At long last, I’m posting Parker’s nursery. This basically took me so long because I don’t do well with planned posts (like the vlog… that will happen this weekend… I think). And because I keep making small changes and thinking… ok, now it’s done. No, now! Wait. No… now! I’m pretty sure this pattern will continue. Anyway, his nursery has been completed since before he was born. Truth is, he hasn’t spent a night in it, but pregnant women and nesting go hand-in-hand so we got ‘er done nevertheless. I say we, but really, Steve worked on the room a whole lot more than my big-bellied body did. I went to Philly for my shower and came home to a painted nursery and new closet shelving. I bought things at Ikea… he put them together. Got the crib… he built it. He was the man. I already loved him but fell for him even more when he completed the wish list of this slightly-hormonal-pregnant-girl-with-a-vision. So, finally, here it is. Mostly complete.
Parker’s Nursery.
A few of those pictures I just ran up and took (low-light… nighttime… my apologies!) to show a few of the details of the room. And the flag garland that was moved up to the shelf–a more kid-friendly place, if you will. So there it is. My idea from the get-go was gray + white (and any wood to be really neutral) with citrus pops of color. The paint ended up being way more blue than I thought, but I love it. Now, I guess I’ll source it cause that’s what people do.
And keep in mind I got the big-ticket items with a fabulous discount… benefits of working at a baby-maternity store for the months leading up to pregnancy!
| Paint : Behr Prelude | (inspiration from this nursery… still one of my favorites!)
| Crib: Robin Crib by Oeuf |
| Chair: Empire Rocker by Nursery Works |
| Curtains: Target |
| Rug: Martha Stewart Custom cut from Home Depot |
| Dog, Squirrel, Trees, + Frog Pillow: c/o Erin Flett |
| Floating Shelves, Short Bookcase, Lamp: Ikea |
| Quilt (hanging on crib): made by my Mom |
| Baby onesie banner: made by my sister |
| Baby: made by me + Steve with God’s help (cheese-ball alert!) |
| Child of God print: Sugarfresh Etsy shop |
| Most of the above pictures by the lovely Sara |
lovely lovely room bridget. great vision to you and great execution steve.
my favorite things in the room are as follows:
1. parker.
2. that quilt. I loved it the moment I saw it and then I saw YOUR MOM MADE IT?! Amazing.
3. The embroidery hoops with cute fabric.
Love the grey blue neutralness of it all. Good backdrop for all the color that baby stuff brings in.
numba one is my fave too.
and yeah! she's the best g-mom. doula and quilter, all in one!
LOVE it bridge. looks amazing.
can you elaborate on how you and steve made Parker? for those curious?
woah, what a fancy baby room! i'm pretty sure i was stuck in a room with a treadmill and some old computers when i popped out. also included was mickey mouse wallpaper. i'm not sure how that all fits toegther, but whatever. regardless, his room looks awesome. perfect for a little baby boy. and i love the onesie banner 🙂
i LOVE his nursery. it's a perfectly executed nursery. love the color scheme and all the cute accents.
this is like, a dream color scheme. SO SO cute! i love it bridge!! and love the cheese ball baby making comment (:
What an awesome nursery!! Love everything about it!! 🙂
You did an amazing job! It looks gorgeous!
Dang girl, look at those curtains. I like.
Also like:
the hoops of pretty fabric
the donkey on a shelf
the caterpillar plush (we have the same one)
Erin's pillows…too cool.
beautiful…this will motivate me to post my nursery before she leaves for college.
Way to rock the rug-on-top-of-wall-to-wall-carpeting thing. I haven't braved it but want to in our living room to bring some color and softness to the space.
You've encouraged me! Also, I love everything else. 🙂
@e, i knew the embroidery hoops would be up your alley.
@elspeth h., LOVE rugs on top of rugs. like so much. and this way, it'll keep the white rug cleaner from things like vom and poo. plus, it's soft.
Where did you get the I am a child of God print? I love it!
This nursery is so lively and loving and I love that your hubby assembled most of it. That's how it should be.…. LOVE. love the color. love the rocking chair. love the fabric hoops. love the "i am a child of god" print. love the quilt. love the pillows. geez… okay, i just love the whole flippin thing. so beautiful.
@dancing branflake, i updated the sources with that info! and hells yes! you carry a baby, they build some furniture. fair trade.
@black tag diaries, thanks! it was fun to put together.
Love it all! So fun and obviously lovingly put together.
totally gorg. color scheme is perfection. especially love the squirrel & puppy pillows!
lucky parker-a bright, welcoming room-lovely
such perfect sweetness for a such a perfect guy!
love it.
(and the little blue truck? i can recite it in my sleep… it's a favorite 'round here! beep beep!)
Your nursery is so cute. Love the pop of orange. And that chair looks so incredibly comfy. My glider is lacking in the comfortable department!
LOVE the nursery!!! did you make the fabric hoops or where did you get them?
@marjorie, made em. so cheap and so easy!
Oh, I love it! Blue walls are perfecta. Do you also have blackout shades, or Parker does ok without? Great Job, Bridget.
Love the lil pillows. Looks great!!! Very relaxing…
Absolutely stunning! Doesn't it feel great to make a peaceful little space for your baby! I love Iris' room–we hang out there all the time!
@tue*lu, not yet, but he's still in our room (+ doing fine without them)… we'll see it that lasts!
@melifaif, they are awwwesome. + on this soft bark cloth, too.
It's gorgeous!! I love the fun animal pillows.
What a happy room! Love it . well done.
Completely and utterly obsessed with the rocking chair. It will never happen though 🙁 We have to buy THREE carseats (two toddler and one infant) that are narrow enough to fit across one seat in the back. That total is the same as cost of the chair. Nursery looks like it was put together by an interior designer. So balanced and pleasing to the eye! Good job, B.
And yes, Davey didn't sleep in his crib till he was 5 months. Where does Parker sleep now? Davey was in bed with us (big Cal King) but that's not an option this time around because Davey has claimed his space and is NOT leaving no matter what we try. It's ok, I got used to his snuggling sweetness in mid of night. Do you have a co-sleepr by your bed or a bassinet? I'm trying to figure out what I should get.
Um. I love it. It's so boy-y, without screaming at you "A BABY BOY SLEEPS HERE!!" Good job, Steve, for putting everything together and making Bridget's dreams come true 🙂
@daniella, he's in bed with us. a cal king? jealous. we're a little more squished in our queen than you are. but he's a major cuddler so it works!
what an adorable room to grow up in 🙂
so sweet! i love the fabric in embroidery hoops on the wall and the pillows in his crib. x
So adorable Bridget. I love every last thing about it- the onesies are so fun!
simplicity at it's best 🙂 LOVE EVERY BIT. The whites with the colors, the bunting, the hanging onesies, the framed sonogram, and the "I am a Child of God" print. What a sweet room. And that last picture of Parker…what a perfect little sleeping handsome 😉
I'd be happy to sleep in that room until Parker decides he needs it.
Perfect job, Bridget + Steve.
On the room.
And the babymaking.
THAT CHAIR. That. Chair. It has to be the comfiest thing.
BRIDGETTTT! This looks amazing!!! Nice work. When I get a house/baby one day I am hiring you to decorate. K? K.Thanks.
it's even more awesome in real life…if your readers can believe it. JEAL.
Thanks for the mention! I love your son's nursery and would love to feature it on my blog (with two cats) if you are interested shoot me an email –
Wow this room is gorgeous!!! Can I move in?? lol.
M x
Such a cute room! If I were Parker, I'd never want to leave it!
And bravo to your hubby Steve for putting together that crib! Gosh, my sister and I had to put together my little dresser from Ikea and it was so hard. I can't imagine how hard the crib must have been!
Although I'm sure your husband was better at it than us!
What a beautiful nursery!
hey, bridget! i found your blog through casey wiegland. just read through all 4 chapters of your story, parkers birth story and several other randoms… absolutely amazing! parker is such a handsome little one! and you have done a great job with his nursery!! i am following now and look forward to reading more.
awh 🙂 what a sweet nursery…my son didn't start using his until around 7 months old, but it was still a magical place to be and I was glad I had it prepared.
I love it Bridget! Espesh the citrus accents. Must be featured on baby space methinks 🙂
This is adorable. What a perfect nursery. So sweet.
This nursery is amazing! I love the simplicity of it and how it's gender neutral. When I have babies, could you come decorate my nurseries? lol
I'm a new follower here! That's why I'm commenting on this a few days late! I'm enjoying your blog!
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خدمات شركة تنظيف سجاد بالرياض فى تنظيف الموكيت من افضل الخدمات المميزة المتواجده فى الاسواق فهناك العديد من انواع الموكيت المتواجد فى المكان والمختلف فى الحجم والنوع والشكل وطرق التنظيف الا ان شركة غسيل السجاد بالرياض فى انتظارك الان فى القيام باعمال التنظيف والسعى الى تحقيق افضل النتائج المميزة فاذا اراد ان تقوم بكل ذلك فعليك ان تتصل بينا فى التنظيف والسعى الى تحقيق افضل النتائج .
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