Bridget and I became *friends* not long ago, but since the moment we *met* sparks flew! We knew that with our combined sarcasm, cockiness, and lack of time, we were perfect for each other. Well, here we are a few weeks later and Bridget has got her hands full with (adorable, I’m sure) teeny tiny, crying, pooping, wrinkly, wonderful ball of joy, and I couldn’t be happier for her. New babies are the best aren’t they? Yes! I don’t think you’d be here, if you didn’t love families and babies too 😉
I’m Drea, mama to wonderful, beautiful, and stubborn: Marlowe. Mama to shedding patient dog-beast: Jerry. And in a complicated, but very loving relationship with partner: Eric. (Here’s a short version of the Eric story: Marlowe’s dad? Not wonderful. Moved 1,200 miles away during my pregnancy. Eric? Totally amazing godsend, better friend, father, and partner than I ever could have imagined.)
When Bridget asked me to write a post relating to motherhood, she wasn’t very specific on guidelines or details, I don’t work well this way. I go into panic mode and think of all these *brilliant* stories and ideas to share with you, then I panic again and think to myself “Alright, I’ve got it! Picture of my kid with the caption underneath ‘my kid is amazing’ and that’s it! Voila! Job is done!” Because, I mean, my kid is amazing…. extraordinary, probably the smartest kid alive, the most gorgeous for sure, hilarious, etc. etc….. but then again, so is everyone else’s kid. That’s part of what motherhood is. It’s knowing that your child is the most amazing thing that has ever existed— better than anything and everything that has come before or will come after. Motherhood is doing everything in your power to ensure you’ve got a warm home and unconditional love for your child, that awesome needy little thing. It’s pretty great.
Everyone’s mothering style is different. Our beliefs, our morals, our discipline is different. The way we show love is different. Our day to day parenting tasks are different. The way we organize our home to welcome a new addition is different.
For me it’s:
organic vegan food, made at home.
occasional co-sleeping (though I am trying to wean this at the moment).
(attachment parenting too)
cloth diapering.
bringing my daughter into my life and showing her new places as often as I can.
And turning my house into a home– a home that is enjoyable and pleasing for both of us (Jerry too).
Motherhood is different for everyone. Our mothering choices will always vary and work to fit in with our lifestyles. No matter how we do it, I think we can all agree: motherhood is amazing. And the most important thing you will ever do for you child is to make sure they feel unconditionally loved. I mean, your child is the most incredible thing to ever live, right? 🙂
Be sure to come come by ohdeardrea &say hello 🙂 Twitter too! Oh, and if you have instagram, find me there (ohdeardrea), I’m totally addicted 😉
hahahaha the drawn out boobies. her baby is adorable! i wish i had style that good.
That little tent they created is so cute and fun! And when I have a baby, I need to get me one of those wraps to hold him in! One for my dear husband too!
yes, when i saw the boob drawing i said to myself, "this girl was made for bridget".
and the decor in that home is AMAZINGLY cute!
drea has the best home ever. love it.
and her mothering style! : )
oooo i love her. Thanks for the introduction bridge.
hi Drea! So very nice to meet you. And Marlowe? I think she's the perfect older woman for Parker. 🙂
Beautiful home! Looks so cosy and warm! Wonderful place for a little one! 🙂
I like you, D. The first and last photos are amazing! Cute little girl.
haha I love the boobs.
Thanks so much everyone! You are all too sweet!
drea, your house looks like so much fun! love that tent…did you make it yourself?
oh my gosh i love it. how adorable!!
love when we find new bloggies!!
The first think that came to my mind when I came here today, was WOW, WOW… I love Drea's livig area, the hint of yellow. And yes, her mothering style:
1. breastfeeding and cloth diapering.
2. bringing my daughter into my life and showing her new places as often as I can
3. And turning my house into a home– a home that is enjoyable and pleasing for both of us…
It is true that everyone has different approach to motherhood but, all in all, we want the best for the little one we bring into this world.
Great guest post :).
That boob picture? Hilarious.
lovin your view on motherhood.
@elizabeth: thank you. I did make it myself…. (well with the help of Eric).
I posted pictures and details here: http://ohdeardrea.blogspot.com/2011/07/play-tent-for-marlowe-for-me.html
i want that tent for myself 🙂
Beautiful style! I've been perusing your blog, and I'm curious, what do you do for work? You seem to have lots of time with your girl, which is great! Enjoy her.
-Erin K.
Precious! What a fun mom!
Also, congrats Bridget!
Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.