all four of the big kids were in florida last week. they got to hang out for the week with all their cousins. it was a really special treat for them as these cousins live in minnesota (they’re cousins from their mom’s side of the family) and they don’t get to see each other nearly enough. despite the fact that a stomach bug went through 16 out of 17 of the cousins (!!), they had a great time.
while they were there, steve, parker, and i took off for new jersey. my sister kate just had a baby girl about a month ago! i’ve been itching to see her, and this quiet week seemed like the best opportunity. steve’s still off–ahh, the vacation of a professor!–so it was perfect.
i took sooooo many pictures. i couldn’t help myself. baby nora, quinn and parker playing (and i could do a week’s worth of posts of just the two of them playing. i won’t. but i could! it was adorable.), my mom and parker, cape may, the beautiful congress hall. let’s just say that we frequented the brown room at congress hall more than our share. red wine and delicious apps! i could make a habit of that place.
it was a great time. my dad had just retired, my mom made deeelicious dinners (this is on the docket here now. it was so good.), the weather was so mild, and there was a new baby to celebrate.
all good things. hear hear!
I can't tell what your shirt says in that second photo, but I already know I love it.
And you got some awesome photos of your parents as young things. Amazing!
Love that one of you and Parker in the sunset. Perfect!
@emily, i thiiiink it says if it ain't rock n roll, it ain't nothing. clearly my motto since i wasn't even sure! but i can tell it'd be a you-shirt.
@dancing branflake, i know! i love those vintage mom+dad pics!
you guys are just the cutest! love the beach in january!
Such beautiful photos Bridget!!
We used to go to Cape May as a family every summer when I was growing up. It's such a wonderful place, and holds so many beautiful childhood memories for me!
looks amazing!
i would give anything to be on a beach right now…even if it was cold!
What a fun trip! It looks like you had a blast in a gorgeous setting.
Your hubby looks like Adam Braverman from Parenthood. Do you watch that show? It's the best!
@samantha jo, it's the best, isn't it?? we were an ocean city/sea isle family but i'm enjoying cape may as an adult!
@paige, he gets that a lot! haven't watched it yet but i hear rave reviews!
that's the church my parents got married in 🙂
All the cool babies are wearing shades these days.
ahhh! this brings such good memories to mind. so many long drives to cape may with grandma filson, looks exactly the same 🙂 so glad your family got to enjoy it!
Hey now, you look fabulous in that first photo. Also I literally starting having mouth-waters when I clicked on that recipe.
Any chance that can be shipped this way?
How awesome are the long breaks of teachers and professors?!
What a beautiful place. Despite my need for warm weather, I find the east coast so charming and rich in history …and food.