Parker is all boy. In the old nature vs. nurture debate, I declare nature does the trumping. I never taught him to love trucks, balls, and tractors. None of us did. But those are, by far, his favorite. You tell him there’s a passing truck while we’re driving along in the car, and he nearly levitates from his carseat (the whole inch that his straps will allow) and cranes his neck to try to see it. He makes his mouth into a little “oh!” shape and looks at you like, “Are you seeing this?!? ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!??” The expressions on his face are priceless.
Parker, though I am all lady, I actually get excited about the fire trucks and the cement mixers these days. You, buddy. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
So, when Steve, Parker, and I were on a breakfast date recently and we came across a work site–the building of a new bridge, I think–we had to get out. It’s like eye-candy for Parker. Better than all the blueberries in the world! Greater than a buffet bar of nursing! Sweeter than being surrounded by all the cuddly puppies ever! (Imagine all of them at once?! Parker-heaven!) There was beeping, and motors, and cranes moving high above us. Of course, he loved it. As you can tell from the pictures, he couldn’t take his eyes off of it–except when the wind blew and he cuddled in close to me. And wearing him is great for those moments. I’ll take it. Cause one day, they’ll be few and far between.
You’re a sweet one Parker. As your Mama, I’ll try to always meet you where you’re at and get as excited (okay, almost as excited) about trains and motors and sirens as you. I’ll get my knees dirty and my brow sweaty. Cause I think you love sharing the joy and you, little bud, are where it’s at.
This is my fourth entry in the Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries.
I wear Parker in the Simple Sling in Midnight.
Great pictures and I LOVE your outfit! I have a girl so she is naturally into Princesses and all things girly, it's just their nature for sure!
2nd the love on your outfit!
You're in my town! Next time if youre up for a treat or breakfast or a bomb lunch, try ceres bakery. Just a couple of blocks away from the new bridge building sight. xo
@molly, i think i've seen that place! we attempted friendly toast that morning but they were closed 🙁 ceres bakery is on the list!
@happy mommy + @anna, thank you!
your polka dot pants are fantastic! such a fun simple outing for your little boy!
i agree with everyone else – those pants are ca-uuuuuuuute!
xx, kara
beautiful photos!
xo – heather
This Life Is Yours Blog
Love your polka-dot pants! You are hot!!
That pic of him cuddling you is the sweetest!
My almost 3 year old loves all the boy stuff too. But he also has a baby doll that he is the best daddy too. And a tea set where he will sit and serve me tea and cookies for days. LOL! Our house backs up to a street and even though we have a 6 ft fence whenever he hears a siren he will run as quick as he can to our back door.
It is so interesting how their distinctive personalities and interests shine through even when they're so young. They are their own little people, which is so cool.
And those polka dot pants – so cute.
parker… he wins cutest little man award. seriously, i can't get enough.
and those polka-dots look incredible on you.
check out you in those pants, girl! wow.
I got one for Christmas! I'm so excited. I just need a baby to put in it. May seems so far away.
You have such a cute style and make such an adorable momma. Thanks for sharing!
oh the parker face you describe is ahh-dorable!!! ON par with how i feel about your pantalones!!
I second Ceres Bakery next time you're in town. It was our favorite spot when we drove up from Boston to visit family… and now we've moved here and we have yet to go back! Must fix that soon!
Agreed. Nature all the way on this one.
We have a sport lover over here in this house. Also loves superheros – specifically superman & batman…but I think that may be partly nurture (Drew Jones).
You look great Sakura Bloomin' all over the streets with your polka pants on. Hottie.
where did you get those pants? love that he loves construction sites… mine love purses and bunnies… so girly.
umm.. could you be looking any more fab?! Love those pants!
Love the coat, hat, AND bag!! Where are they all from?? You have such cute style 🙂
That first picture is amazing! New lens?
It's all cute, this post, the pictures, those pants. Tell me how they fit cause I'm buying a pair.
thanks all! pants from f21! hat is h&m and bag is baggu. yes, e! new lens and it is amazing.
I love this one. It's funny how having a little boy makes you start noticing motorcycles and construction sites and fire trucks.
i do love the pictures to and the story about Parker's love for all boy things. boys will be boys, eh? Love your outfit
those pants are TO LIVE FOR. OH GOSH, i am just beside myself. i must get a pair asap. ya know, for my wellbeing.
Nature vs. nurture. I agree. Nature almost always wins! But there is good reason to keep fostering some of the things we moms do in our kids. Hopefully it helps make them the best little beings they were designed to be. As for the pants, I was so smitten by your cuteness I pinned your picture to a board called "Caught my Eye" on Pinterest. I hope that you don't mind. Happy January!
When our son was born, I told my husband that I would do everything gender-neutral. He would have Waldorf dolls, a wooden kitchen, and wear whatever color he wanted. I even bought him a pink polo shirt. But as it turns out, he too loves TRUUUUCCKKKS more than anything in the world. And now, as his mama, I can name almost every single truck in existence. Nature, without a doubt, baby.
@grace, YES. i neverrrr taught this truck-fascination! and i too find myself being like, "Steve, what is that? digger? bull dozer?"
Can I ask where your boots are from? They look comfy and gorgeous!
@linda choi, they're carlos santana from famous footwear–awhile ago but they still have stuff like it!
such lovely pictures that so beautifully capture your mama-son love. what a treasure!
I love the polkadot trousers too – such fun and they look great on you!
On the nature vs nurture though, I don't know – when our son was just a few months old I read There's a Good Girl: Gender Stereotyping in the First Three Years by Marianne Grabrucker, which was eye opening to me about the ways in which we reinforce gender stereotypical behaviour in our children in seemingly inconsequential and totally unconscious ways (eg reacting more warmly when a girl does something that echoes ourselves like mothering a baby doll, or praising them when they look pretty, or being more accepting of boys' boisterous behaviour as 'boys will be boys' – all sorts of things) and the study quoted recently in relation to the Swedish gender neutral pre-school (I want to find the link, but when I open a new tab my internet crashes sorry) found that pre-school workers who *thought* they made no distinction between boys and girls, comforted girls differently and for longer than boys.
Not to say there is no inherent difference, just that the more I think about mothering my son the more I realise how complex it is!
Ahhh I don't know how I missed this post but that's my town!! They're working on that bridge all the time, so Parker would definitely have a full share of construction equipment to oggle at.
Next time your in town, try Colby's for breakfast. It's right near the bridge – sometimes it has a wait but it's a tiny little hole-in-the-wall, and has a pretty cute atmosphere.