why do i believe it works? certainly, my wellness can be chalked up to other factors, BUT… there are times when i was sure i was gonna catch something. i.e. finals week in college–so little sleep, so little nutritious food, so many people sniffin’ around me… i took about a tablespoon a day and was footloose and fancy-free. and historically, silver has always proven beneficial (think way back: people who ate off of silver plates and with silver utensils… less apt to get diseases. crazy but true! again, other factors could be at play here too…). oh! and topically… it can be used for burns, and rashes, and (apparently!) even ear infections. i haven’t done as much topical use as oral use. anyone chime in if you’ve got more info!
one more thing. at the toddler-class i bring parker to, before snack time they pass around these clothsslightly dampened, for the kids to wash their hands. they’re laced with silver fibers so bacteria can’t live on them. seriously! i’m totally into them.
so, colloidal silver. i stand behind it.
(p.s. please, please, please… as always do your own research and don’t take what i’m saying at face value. you’ll probably find a lot of people knockin’ colloidal silver as well as a lot of people supporting it. isn’t that the way of so much natural medicine? and here’s a listing of bookspertaining to colloidal silver. i haven’t read any of them so i can’t speak personally, but some of them look pretty interesting.)
and, again, my spiel on “i am not a doctor!” (will i ever feel like i don’t have to link to that in this series!? probably not. read it!)
and, one more thing (gosh this is becoming one lengthy post of add-ons)… thank you SO much for your birthday wishes yesterday. you guys are awesome. each one of ya!
Swear by it too. Orally for Quinn during our battle with hand foot and mouth and not one sore in his mouth. Boom.
Thanks for the tip! I have heard of this somewhere in passing, but had no clue of its use. Also, way to ruin colloidal silver's reputation for everyone blue man.
My son had moluscum warts (hundreds) for a year! We started topical colloidal silver and he's now cleared.
@liz, oh i love that! how long did you use it before they started clearing up? and did you put them on ALL the warts or just some of them?
That's it- if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, I'm taking you with me.
My husband and I use colloidal silver! We stand by it!
uhmmm this is amazing! Thank you! I am always looking for natural ways to stay healthy rather than putting all the meds in my body!
I love love love this series! Thank you for sharing this gem 🙂 And happy belated birthday!!
we use it whenever there is the treat of pink eye in Behr's daycare. One drop in each eye morning and night for about three days (or around when others have symptoms). None of us have gotten pink eye since we started this.
Once, Behr woke up with gooey eyes, and we called daycare only to find out that four other kids had pink eye. We used it that morning and night and the next morning Behr's eyes were completely clear!
If only to save the cost and time of a dr. visit and prescription, colloidal silver is worth it!
@Bridget- the cloths that you are talking about, my aunt has. She and her family also have tooth brushes with colloidal silver that will kick canker sores, cold sores….she swears by both of them. The brand is call Norwex….http://www.norwex.com/productdetail.php?prd=29&ova=1046&ctg=7&lng=7&cnt=223
@cynthiab, yes, ive heard of that brand too! thanks so much for the link cynthia.
Love your post…we are firm believers in it. I have a friend make ours, but she is a certified herbalist. We use it for all scrapes…it's great because it doesn't burn. And when we get a virus going around we take a teaspoon every 2 hours (rec from my herbalist friend) and it usually knocks it right out. And I will do the same with the healthy kids just in case it is brewing in their system and I don't know it yet. Love love this!!!
I've been meaning to jump on this train for a whole now, & now that I've got a little one running around its sounding pretty essential. Thanks for the link, Bridg! It should be arriving early next week 🙂
Love the new ideas! We have this in a nose spray and during the sick times of year or when someone in the house is feeling down we use it every 2-3 hours. I promise it works mirales! I love this series as well!
I've been using it for a few years too. It's awesome! When I start to feel that first little twinge of a cold coming on, I take a shot of OJ with a dropper full of silver. It works every time!
thanks so much for this series!!!!
in the last few months i've tried almost everything you've mentioned here to get rid of two nasty common cold viruses & i think the greatest thing i've felt is just a peace of mind knowing that i'm not putting crap into my families body! i wish that i could say it made us feel completely better physically but i think we didn't start using it early enough in the cold. our chiro was telling me to make it work quickly i've gotta catch it at the slightest inkling of a cold. lessons learned! thanks again & keep these posts coming!
ooh, I bought this after your health post a year ago and love it. I've been convinced.
Enjoyed this post! We are users of silver as well and in fact my mom makes her own. She has lyme's disease and started taking silver water to help out her symptoms! It works great!
love colloidal silver! i swish with it whenever i feel any tooth pain.
just came across your blog and have been here over thirty minutes! what a sweet love story you have. i told my partner and he said it sounds familiar, and we too are from south jersey!=)