1. boston’s weather has been getting a wee bit chillier as of late. a few days in the low 60s and out came the socks. i heard from more than one credible source that trumpette socks were the only ones that stayed put on your baby’s feet. and who wants to have missing socks and cold baby feet? not i. sometimes they show up on zulily too, which is nice, cause otherwise they are a little spendy.
2. i would not be nearly as efficient (or happy) without my beco gemini. seriously. i have the paige one and love it. so does parker. i mean he really loves it. kid can sleep hours on end in it while i cook dinner, do laundry, go for walks, etc. you can see it on me here. i have the moby too and like it but it is a little bit more daunting a task to get it on real fast when you’re in desperate need. it is better for nursing in though, which is awesome.
3. one of my major go-to’s when basically anything germy comes to town is colloidal silver. the brand i have at the moment is sovereign silver and i got it at our local natural grocer. it’s good for ALL things. like, seriously. you can ingest it, use it topically, the possibilities are endless. a few weeks ago william came home from a sleepover with a major case of pink eye. like mad pink eye. i put some drops in his eyes for the next few days and it was gone. no need for a prescription!
4. smoothies. i love me some smoothies. it’s hard to get everything in me that i need these days with a newborn. quick and easy snacks are best. smoothies are pretty easy, delicious, and good for me, so i’ve been doing them lately. i use either almond or coconut milk as a base (unsweetened) and then a variety of whatever i’m in the mood for… always a banana and spinach, and then sometimes strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, etc. i want to try a scoop of coconut oil but i’m afraid it’ll mess with the consistency. anyone?
5. aden + anais swaddles. i use these every single day and go nowhere without them, seriously. i use them for spit up, for sun protection for the fresh newborn skin, for nursing covers, for a swaddle (its original purpose!), for a make-shift baby carrier insert, etc. they’re huge, soft, light, and pretty. their burp cloths are great too… much bigger than the jj cole ones, or any other brand.
6. i hate being sick, having others sick, everything sick. so when wintertime comes, i equip myself with a few things to try to combat it. don’t get me wrong, william and lindsey will still come home with at least one stomach bug and cold per winter. at least. but they don’t last for weeks on end luckily. this is one of my go-tos. source naturals wellness herbal kids liquid. i got mine at whole foods. it’s got a minty flavor that isn’t so bad, and is easy to just squeeze in their mouths really fast.
7. a good book for the many, many hours i spend nursing. i don’t spend many, many, many consecutive hours nursing (those who are coming upon their due dates are breathing a collective sigh of relief) but, when you add it all up, my boobs are being put to good use by mr. parker. so, a good book is a welcome addition to our routine. i’ve tried to do email at the same time, but my one-handed typing is just frustrating. oh, and the hunger games trilogy is no true work of art, but entertaining? indeed.
8. red wine. sometimes the mamas need a little red wine at the end of a long day, no?
9. my favorite, favorite (and only, so far, so i guess i’m biased) baby shampoo/body wash. it smells nice and is all sorts of natural and easy on their tender skin. parker loves bath time and it’s not just the warm water. it’s california baby, baby!
10. baskets make even the most chaotic spot in your house organized. suffice it to say, i love them. i was given this one in blue at my baby shower, full of sooo many fabulous gifts (thanks elizabeth!), and now it serves as a catch-all for wipes, diapers, burp cloths, and other baby-related-miscellany, right next to my bed. if all that was plopped on the floor, it would surely stress me out, but contained in a basket? voila!
11. i haven’t really broken into my crock pot this season just yet but when i do, it makes me a happy lady. and i swear, everything tastes good (like this taco soup, for instance) after it’s been soaking in the crock pot for hours. everything. don’t put it past me to give a dirty diaper, some cumin, and a splash of chicken broth a try.
anything i should add? what are your faves? give it to me straight.
i am SO there with you on the basket thing. this is an awesome list.
Awesome round up! I got some trumpet socks as a gift for Veronica and they have been fantastic.
I would have to add Boudreux's Butt Paste to that list. Yes, who would have thought that butt paste for babies would make my life so much easier? 😉 Spared us a lot of painful rashes.
Going to check out some of these other ones!
@anna, thats the cream i use for diaper rashes too!
Super cute idea for a post – 🙂
xoxo from Trinidad
Umm, colloidal silver? Yes, please. My hubster is always looking for natural remedies (we take olive leaf and drink herbal teas for anything and everything). Also- i don't have a baby or baby toys around the house, but I love that basket!
Dirty Diaper Chicken Soup! Yes.
I usually have something to drink on rough days after 6…because Everett will be asleep for five hours, which is plenty of time to flush it out. But apparently, I'm too trashy for wine anymore. I'd rather just have a cheap beer. The pre-Everett me is shaking her head.
i just wanted to say i've been stalking your blog lately and loving it, especially now that Parker is here! I am totally with you on the smoothies. as a mom it is SO rare that I sit down and feed myself a good meal when I'm so busy making sure the rest of the family is well fed. now that Aaron is old enough to eat most of what i eat i make a big batch of smoothie for both of us! also with you on the California Baby products. they also make the BEST baby sunscreen. their stuff is pricey but it really lasts! Aaron is almost a year and we are STILL on our first bottle of shampoo/body wash. i dilute it with a little water to make it go further.
Anything and everything California Baby is the bomb dot com. For realz. My little nieces swear by it (if they knew how to verbalize that). Sissypants says everything from their line is totally worth the money. Especially because they last for a while too since you don't need to use a ton of anything.
You and my sister are going to make me an excellent mother when the time comes around.
Also: I owe you watermelon beer and Skinny Girl Margs ASAP.
I put coc oil in my smoothies, a tablespoon or so, and I don't really notice a difference in texture. But maybe my tastebuds are unrefined, hah.
i loved those socks! wish my boys could still wear them :0
The little one i nanny for has pretty much ALL of this stuff, I'll have to go grab some colloidal silver for myself. I hate getting sick when I have to care for a baby, noooot pleasant!
If you ever feel like taking a long walk, we do it all the time in Brookline 🙂
Parker is adorable!
I've used coconut oil in a smoothie before and it turned out fine. But I always put it in after everything else has blended because putting it with the super cold items (like frozen fruit or ice) can make it freeze into little chunks! It seems like after it has all blended, though, it mixes in just fine! xo
I think the coconut oil thickens a smoothie up a bit, so I like that.
I pledge allegiance to the Ergo, footie pajamas, Trader Joe's dried bananas, and a Blue Moon. And a baby that sleeps on me for all eternity.
i like to read the hunger games when i nurse too.
I have heard amazing things about trumpette socks. And the cold season is begging for a good crock pot meal. Thanks for sharing these and adding your commentary.
@ beth cook, YES. big smoothies for me and parker (when his time comes anyway).
@erin, mmm, blue moon.
@alice, do it. colloidal silver is good for EVERYTHING.
@megan, mmm hmm, knew ya did.
An alternative to the Moby, and my personal choice for a wrap style carrier, is the Sleepy Wrap. The fabric is made to stretch and then snap right back to place so you can put it on in the car before you leave and then slip the baby in when you get where you are going, take him out, and put him back in again at a later date. It's soooo soft and so comfy. It ties just like the Moby but without any of the guesswork. Love it!
We are addicted to using colloidal silver on anything and everything. It's like the dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and his windex:-) xoxo
@bonbon, YES. too funny. with the pink eye debacle i was like, "hm… in the eyes… can i?" did a little googling and then, sure enough, works for the eyes too!
@mel, i'm going to check that one out!
Awesome post, and I don't even have kids yet! I'm a huge fan of natural remedies, so I'm going to have to check out this colloidal silver thing.
my mom sings silvers praises on the daily.
good list. one i'll come back to one day (: i hope!
Now I want a smoothie. And something warm from the crock.
I don't have a baby – or any kids for that matter – but I'm really interested in the crock pot. All food and no babies for Pepa and me…yet! Do you have a favorite crock pot that you use?
oooooh. colloidal silver. must try!
coconut oil in a smoothie is good… it clumps up, though because of the cold… but it's still yum.
Oh my word. Those trumpette socks. Excuse me while I buy them RIGHT NOW.
P.S. How do you make these lists? Photoshop? I'm too young to be so behind the times.
Great list Bridget! Love how you covered the whole gamut!
Ahh, California baby is the best!! I still use it for Tate.
Crockpots are the queen of Mom loving appliances. I’m not saying dishwashers and dvrs didn’t put up a valiant fight. I’m sure the battle was epic.
Also, almond milk and I make beautiful things together. Things that mostly end in oup. I need to try it in a smoothie. Smoothies are currently one of the only ways I can get veggies (or really food in general) in my baby. I should say child. He’s not a baby anymore. I’m coping.
Last, I’m jealous of your sock weather. I want nip. I want cold. I reserve the right to complain about these same things in a few months.
I'm about to start the Hunger Games! I can't wait to start reading the series. Also, will def be making the Taco Soup ASAP!
I'm pretty sure you need to hop on over to my blog and get yourself a super cute stylish diaper wipe case…I'm just saying! I can also make custom!! :}
Oh, I remembered another I have to share. I've always given my kids a spoonful of honey for coughs and allergies. A study just came out that showed kids had more improvement with honey over cough and cold medicines. Hooray for food as medicine!
@cait, photoshop it is!
@erin, yes, i have heard of the benefits of honey! especially raw- thanks for adding!
@mellyb, haha, same way. all "yay it's fall!" and then "blast you cool weather!"
I really need to start putting spinach in my daily protein shake too. Everybody keeps saying it doesnt change the taste at all but I keep forgetting! And I am on book 2 of Hunger Games and I love it! Also, I got a crock pot for Christmas last year and still have yet to take it out of the box : / my fiance refuses to eat any veggies so it makes it kinda hard to cook something for the 2 of us. I need to find something though!
Libby on the Label
Amen to the basket thing. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed I just go find a basket and put things in it.
I want a smoothie now.
and a crockpot meal.
Oh and aiden and anais blankets are amazing. Not so much for wrapping a swaddle that will hold my very strong and persistent baby. But for everything else you mentioned.
I just had my baby boy in May and I am WITH YOU on pretty much all of these things (I haven't heard of some of them…going to try them out tho)!! The aden + anais swaddles are the BEST! They are going to be my standard baby shower gift from here on out!
Anyway I wanted to comment b/c I have been drinking a smoothie that I love every morning as a breakfast meal replacement and I thought I'd share the recipe! It's 4 oz unsweetened almond milk, 2 Tbsp almond butter, 2 Tbsp ground flax seed, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (or any berry really), 1/2 frozen banana, and a splash of water blended. Delish!
Thanks for all your great posts (and the awesome guest posts)!! I have LOVED having my baby boy and I feel like I have been able to completely relate to your posts! THANKS THANKS THANKS!! 🙂
Do you use the unscented or lavender scented California Baby shampoo/body wash? I'm trying to decide between the 2, but I'm not sure if the lavender scent will be too "lavender-y" if that makes sense?
@jenni arndt, thank you for the recipe! will be trying that one. i like the added protein of the almond butter!
@lindsay, i use this one! http://www.californiababy.com/calming-shampoo-bodywash-8-5-oz.html
Yep to ALL of these! And nothing like a new baby to make you LOVE your crock pot even more (as if that's possible to begin with)…
The new header is too cute!
Best socks ever for sure…have you tried a sling yet? My gf lent me hers by Pippalilly – so stylish and Ms A loved it. It was the only place she would sleep for a while.
going to get those drops stat. 2nd grade petri dishes.