Just scanned through all the pics and can't wait to sit down and read the whole thing. After I find a friend to do yoga handstands with me in the park.
Where do you get one of those?
I'm with Wily, I want to see that baby Hunt Hunt. Get on it girl!
i knowww i knowwww. i think he's pretty comfy in there. in fact, it's prob cooler in there then it is outside in this heat wave we're having. he's all like "hells no! i'll come it when it's 80 again!"
yay!!! hey! where's that baby of yours?!!
ummm this is wonderful! thanks for sharing. can't wait to sit down with a glass of wine and fully read over the weekend 🙂
Just scanned through all the pics and can't wait to sit down and read the whole thing. After I find a friend to do yoga handstands with me in the park.
Where do you get one of those?
I'm with Wily, I want to see that baby Hunt Hunt. Get on it girl!
thanks for being my friend and my trusted health guru.
Love that no matter what you post about, we all want baby Hunt Hunt. Push him out already, would ya?
{from the lady who delivered 9 days late…woops!}
Love your take on Vitamin D, but I couldn't get the link to work for the site you references, please do share.
i knowww i knowwww. i think he's pretty comfy in there. in fact, it's prob cooler in there then it is outside in this heat wave we're having. he's all like "hells no! i'll come it when it's 80 again!"
@shannon, gah! the link def. does not work. here's the one that gives the ratings: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
crap…i may be able to fix it – or i'll just do an edit on the blog post tomorrow. Sorry Bridget!!!
crap…i may be able to fix it – or i'll just do an edit on the blog post tomorrow. Sorry Bridget!!!