he kept making a liar out of his mom.
“he just smiled!”
“it’s gas, bridge. they don’t smile this early.”
(his first was like 5 days old… i’m not lying!!)
but he finally cooperated and here’s the proof.
so nice to get a little real confirmation that he’s a happy guy.
love this kid.
oh this made me all sorts of happy 🙂 What a handsome and VERY HAPPY little guy!! I'm sure he just melts your heart into a puddle 24/7 🙂
wow.. isn't it absolutely amazing to finally see him after he's been inside of you for so long? it's amazing.. I've never been pregnant but I followed along with your great weekly pictures, and it's like he's a "real" person now! brilliant! he's beautiful!
So stinkin' cute:) Isn't that the best!!
So sweet! He has the cutest little smile.
mini Steve!
Ok, I haven't commented before (long time stalker) buuut he looks so much like your hubs! Super adorable. High five!
For the record, I believed you. I don't believe in gas smiles.
Oh and…just like Steve. Seriously copied.
i'm with elizabeth.
"gas smiles"? puh-lease.
Cutest little guy.
oh, he's a cutie!!
What a perfect little baby. Focus on that smile when he's keeping you up all night!
aaannndd my heart just melted into a puddle. you two made one adorable babe.
And what a darling smile that is. I love that you were the first to make him smile. So special.
so cute!
although gas is sometimes funny..I believe it's happy baby smiles!!
Aww. That makes me smile.
He looks just like his daddy!! What a sweetie! Enjoy him , as I'm sure you are 🙂
he's so cute! what a gorgeous little smile 🙂
oh, gosh. he's a keeper.
^_^ Oh No!! That's not a gassy laugh!…I've SEEN a gassy laugh!!!!! LOL
Ohhhh, my heart just melted and my bad day just got better…what a handsome man! <3
awww, he looks so much like Steve! I'm so happy for you guys. :]
That's soooo sweet!! Yes they do smile that early!! My youngest, now 4yo, smiled at day 2.
Not easy to get it on camera, though.
You are so lucky, he's georgeous!!!
Lovely lovely boy! I hope to get me a happy one someday 😉
Love it! Yeah, about the gas smiles, Nathan does the opposite of smile when he's gassy! Why do people try to put an age on smiling ability in the first place? Keep on smiling, sweet Parker!
Love it. Good job, Parker. Making your mama happy is the best way to go.
and, dude. all's right and rad in his little world. those are smiles… he's got a lot to smile about.
awwww, soooooo cute! I think he looks like his daddy here! Do you?
It's great stuff.
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Singgah Iklan
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someone looks just like their daddy… 🙂
People who say baby smiles are gas have obviously never seen a newborn smile – it's patently clear it's not gas! My baby smiled almost from Day One too, long may it last for you.
This is a cute as it gets and made my day!
what a cutie!!!
Evie's been smiling too. And it's absolutely not gas. She hides those burps for hours! Cute little man you have Bridget!
What are gas smiles?
He has a beautiful HAPPY smile. He looks so much like his daddy :).
Sweetest little man smile! He's melting hearts, right and left:-) xoxo
he's adorable!!
such a cutie 🙂 glad that he is doing so fine!!! and the whole family!!Ü
so freaking cute.
What a cutie!! 🙂
So precious! He's too cute for words 🙂
oh my goodness, he looks so grown up already!
he has your eyes!!! what a litttle baby lambie. love his smiles(:
oh my goodness, he really looks like steve! adorable 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a handsome, happy little man!!!
I've never understood why gas would make a baby smile…it certainly never makes ME smile!!
There is NOTHING better than a baby smile. Thanks for that.
LOVE him.
how are you doing friend?
He is so cute and he already looks exactly like his dad!
Of course he's smiling! And I have to chime in with the others and say he looks *so much* like Steve 🙂
!!!!!!! Made my day.
P.S. I see Steve in him!
Yep, a mini-Steve! So cute! I'd be interested in hearing who you guys think he looks like–since they change all the time, and you guys have old baby pictures to verify. When Jude was a newbie, I thought he looked just like my husband, but now, he is a total copy of me. Strange! Happy for you.