{shirt: c/o eshakti}
{pants: windsor store}
i had a friend on facebook recently question in her status, “why are bloggers always looking down in their fashion posts?” when i read it i knew right away… GUILTY. and while i would like to say it’s because of some legitimate reason–dog poop on my shoe, lindsey’s painting my toenails and i’m checking that she’s doing a good job–all completely valid reasons, i’m afraid, for me, it is merely this: i’m awkward. it’s awkward!
so, hats off to you fashion bloggers who pull it off way better than i do all the while staring that lens smack in its face.
(and thanks for bearing with me and my small attempt to contribute something to the world of fashion blogging all while looking down. it’s a ruse but it’s a fun one.)
{a note about eshakti before i go: it’s pretty crazy, but you can customize every piece to fit you perfectly. and i don’t just mean length/width but also–oh, that dress has a cap sleeve but you don’t want a cap sleeve? okay, customize, boom. it’s pretty cool. i gave my measurements before getting this shirt and it fits so well. i mean, it’s a blousey shirt and it’s supposed to be but length wise? torso and sleeves? it’s rare to have those things long enough. eshakti, you done good!}
and some of my fave eshakti pieces since you asked: this striped skirt, this blouse, and this dress.
I did ask, how did you know? 😉
I like the mystery of looking down 😉
New reader!
Chantal @ Scattered Seashells
I'm not a fashion blogger, but I can relate. And I agree it has to do with awkwardness. I am! Lovely photos in the same, and that's way cool that you've found someone that can taylor to your needs.
heh, that's like how I am always looking elsewhere (at the baby, the sky etc) in my posts. I know that eye contact is the best for reader engagement, but I am writer-y-type, not a model-y type. it's awkward!
but I have to add, objectively you are symmetrical (gorgeous) so you can totally get away with looking at the lens. I will be checking up on future posts to see if you took up the challenge 😉
i always look down too, mostly because i'm awkward. and my husband always makes fun of bloggers for standing toes in, heels out. so guilty.
Ah, I'm not fashion blogger but i do understand! I feel awkward to even post photos of ME on my blog , so even more weird if i need to post photos only with direct eye contact to the lens 😉
i think we're just so inclined to look down! 🙂 it looks fantastic though
kw ladies in navy
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I almost always look down or away, I just look better that way? And that blouse! I just ordered a polka dot dress from them and cannot wait to see how it turn out…dresses are so hard to fit!
@bron, well you are nice, thank you! we'll see how future fashion posts go and where i'm looking!! (and you, my friend, are gorgeous as well.)
@because of jackie, oh i hope you like it!!
hahaha, so funny.
when my hubbi is taking blog pics
he often tells me to look up.
i guess it's blogger habit 🙂
xo – heather
This Life Is Yours Blog
I don't know that I ever noticed it…but now that I think about it…you're right! But…it works. Stick with it. And, that blouse…so cute! love that! I'm checking them out now!
i like the looking down shots, I always think they're so pretty.
Haha now that you mention it – it's totally true!
The Hartungs Blog
Love your look. Jealous of your hair. Mine's having an identity crisis right now. Yours seems to know who it is.
Love your look. Jealous of your hair. Mine's having an identity crisis right now. Yours seems to know who it is.
HA HA HA, oh no, guilty, that was ME who said that!
I think it's become the thing to do for some (not saying you!)…that and the pigeon-toed stance. It does look more, I dunno, artsy or catalogue-like maybe? Better than cheesy smiling? Emphasized the clothing? Anyway, funny funny…you keep doing what you're doing because everything you do looks great on you 🙂
I love that blouse.
Bonnie Rose
The Compass Rose
love the polka dots!
I'm one of those that can't help but look directly into the camera whenever there's one around. And I have the big cheesy grin, too. I try sometimes to be cool and not look at the camera, but I just can't! 😛 I do really love the concept of Eshakti's clothes.
I remember in your maternity photo shoots you would always look into the camera…and I kinda liked it. Is this with a self timer, or is it Steve? Let's work through this.
i really like that blouse! i love all things that tie like that in the middle…super flattering to my small chest! haha
I try so hard not to look down, but sometimes the best shots are when you're trying to look candid even though you're clearly not. I don't know… it just looks more interesting to me.
I love this outfit! Hope you don't mind me re-blogging it!
By the way, I tried to find this top on the eshakti website but couldn't see it; do you know if it's still available or did you get it a little while ago? (trying to copy!)
@serendipitiy and kate, i know! they said it would be restocked soon!! let me know if, in awhile, it's not and i could contact them to ask! (and thanks!)
This outfit is so great, love the bright red jeans!
b, i'm pretty sure i have a crush on you. do whatever you want in these outfit posts. just keep posting them. your style is inspiring. especially that bomber jacket you sport all the time. where in the blazes did you get the idea for that gem?
Sometimes it just looks better when you are not acknowledging the camera. Like you are not posing for outfit photos, but just going about your day.
Love the bow blouse, it's so cute!
Chic on the Cheap