well, this is about the most delicious age yet. yet how can i keep saying that and expecting you’ll continue believing me? i’m quite sure i’ve said that at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9, 12… so on. but really, it’s delicious. i want to eat you on the daily. your thighs, your bum, your cheeks. i kiss your lips about fifty seven times a day, sometimes you’re cool with it, other times i’m stealing them which i figure is my right. you look at me, really trying to understand what it is i’m saying, “parker, would you like an apple?” “parker, do you want to go get the mail with mama?” “parker, do you see the truck?” you get so much. it’s remarkable. in fact, the other day daddy asked you if you wanted to make coffee with him and you ran right over to the coffee maker. when did we ever tell you that was the coffee maker? you just knew. your communication is still limited (in fact, often, you do this thing where instead of attempting the word, you do this nasal-like sound with the appropriate amount of syllables. it’s totally random but really funny.) when it’s time to nurse at naptime, you’re practically giddy about it. sometimes you start to laugh and begin nursing with a huge smile on your face. and sometimes you take both of your hands, and put them on either side of my face while nursing. it makes me melt. but then other times you claw at my chest and nearly do gymnastics while nursing which doesn’t work well and that makes me less melty. every evening when dada gets home, you run around the first floor, find his slippers, and bring them to him. i’ve told him this is a little bit like training a dog (what’s next, the newspaper from the front lawn?) but after doing it so many times together, you have come to expect it. dada’s home, now slippers! you play hide and go seek. you dance almost any time you hear music. you run and your whole body moves in the cutest way as if it takes so much effort to do so, arms swinging back and fourth so purposefully. you’re always climbing on things–chairs, boxes, stools. you love blueberries, pears, eggs, sweet potato, cauliflower, clementines, and any sort of cracker (sometimes i have to tell everyone to hide the things they’re eating so you’ll eat what i’ve actually put in front of you). you have the craziest bed head when you wake up and your hair is so long at this point that it is in my face and mouth when we cuddle in bed. i’ve trimmed it a couple times, but teeny trims. you love trucks, cement mixers, horses, dogs and the books about those things are your favorite. in the past month, i swear, you got about six teeth at the same time (really, i think it’s six). what is the count up to now? i think it’s 14 or so? and how are we coming upon a year and a half? it seems that this past six months since your birthday have flown by. so much faster than the first six months felt. i still call you a baby, but are you one? do i need to call you a toddler? (i refuse.) i keep a journal for you because sometimes i feel so much but you’re not old enough to get it. i want you to have it one day. it’s a good outlet for me. if you’re reading this one day, know that you are so loved, cherished, adored. you brighten our lives every day. we cannot get enough of you.
parker at 17 months.
{top picture by sara colket}
aw, man. he's just so sweet. isn't it amazing how much they catch onto? the other day Cohen coughed into his sleeve! how polite. sheesh. oh and he totally looks like you in that second photo – like woah.
sweetest. ever.
Melt Melt Melt Melt at that last picture. I just can't take it.
I just melted. That last picture is beyond precious.
That was the sweetest 🙂
both of those pictures are swoon worthy! what an adorable little man you have. i continue to say that each stage is the best, too…i can only imagine how great it will be later on down the line. <3
oh my god, i love that he takes your face in his hands when he's nursing. i literally went "awwwww" when i read that.
oh my gosh, that last picture. i love his hair and cute smile! he is getting so big!
Cutie pie! I love this age too. My little girl is 18 months old. So fun!
His smile and oh-so-wise eyes. What a cute guy!
I want you to have more babies, is that wrong? I mean – just LOOK AT THIS BOY!
That is the most beautiful picture of him. I'm going to try all weekend to replicate it with my 16 month old, okay? Thanks.
Wow that picture of him is stunning, those eyes are captivating! What a beautiful boy you guys have 🙂
he is really so cute. Tomorrow I am having link up your christmas card on my blog would love for you to join.
He's looking more and more like your husband. The last photo especially.
omg he is just way too sweet
I found your cute site from Naptime REview! I'm a new follower and am so excited to read about your cute ideas, I'm going to check out the Elf on the Shelf is alive post next. Feel free to stop by and follow back!
Loooooove the post and that last pic.
Well, gosh, now I want to eat him up, too.
He is absolutely the CUTEST.
love it all. totally can relate to the nursing gymnastics. lol. I wondered if we were normal.
oh he looks like the sweetest thing ever. so cute and mischievous! love it. xx|natalia.
too stinkin cute
omg that top pic (and the bottom one). give me that boy.
I agree. This age!! It's amazing. And those pictures, that top one especially. Wow, that is something to capture right there. Have such a wonderful Christmas Bridget!!
That picture of him is beautiful! Happy 17 months, Parker!
you are a lucky girl with such a sweet boy.
He is just so beautiful… looks so much like both you and steve. I just love him!! That first picture is insane. (insanely wonderful)
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Bridget. I feel so blessed to have gotten to know you these past couple years. I hope you have a really wonderful holiday. 🙂
I am only 6 months married and your posts are making me SERIOUSLY baby crazy! I have baby fever, and your adorable Parker isn't helping the situation 😉