yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift
{eleanor roosevelt}
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel on Grooveshark
{the song… a favorite of mine}
currently protesting any form of napping,
i’m forced to leave out cute details like his fondness for bathtime or mah big boobs…
it’s operation get-parker-to-sleep up in this house.
My daughter was totally anti-nap at this age as well. I gave up trying to nurse her to sleep and just put her in the moby every day…all day. I think I lost more weight since I was wearing her constantly. Oh, and dancing to Billy Joel and Jason Mraz helped as well 🙂
i can't get over how cute parker is! happy four months!!
Lordy, I just checked out months 1-3, how do these babes grow so fast? He looks like he's old to take over a country in comparison. No wonder little man is nap striking. He has bigger issues to take on.
Super cute Bridget. I love his hair. Is it auburn or is it just the lighting?
He's a cutie, drool and all! Love your owl pillow also.
He is too precious!
still big boobies?! you lucky woman. also, he's such a cutie. good luck with the sleep thing. that must be killerrrr.
Hey big boobs.
He may not be a napper, but he's handsome for real.
So there's that.
@heather, i think that might be what we'll be resorting too. teething already?! wtf!
@mellyb, i know. so fast. crazy. so crazy. and yes, people have said they see a little red in that hair of his?
OK, Parker needs to stop being so dang cute before my maternal side kicks into high gear… At least tell him to postpone the cute until I have a boyfriend. First things first and such.
(But seriously, you and Steve make good babies)
oh dear! nap baby, nap! fingers crossed that it is a very short phase.
mister delicious!!
and don't worry… the nap stuff comes and goes… he's probably just excited to bust out some fancy, new developmental tricks for you guys – no time for nappin', mama! i'm working on some stuff, here!
Hi Parker. Your legs are super long. And your face is super cute. And your chub is getting chubbier. I love it.
adorable photos. I also love simon and garfunkel 🙂
Happy Birthday, Parker!
And by birthday…your 1/3 of a year! Crazy how fast time rushes by!
Seriously freaks me out how much Parker looks like his dad. WOAH!!
absolutely adorable!!! xo
So classic; baby protesting sleep at four months. No joke, google it and see. It's the time they somehow know that you're about to implement a nap/sleep schedule or routine and they're saying "I'm not going down without a fight." no pun intended. Hallelujah for milk filled big boobies. One of my favorite parts about mothering an infant.
This offspring looks just like you, Bridget. It's freaky. Gene domination!
p.s. Sleep is for the weak.
He's so cute! Gosh. Yeah, getting a child to sleep is no easy feat!
Just today the little boy I watch, I had a hard time getting him to sleep for his afternoon nap. Course, I only have him for a few hours, and you have him all day and night! But I relate.
so cute! happened with my boys at the same age 3-4mos. a sleep routine can help. we do bath, book, holding and the bed. a night toy may help too (we used a glow toy that sings). good luck! it gets easier, but it takes time.
Cutest little man ever.
hello cutie! Oh, the lack of sleeping 🙁 That is the one thing I am most not looking forward to. BUT I am preparing. I even have a whole book dedicated to the subject 😉
good luck! (and let me know if you want the name of the book!)
ugh the drool. my god child kills me with his cuteness.
When I look at Parker the first word that comes to mind is JOY.
He is the most joyful baby I have EVER met and I have met a lot of babes.
It is AMAZING how much he's grown!
Happy 4 months!
what a cutie, I love the little drool hanging down : )
that is the cutest baby picutre! and i love the little drool line haha SO cute! you are an adorable mom. i have been reading your blog for a couple months and i rarely comment but i just adore your posts and your cute little family. merry christmas!