We decided this gravy train had come to a stop and it was time for Parker to go to school. So, we sent him one morning on the bus with William. In his backpack. Gave him a few puffs for breakfast and a teddy bear and off they went. While William was in class, he hung out in the locker. Held onto a football and looked at some chemistry books to pass the time. At noon, he had a lunch of sweet potato and broccoli with the big kids. Tried to barter–sweet potatoes for a twinkie–but they wouldn’t have it. Then, back into the locker for his nap. Came home with William and told me all about it. Missed nursing and his crib, but mostly looking forward to going back.
Hahahaha…this is hilarious!!! He is so cute in the locker. Poor Parker!
supersweet. it made me laugh, like seriously. sun on a rainy day.
hahahaha! this is too funny. what a cutie!
Parker's all…whatever, Mom, joke away…just put some boob milk in a sippy cup and I am gonna rule the school for reals.
So cute!! Also, that locker is WAY bigger than the one I had in high school- a toddler would have only been able to stand, and then had to crouch!
that locker photo is so adorable!
Ha! He is so cute!
Oh my gosh! Too adorable! How do you handle his cuteness?
so cute in the locker!
Okay, I love this. Him in the locker? Get outta town.
haha. he wouldn't leave those boobs for twenty minutes. nice try.
hahahahahaha, best! yeah i really took one of my twinsisters to school once. my mum had to go to work and my dad had no space for two little babies i decited to take my little sister she must have been 20 months ore something with my to school! since we had the whole day a kind of priject day she was very welcomed and all my class members loved her. it was just the perfect entertainment for little paula…
I bet you are dreading the day it is actually time for him to head off to school 😉 He is just too cute for words.
Bahahaha, absolutely hilarious and adorable!
Like the way he is ambling around in the locker room.
Oh my so cute!!
The locker picture. I die of cuteness overload.
Ohhhh, he looks sooooo small in the hallway of that school!
Parker for class president!
So cute!
Love it!
hahahh what a great post!!
Sandy a la Mode
this is too funny! he is going to be the coolest kid on the block
so funny 🙂
The first picture made me laugh! How cute!