dear baby,
get in head down position
(unless you already are, because really, i’m no professional)
so i can stop chillaxin’ like this.
and so i don’t have to play music to my crotch
(because yes, that is said to bring baby towards it–i’m not above trying it).
love, mom
dear etsy,
you have soooo much pretty artwork and i want it
all for the nursery. all of it.
alas, not enough wall space.
love, bridget
dear laundry,
stop. just stop.
i hate you.
your nemesis, bridget
dear stonyfield full fat yogurt,
you are a god-send.
i’ve eaten a lottttttt of you this pregnancy.
sometimes with pineapple and granola.
sometimes with strawberries.
sometimes plain, sometimes vanilla.
i love you.
love, bridget
dear nursery,
you’re coming along so lovely.
can’t wait to put a baby in you.
love, that girl that walks by and stares at you a lot
dear steve,
you’re so good for me.
i love you.
love, bridget
dear gwyneth,
you’re so good at singing this woman’s work.
might be my favorite version.
i love listening to it these days.
it soothes me.
love, bridget
dear bridget,
you're so good at putting things into words and making me want to be more like you (but not in a creepy way…and unless it's a baby i can hand back to someone after awhile that's a "not yet" too). please tell me you've seen this:
i read somewhere it is highly dangerous for pregnant women to do laundry. yeah…i read that…"somewhere"….tell steve. he needs to take over.
little letter blog posts make me so happy. i hope you'll share nursery pictures when it's/you're ready, and i hope baby gets head down for you!!
These are the best. And Stonyfield yogurt is the bomb dot com. Always.
Too funny!! So far my baby's head is down, but I keep telling him he'd better not flip around or he won't get anymore icecream in there. 🙂
I played Taylor, Simon, and Harper to my crotch and also had my husband talk sternly to my crotch with phrases like, "Son, come head down right now. This is your father speaking."
Sadly, it was a no go. Better luck to you.
Love this post. Great picture of you in position!
I'm a big fan of Gwyneth's singing, she should for realz think about putting out her own record.
I hope your baby is in (or gets in) the head down position asap. As for laundry… don't you have a house full of capable people? Tell them you need to put your feet up and relax!
That is so cute my heart is melting!
PS: don't forget this giveaway end today.
sending prayers for a head down baby your way! 🙂
Hey Bridget! I'm new to your blog, and just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed catching up on the past few months of posts (one of the perks of summer vacation)! Congrats to you and Steve, this must be such an exciting time! Here's to a fabulous summer full of family, fun and all that good food you make. Enjoy!
alright, i'm DONE with laundry (as if).
@erin, oh no! don't tell me that! i'm not giving up yet!
@melly, hi!! thanks for stopping. we are quite excited to meet this little person!
too cute. can't wait to see the nursery! i am sure it looks fabulous.
Ok, the music to the crotch made me laugh out loud…Julia Roberts style. It's almost funnier than my doula suggesting I rub olive oil "down there" and massage things to make it supple for baby's debut. I tried many weird things during my pregnancies but I passed up on that one.
Have you been to a chiropractor? Most can tell you in which position baby is. Mine actually helped me get him in prime position. Best thing you can do though, is relax and go with the flow. Take it from me, darling 🙂 Life never goes as planned.
1. You are hilarious. My baby is still breech and I am always in that position trying to get him to move! Flip baby flip!
2. I am glad I am not the only one who just sits in her baby's nursery and stares. I feel so creepy but it is my favorite room in my home.
@jenna, how far along are you?! and nope, not the only crazy.
@daniella, i am totallyl going back to the chiro-i've been once this pregnancy and it was awesome. i'm a fool for not going more.
Dear Bridget,
I love your love letters to the world. And Gwyneth, who I think will be the new Oprah.
i think our lil' one is sideways as well. We're really hoping for a VBAC this time so my hubby plays music in my crotch nightly. When she moves around and kicks for him he claims she's dancing with him to the music 🙂 Here's to hoping for head-down babies in our future. My firstborn didn't get the memo…even with two versions!
well i hope you don't have to play music to your crotch either! i took care of laundry this weekend….checked the hamper this morning only to see it's full again. sheesh.
haahahha, you are awesome. have you put any photos up of the nursery yet?! i can't remember seeing any. would loooove to!
Love the head down prep shot. I was all over that stuff when my baby wouldn't flip. A pregnant lady doing a head stand with a heating pad and headphones on her crotch is just about hottest thing ever. Just ask my husband. But hey it worked.
Tell the laundry to suck it? Doesn't it know it's summer?
I am almost 36 weeks. 🙂
You are so creative. I love this post. Simple, to the point, and oh so Bridget!
ha i write little notes like this all the time. cutie patootie. also, i love gwyenth's new singing career. who knew she could sing?
@jenna, are they t elling you not to worry?! they're telling me not to worry and as you can see it's really working (not).
@melly b- how late was the babe not in headdown? i'm glad it worked! im trying it!
They are telling me not to worry but I am not listening at all! Of course I am worried! The worst part is that my doc said he was head down, then did an ultrasound and was like "just kidding, that is his butt." Nice!
I keep doing downward facing dog (or a modified version) and lots of squats.
Make the kids help with the laundry! That is just too big of a pile for one person!
Only one little peek at your nursery? We need more than that!
Never heard that G.Paltrow version of that song. Have to check it out! Even though Gwyneth annoys me.
@jenna, i'm glad we're having entire conversations through the blogger comment box 🙂 – well, if it is any consolation, my cousin's baby was breech right up until delivery and she did the webster technique at the chiro and that worked! but still… is it making me not worry? NO!
My baby was not head down @ 30 weeks and my doc was certain there was no way he could flip because of my giant fibroids.
I read through everything on the spinning babies website and shocked my ob when my Phinny moved down. There was a lot of upside down stair laying and pool handstands involved and I would do it again.
Yeah, we are cool like that. 😉
I am down to try the webster technique. It is nice to hear that it worked for someone. In the meantime, I think I am going to try some of those techniques MellyB just wrote about too. I just want him to turn soon!
Dear Bridget,
I love that you are comfortable with telling us you play music to your crotch. So funny.
My first daughter, with two months to go, just decided one day to be Frank Breech. Feet up by her head and everything.
My Dr. told me he'd never had any success flipping a first pregnancy, and he's GOOD. He said if I wanted him to try he would but 1 of 3 things would happen. She'd flip, she wouldn't and it would be painful for me having him try, or she'd go into distress and we'd have to take her early. I chose to just leave it alone and see if she'd flip on her own, but deep down I just knew that she was stuck.
And stuck she definitely was.
I had a scheduled c-section and when he went to get her her little bottom had been stuck in my pelvic bone for 2 months. He literally had to pull her out.
Amazingly enough, I really didn't have any fear about it. I am telling you ALL of this to say, just be prepared. Get comfy with what a c-section will look like for you. Just in case.
P.S. I'll send up a quick one that yours turns. 😉
Love this post–made me laugh!
what the hell isn't gwyneth good at? seriously. i was reading her cook book today thinking, why wasn't i born as gwyneth paltrow?
i hope that included in the music you are playing to your crotch (i mean baby), you're playing 'party rock anthem.' that baby'll come out shuffling and doing the sponge bob.
dear bridget,
i love you.
you and le petit bebe Hunt have a treat coming to a mailbox near you two.
love the gwyneth version of that song, thanks for sharing!!
This is one great post! Love the laundry one, and the playing music to the crotch hahaha, I wouldn't be above doing it either if it meant a nice smooth delivery instead of a c-section!