i’m back, i’m back. glad to be home, but goodness did i have a nice time in new jersey. i was there for my pop-pop’s funeral, as you may already know. the funeral was lovely. we celebrated a long life that was well-lived. one that was ripe with love and laughter, hard work and dedication. there were tears and smiles, and sometimes both at the same time. i’ll miss that guy. we all will.
i got to hang out with sister kate a lot which was so much fun. it’s rare, these days, for kate and i to have almost a whole week together without husbands. mike was working, steve was home with the kids finishing out the school week, so it was just kate, quinn, parker and i most days. it’s crazy to see quinn and parker together–so much closer to the same size than they were here last august. come summer, they’ll be even closer. kate and i imagine they’ll be best buds. they have little choice in the matter, really. anyway, both parker and quinn have early wake up times and sometimes we’d all be up in the five o’clock hour together, sipping coffee, laughing, and watching our boys interact. it was amazing to watch them together. at one point i said to kate: “these are our sons! our sons, together!” it’s strange. sometimes i feel like i’m still the little sister and we should be back in time being called to dinner by our mom. and now we’ve got these two little people who are interacting and smiling at one another. it’s sweet stuff.
now for the happenings: we went to the zoo (parker’s first!), a long walk on the ocean city boardwalk which is never complete without stuffing ourselves (i really did stuff myself) with mack and manco’s pizza, hanging out on the stone harbor beaches with lunch at fred’s, breakfast at uncle bill’s pancake house, and enjoying some good meals and wine at my parent’s house. it’s not every day that all four sisters are in one place at one time and while the occasion that brought us together was my pop-pop’s death, it was pretty sweet to be together in such beautiful shore weather for a weekend… and i imagine my pop-pop would’ve liked that too.
by the way, thank you all so much for your sweet comments on the post about my pop-pop’s passing. they really meant a lot. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i like you guys.
Glad you had some fun in my home state!
Looks like your vacation was just awesome! I could definitely use a little getaway like this!
Looks like so much fun…nothing like being surrounded by family at a difficult time.
I'm so sorry to hear about your pop-pop. I'm glad you were able to be with family. And I'm always so excited to hear about your visits to New Jersey! I grew up in Avalon, went to the beach every day at 96th street and 110th when I was older (to check out surfer boys obviously), and always to Freds with my dad to pick up beer. I lived on 24th street around the corner from Uncle Bill's so that was a Sunday staple too. Glad you had fun! Reading about your adventures makes me miss it 🙂
how beautiful!
i'm glad you got to see the family
I love hearing about you and your sister. Growing up together is one of the most endearing things in the world. Sisterhood stories just make me all happy inside.
Glad you had such a wonderful time. PS… your whole family is freakin beautiful. Love seeing photos of your mom.
Glad there was a silver lining 🙂
and pizza sounds so good right now 🙂
wow. that peacock photo is beautiful – great shot.
Glad you had such a sweet time with your family.
Also, I like you, Bridget Hunt.
My parents own a beach house in Avalon NJ, where I grew up going to the beach. Now that we are all 'grown up' with families, jobs, and kiddos of our own through out the East Coast we meet up for a week together at the house! I look forward to that week of our children playing and us playing ALL YEAR LONG!
Bittersweet for sure. So glad that it was a rich time for you Bridget. How fun that you and Kate got so much time together too. Sweet sweet sweet.
I am so sorry about your Pop-Pop's passing, but it seems that his life was well lived.
I love on the West Coast, but nannied for a few summers in Stone Harbor. Oh, I loved that little town!
glad you had a nice time, bridget!!!
and i wanted to share my giveaway with the blogger ladies that i adore
Very intersting! follow each other darling?:X
the picture of your parents with parker & quinn totally gets me teary. so so sweet!
Ah ha, there's the missing hat. It looks good on Quinn, who is so grown now!
Now tell the truth, does Kate totally want to have another little after seeing those two together?