So, I think I make New Year’s resolutions like every year and keep them never. I can’t say I take it that seriously so I’m mostly failing before I’m beginning. I think it’s in keeping with how I feel about New Year’s Eve in general. The whole night feels like such pressure to have fun that I mostly say screw it and go to bed before midnight. Now, I didn’t always do that, but I did it this year (and last) and I don’t regret it one bit. While the rest of you were nursing your hangovers, I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with a happy baby at 7 am. No headache, no nausea… just 2013 looking me dead-in-the-eyes saying, “What now?!”
So, what now, 2013?
I am tempted to make actual resolutions this year. And this isn’t a nod to you, New Year’s Eve. No, you still mostly suck. But mostly to see if I can. To challenge myself. Let it be known that I’m not good at these things. Call it a free spirit or call it lazy (probably the latter) but I don’t do well with restrictions and rules. So, I’m going to put these out there, just utter them into my blog post, and then we’ll see what happens. But I’m not making any promises.
I’d like to begin writing a book. I’m all over the place with this one. And honestly I don’t see myself doing it (Geez Bridge! Not a good start!). But ever since I read Blue Like Jazz, I wanted to write something like that. Something memoir-like, a little bit of a faith, and mostly ramblings. Like this blog?
I want to learn more about photography. And damn, I want to be so good at it. I’ve wanted this for a long time and learned things along the way but not enough, not enough. So, that.
I want to see if I can give up internet for a month. But gosh darnit I don’t see myself being able to give it up for a day. How could I go a month? SERIOUSLY HOW? Kate did it, and Elizabeth’s going to attempt it (no internet plus a whole slew of other things that make me hivey). Bridget, however, is a slug who can barely comprehend 24 hours without the darn thing. It makes me mad at myself, the thought that I can’t, and maybe mad enough to try?
Play more board games with William and Lindsey. I’m not going crazy, but like, once a week board games. Clue, Sorry, things like that. Cards too. And since we don’t have TV and I might give up internet for a month, I should have plenty of time on my hands.
Buy more underwear. I’m a 28-year old lady. There’s no need for me to still be running out of underwear. Though maybe this is more telling of how slowly I can get laundry done? And in this same vein, throw away the underwear that is uncomfortable. You know–the pairs you keep around for the days when all the good ones are gone. I’m over them. This shouldn’t be too hard since my favorite underwear is at Target. Target!
Oh, and to finish Les Miserables this year. Really, even this month or next–come on, it’s long. Steve’s sung its praises for years, and I have never read it. It’s about time I get on that train. Cause, man, that is one heck of a story.
There they are. I’m not going all out, obviously, but even these make my palms sweaty if I think too hard about them. So let it be written, so let it be done? Um, no. But wish me luck anyway?
Are you a resolutions-maker? A resolutions-keeper?
love these resolutions!! i would LOVE to give up internet for a time period but I'm pretty sure I would end up staring at a wall. thats really sad. maybe i'll just limit myself. happy new year bridget!! XO
Haha! You feel as dubious about New Year's Resolutions as I do. I try not to make any, but this year there is a massive change that I need to make in my life – something hanging over from the end of last year that I need to get resolved in order to move on! So, that's my one resolution.
Other than that … getting back into my pole dancing is another thing I definitely need to do:)
Good luck with yours … the Internet one is brave! So very brave!!
@jackiek, happy new year to you too!!
@unpublished life, good luck with your lingering one! and pole dancing… how saucy!! have fun!
I laughed so hard about your underwear resolution. 🙂 I just whispered to my husband while shopping in Best Buy the other day, "Um, can I walk over to T.J. Maxx and buy some more underwear? I keep running out." He looked at me just as you said. Like I'm a 25-yr-old woman and I don't need permission to go buy necessities. Incredulous I tell you! Loved your list…
Bridget, just because you don't see yourself doing these things doesn't mean that you won't or can't. It just means that while you're doing them, they are going to feel incredibly surreal.
I love that feeling.
Do one thing every day to lead you toward these things. One little thing.
Buy underwear:
You can do it, Bridge! (Although, the sans-internet-for-one-month seems really difficult to me!)
Also, I think you and I have the same favorite undies. Haha! While all my friends are buying out VS during the semi-annual sale, I'm like, "Oh, hey! My favorite undies!" during every single Target trip. Hey. They rock, and I'm saving big bucks. Win, win.
Happy New Year, Bridget!
I can't imagine how many recipes I would have to print off if I was going to try a month without the internet. Or you know, I could buy a cookbook. . .
The last resolution I made was three years ago and it was to lose 7 pounds. Instead I got pregnant and gained 50 more. So I'm trying again this year and doing one goal per month. Losing weight is not on the list! (but working out and eating healthy are, so hopefully that will be a nice side effect)
My resolution is to have more fun. Also to drink more water, wear less black, and make more positive life changes, but having more fun is the number one. I find myself plopped on the couch by 8:30 with my jams on most nights, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but something that is becoming all the more frequent in my house. I'm not trying to jump out of planes or anything; I just want to do more and plop less.
Also, you should write your novel. Seriously, just do it. I had been mulling over mine for years until last March when I finally decided to get it done. I also just turned 28 and realized that life is just going to keep on keeping on, whether I write it or not.
Think about it, pull an outline together and DO IT. It took five months for me to complete it and it contained a lot of late nights, early mornings, longer than acceptable lunch hours and a little bit of avoiding my husband, but once I finished it, it made me feel like I could do anything. It's the beginning of a long road (it's being edited now, but then comes proofreading, second drafts, third drafts, publishing it, etc. etc.), but it's knowing that I accomplished the one thing that I have consistently dreamed about my whole life.
I know this isn't the first time you've mentioned writing your novel. You live a beautiful life and you should never look back and wonder what would have happened if you really did do it.
So write that novel and buy that underwear, girl.
I'm not one for resolutions…
But, I started Les Mis before Christmas… According to my Kindle I am now 26% through it. Phew! It's not easy but I am loving it. I am NOT going to see the movie until I finish it! (Even though I am dying to!)
I am definitely a resolutions maker and keeper. I love them!
Les Mis is an amazing book. It definitely takes commitment, and I would say don't feel bad if you skim over parts, but it's definitely worth a read. I saw the movie and then have been rereading parts since. The story is so powerful! (It sounds like Steve and I could have a great conversation about our love for the book!)
@KIP, i do a lot of plopping so i understand. a lot of wearing black too. sounds like we could share resolutions!! also, i'm super impressed that you wrote your book.
@cynthia, 26% is good!
@michelle, yes, steve told me there's a ton about the revolution and napoleon that might get boring. i'll feel like it's not a legit read if i skim though. gah!
@kimberly, yours made me LOL. getting pregnant is a good excuse not to lose weight though!
@E, eberjey — that is nice stuff. and i talked to steve about the no internet thing–i am getting more excited about it. i am thinking summertime. get outside more.
Last year my New Year's Resolution was to write a book. I did it, which made me realize how awesome New Year's Resolutions can be.
PS… I read Elizabeth's blog last night and basically spit out my proverbial Kool-Aid at the no internet thing. Dang.
First, I'd buy your book. Your writing style just kinda speaks to me. So get to work on that book.
Also, it took me awhile to get through Les Mis, but I must say that it is one of the best stories I've ever read and definitely worth every minute. Steve and other hard-core literary types may gasp if they heard me say this, but I did find myself skimming parts of the book and I did not feel like it took away from the story at all. (Example: toward the end there are what feels like 100 pages about the sewer systems in Paris – too much detail for me.) To each their own though. 🙂
Happy 2013!
So funny because I was just thinking of what dire shape my underwear is in! The problem is I'm picking and like VS ones, but they are too expensive. Never thought to check target! lol
Resolution keeper for the most part. I revisit and revisit my list all year long. Keep coming back to it and picking something and working on it and then cross it off. Just posted my completed goals. Did I do everything or do it perfectly? No, but I made progress.
I am the same way about New Years resolutions. But I do think you should start writing a book….Blue Like Jazz is seriously one of my favs {and Donald Miller can't write a bad book}. Also you can never go wrong with more underwear.
@marjorie, yes! five pairs for the price of one at VS — and i don't feel like i'm missing out… i've had both, and i seriously love my target ones! i think it's hanes brand. boy briefs type. comfy.
@rachel, donald miller's the bomb.
@desertgirl, hahaha. 100 pages about paris' sewer system sounds AMAZING.
Newbie over here who had to pipe up: I also rock the Target undies-as well as Gilligan and O'Malley bras! I've tried every brand out there and nothing has beat the comfort I have with em…or the price. Although every so often I do splurge on the Pink line from VS just because I find humor in some of the racy things written across the bum…this mom's secret if you will 😉
@jacqueline, gilligan and omalley bras here too! nursing bras can be SO expensive–the only ones i own are from target. and i like your little vs pink line secret, too funny.
I'm a fan of these. And if you can go for a month without the Internet I will bow down to you. Seriously. And I'm more of a goal-maker than resolution-maker. My goals include finishing the Boston Marathon (no time goal! just finishing goal!) and raising a butt ton of money for Dana-Farber 🙂
ha, your buy more underwear resolution is my favourite. i don't usually make (or keep) resolutions but i'm thinking that maybe i will this year. just maybe…
awesome resolution (ideas?) i could never give up internet entirely because lots of things in my life rely on it- but could cut back for certain. and undies- its victoria's secret semi annual now so you could really make out with some cute ones 🙂 I just stocked up myself! lol
I did actually have fun on NYE this year — but would have been completely fine with falling asleep on the couch too.
p.s. I feel slightly ashamed with the current movie hype to say that I have never read Les Mis, so I am glad you haven't either. 🙂
How you feel on NYE is how I felt pre kid on Halloween. Like I had to dress orginal as I could and have the time of my life at the best party ever. I hated it. And I went to bed at 11:30 because, like whoa, both my kids were asleep for once and that was not worth wasting.
Finish Les Mes? You mean, like, the unabridged version? Cause that sucker is massive. You can do it.
And Target underwear are the best. So says me and my derriere. And that thing doesn't give out a stamp of approval readily so that's something.
Obviously you will publish the book *before* you stop blogging for a month, right? What about your readers during that month, Bridge??
I love the idea of you writing a Donald Milleresque collection. My favorite writing of yours is when you're just marveling at life and how it keeps you on your toes–that style would be perfect for you. I think it might start out inspired with that vision and in the end will be entirely *you.*
And seriously, underwear. Why is it so hard to keep a nice collection going??
I really hope you write a book. And I really hope you don't give up the internet for a month (is that selfish?).
Happy New Year to you and yours. Totally agree with you on New Years Eve being too much pressure. Definitely not my favorite holiday.
Gosh I love you.
What a wonderful post!! Thanks so much for sharing it!
I'm a total resolutions maker, although I don't always manage to keep them. Successful story-wise: I made a resolution one year to not be lazy and start waxing/epilating my legs instead of shaving them and I managed to keep that one for 5 years (only broken last month, we'll see if I get back on the wagon). Another year I didn't buy anything new (only thrifted) for a whole 9 months. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. AND I also didn't buy a single disposable water bottle for a whole year one year. However, I also make the NY resolution every year to stop biting my nails and it never works, I always give in pretty quickly.
Now I just feel like I'm bragging, but for someone like you who doesn't usually do to well with rules (and I definitely don't do well with routine!) I'm proud of the fact I've actually stuck to some of this stuff!
you do realize the internet is our only form of communicating with one another?? YOU REALIZE THIS RIGHT?
Actually its something i have wanted to do..and fully intend on doing when it is not my only way to talk with people at home, or keep in contact. I would literally get the worst depression if i didnt have the internet to keep me in touch. but this is obviously circumstantial.
so maybe wait until i move back to the USA..then we can do it together.
like how i made this all about me?
I recommend the monopoly card game! It's fun and strategy and kind of like monopoly but not as long or boring.
hmm. these could be my resolutions. but I tried to be realistic (ha!) and just stuck with 'read more more print material/books'. and I hear you on the underwear. it's like those mismatched glasses in the cupboard.
@megan, TRUE. didn't think of that. NEVER MIND.
@riotous living, funny you mention monopoly cause i was totally going to add it to the list and then was like wait toooooo long.
An entire month without internet. No way. I could never do it. Board games were my favorite family memory growing up. It's sort of still a Christmas tradition to play cards now.
That Internet thing is a scary prospect but I think it would be freeing…but I am not about to try it to find out. As for resolutions, I will finish my book that I started during nano… That is the only thing I am willing to commit to but I have good intentions in other areas.