hamper, he thinks I should check them before the wash! Noooo wayyy
Oh and also men shouldn't have an opinion in how we decorate?!? Mine has a strong one… YIKES
I had no. idea. how lucky I was to agree with my guy on sheet-and-pillow related matters. No idea. Loved this post, and all the comments.
This post is AWESOME!
I definitely have an issue with street clothes on my bed. Even my friends know this (because i've had to school them a time or two. Poor friends.)
Paul Simon is pretty darn awesome. I agree with you on that one.
My husband is super laid back and I'm way uptight compared to him.
But hey, if it weren't for me our bedsheets would be gross.
And that's all that matters. =)