the past week or so, parker has discovered his right thumb.
this brings me all sorts of delight as i was a right-thumb-sucker.
so, despite him being the spitting image of his dad, i’m in there too!
(does thumb-sucking get passed down through genes anyway?)
there’ll be times when he’s fussing a bit, then gets real quiet…
i look over, and he’s happily found his thumb.
it is the cutest.
oh my goodness! Yes you are in there!! In his sweet, happy, smiley demeanor you are there too!
so so cute.
yesssss first comment. refresh. refresh. refresh.
oh my gosh. he is ADORABLE. and such a happy little handsome baby 🙂
cutest kid ever award!
So cute! Neither my niece or nephew have been thumb-suckers. They totally missed out on all sorts of cuteness points. 🙂
How cute! He is just adorable.
@lady lee…hahahaha.
Bridget, your voices makes me miss you? I'm such a sappy sap.
Oh that is the BEST! Mine is working on hers- it will be nice not to have to settle her back down in the middle of a nap by putting her pacifier in!
Is it kinda scary how much Parker looks like the hubby? IT's CRAZY!
@ladylee, you're too funny.
@elizabeth, love you sappy-sap!
@LBR, yes! not having to rely on pacifiers?! i'll take it! thumb goes with us everywhere!
@emily baker, seems to be the consensus!!
oh man his giggle grunting thing is the best.
our baby girl just found her thumb a couple weeks ago and we think it's such a blessing. we took her pacifier away right before she turned 6 months and she had a hard time with that. she seems to have been teething for months and months so now that she's finally found her thumb, we experience many moments like the one you described above. so self-soothing 🙂
only bad thing is.. she has her first tooth growing in now right in the middle on the bottom so it's doing a number on her thumb :/
cuuuutest video of parker 🙂
Yes! Thumb sucking is so fantastic. My kids weren't thumb suckers. Instead they used me as a human pacifier 24/7. Which was fantastic too. And exhausting. I called it Breastfeeding: The Marathon!
Ahhhh cutest. I apparently tossed my own pacifier in the trash one day and substituted my thumb.
Which I sucked until I was bribed out of it with the promise of ear piercing at age 10. It didn't work…I just switched to sucking my finger until I was 12. Substituting addictions, claaaaassic.
And never had braces!!! Go Parker, love that thumb 🙂
am partial to paci babies (as mine both were) but thumb suckers are pretty darn cute too!
Awwwww….I was a right thumb sucker too!!!!! lol. And that coy lil smile….made me ALL tingly!!!! THEE best. So precious.
His lil smile and giggle is toooo cute!
He is such a happy little boy!! I how smiley he is while sucking his thumb. SO ADORABLE
Lady Lee is funny and E tells the truth.
I miss all of you.
That goes for you too, little P.
so adorable. love how he uses his left hand to keep that right hand up there!!
i cant wait for the post where he finds his penis.
Yay! Now you won't have to deal with a paci, right? 🙂
First time I've heard your voice and you sound just like I thought you might. Is that weird? That's weird.
He's adorable.
he is so channeling his inner-you-ness:-) the baby smiles just get me good! xoxo
haha don't you love it how when your baby doesn't look like you, you still can see yourself. it's nice to know you were involved in the whole baby making process. 🙂
just don't let him suck his thumb for too long. I sucked my thumb till I was like 10 years old!
What a sweet smile he has! I'm a little jealous, I was a fellow thumb sucker as a baby, I've always thought it was adorable, and my two kids (2yrs and 11 mos) have been holding out on me. Neither of them have ever done it! C'mon guys… my 2 yr old sat by me while we watched this vid and she pointed and said "AWWWW, baby!!!" Maybe she'll regress and take some pointers for your Parker 😉
that is precious! I have just recently found your blog, due to, and love it. Y'all have given me a kick in the rear to start blogging for real. if you have a chance I mention I talk about the inspiration from y'all in a post I just wrote –
This boy. Seriously, he's killing me. KILLING ME! So adorable.
I was a thumb sucker too 🙂
parker is thee cutest. i love him and his sweet smile. and yesss i feel like we're one step closer to the vlog. your voice is cute bridge!
This makes me smile…I talk to Cohen in the same high pitched voice and it works every time! So cute.
:35 – where you should have turned the camera around and started your V-log!
@mrs. mckenzie, now you're on to something!
Oh sheesh. I cannot handle his cuteness. Talk about one adorable, happy baby. Do you just stare at him all day and night?
what a little doll. love that giggle!
I miss this age. It goes by so fast!
cray-zeeeeeee cute!!
he's so juicy!!
oh megs…you're so megs. maybe parker can guest blog his "first." 😉
@chanel, oh definitely. maybe that will be the video i post on megan's blog? parker finding his junk for the first time??
thumb sucking is genetic!
That is the CUTEST video! I love it. Please post more 🙂
oh man, be still my quivering uterus…
awww cute!!!!
He's so sweet
Okay, probably weirdest comment ever, but your voice? Beautiful.
More videos, please!