steve (with parker, in a different room than i): ooh, parker! you like that peanut butter i just gave you!?
{fyi: parker has yet to eat anything besides the milk i gots. steve just likes to drive me crazy. that might not have been clear though?}
lindsey: mom, can i try your breastmilk?
me: sure.
william: {aghast} from her boob?!?
lindsey + i simultaneously: no!
{side note: she did try it and thought it wasn’t half bad. now william is jealous and totally wants to try it too. serves him right for thinking it strange that she wanted to try some of my glorious milk.}
me: steve, can you change parker?
steve: i have been known to literally snap babies fingers right off when i try to change them.
parker has a blow-out. steve’s changing him.
steve: can i just have scissors to cut the onesie off?
while parker’s sleeping…
me: *$#&@* $#@$$ $#*$*!!!!!!
{truly, the mouth of a sailor… these words strung together with no rhyme or reason.}
and that’s just some of it.
{photos, both new and old, from my photo booth}
she actually tried it?! haha! I can't bring myself to try my own.
@kendra, yes she did! she sort of made a face but i think it was more because she felt awkward than because it was bad. because, like i said, my milk is glorious.
My breastmilk tastes like root beer. Not surprising.
As you know, I love the PB one. Parker and Everett, having those solids/caffeinated beverages so soon in life!
Loved this.
adam will not even go NEAR a baby with a poopy diaper, he hasn't ever changed a diaper. i shudder to think of what will happen when we have children.
thank god steve was pretrained for you.
This was the best, haha.
So, I don't know if you already know this, but you can totally take onesies off the opposite way. Like, pull them down. That way, in blowout situations, baby doesn't have to deal with poop shampoo. : )
I just learned this a couple of days ago and thought it was pretty suh-weet. : )
omg, so funny. i have actually taken scissors to an outfit before. true story. and i too whisper-shout obscenities every time the dog barks or a cop decides to throw on his sirens right in front of our house. #$%&*!!! don't they know there is a baby sleeping here????
Haha! Oh dear! I love the chaos. It's so fun to hear about and not actually live in.
I want to hang out at your house! The boob milk really isn't bad, I tried mine too (well, after my sister did:) Sounds weird I know, but the girl was curious. It has hardly any flavor at all, why do those little ones go so nuts over it? Anywho.. happy weeked!
@jenni, SERIOUSLY. COP, ima lock YOU up for putting those sirens on!
@dancing branflake, i don't blame you!
@lydia, poop shampoo. LOL. i'm going to give that a try sometime (not the shampoo, but the onesie-get-off-technique).
@elizabeth, root beer?! you don't say.
I laughed out loud at the "From your boob!?!" part 🙂 That is hilarious!
@yours truly, i've totally tried mine. not bad at all!
@sarah, oh yes. that WOULD be the 11-year old boy's first question.
these are so funny. I get the biggest smile on my face every time I see a picture of Parker. Cutest!
Can you adopt me? I just love your family.
Or I'll totally babysit, if you're not into adopting 23 year old women (weirdo).
I used to call my breastmilk liquid gold. Cuz it totally was. There is a certain curiousity surrounding breastmilk that will remain a mystery til the end of time.
@alivia, GLAD TO. come on ovah.
@nessa, liquid gold is so true. and seriously! such a mystery! like it's magic or something, cause it is.
How funny. I loved reading this post. Sounds like there is never a dull moment at your house.
bahhhh – this post is amazing. steve's comments truly are the best.
My 18 year old brother totally asked me (when I was pregnant) if he could try my milk when it came in. I was so weirded out I said no with out any hesitation! But now that I hear all these comments about people doing it all the time I guess it isn't that weird haha I'd just never thought of it. Maybe I'll give him some for christmas 😉
@sarah, that seems like a fine christmas gift if i do say so myself.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who swears often 🙂
Love the breastmilk convo. That is awesome.
I love Lindsey!
My sister's first word was "Coke." she always wanted some of Mom's pop.
I hope my husband will change all the blowouts cuz I have a weak stomach.
Hilarious. I tried my sister's breast milk years ago. It was sweet.
i have THE worst potty mouth known to mankind. UGH. SOOO bad. I'm glad another jesus-lover deals with the same problem. hahaha.
Lindsey sounds like a really cute young lady haha.
@emily baker, jesus-lovers-for-cussing club?
HAA! Well this is just pure wonderful…and I laughed out quite loudly about the whole breast milk scene, curious what William will think (aside from how glorious it is) 🙂 Happy weekend!
The middle and the picture on the right are basically the same picture. Parker looks SO MUCH like Steve right now!!
Super funny stories. 🙂
Comments from home are always way, wayyyy more funny when we actually take the time to meditate on them. We start thinking: "Did I/he/she/we really just say that?" Crazy.
From your boob?!
I can just hear your voice imitating William.
Ahhh, the Hunt family. You're pretty cool, you know.
I tried my own, some felt on my arm and I licked it off. Not bad, tastes like soya milk – my fav ;).
Haah! I love your husband's response to you asking him to change Parker. SO funny!
xx Melina
the peanut butter would have given me a heart attack!!
good reminder that kids are resilient (and i that i can't always have crazy-control over evvvvverything!)
Loved how your hubby wanted to use scissors for Parker's diaper! Those things can be hard to get off sometimes though!
Cute what Lindsay said about wanting to try the milk! I do wonder if it tastes a lot different than the milk at the store. …
it's kind of gross…i won't lie. but i would probably ask to try it too. and yes, i plan on making cakes with mine.
My sister asked and totally tried mine. Didn't think it was too bad. It took the hubs awhile but he finally came around to licking it off his arm when he was testing the bottle temp instead of wiping it off with a cloth.
Laila had such a bad blowout once we had to take photos for posterity. It was a pretty amazing feat for a one month old.
I have never brought myself to try my own milk but I happily nursed to 25 months……and sort of complied for two more months after that haha. I feel like if I can do one I should have done both! However, my hubs who was only bottle fed finally tried some and was like, oh, yeah, that's why it's better!
P.S. put PB in his bottle, it will make him sleep longer 😉 haha
I'm so glad I got to meet Steve. And your kids. It makes all of these quotes come to life for me. So so funny.
the PB was just him teasin' me… ya'll think we really gave p-man peanut butter?! hells no.
haha love this little wrap-up!
my Christmas tree literally just fell over for the 2nd time this week. i had a sailor-mouth moment too and decided to catch up on your blog vs. picking it up 😉
Happy Weekend!
I distinctly remember being five years old and asking to try breastmilk. My mom must have been pumping for my little sister. Tasted like chocolate milk. Weird and awesome.
Chocolate milk and armpit slumber. Babies have it made.
Lol…I think my sister tasted her breastmilk…your son is getting so big!
you are hilarious! I just love this post!
i love this.
especially the "i have been known to literally snap babies fingers right off when i try to change them."
i can see my huzz saying that when our little one arrives.