I have been reading and enjoying your blog for about 2 months now. I must admit I look forward to your posts each morning! Your wit is superbly hilarious. A girl after my own heart. I want to be your blog and real friend. But THIS POST hits the nail on the head. As a new momma to a 2.5 month baby girl I WISH I could send this to many relatives and a few well-meaning friends!
PS – (after reading your love story) you had me with the older man thing. mine is quite a bit older as well.
PPS – I JUST started my own blog today. ANY support/blog love appreciated!
PPPS – after rereading this is my apparent girl crush too scary?
Great guest post! I am a brand new Auntie and these are great tips. Thanks for being so thorough (and funny!)
How fun, I am off to check it out now!
Liesl 🙂
I have been reading and enjoying your blog for about 2 months now. I must admit I look forward to your posts each morning! Your wit is superbly hilarious. A girl after my own heart. I want to be your blog and real friend. But THIS POST hits the nail on the head. As a new momma to a 2.5 month baby girl I WISH I could send this to many relatives and a few well-meaning friends!
PS – (after reading your love story) you had me with the older man thing. mine is quite a bit older as well.
PPS – I JUST started my own blog today. ANY support/blog love appreciated!
PPPS – after rereading this is my apparent girl crush too scary?
running over now.. virtually that is..
Isn't her May banner the best?
@elizabeth, yes, love it. that lady lee.
@emily, girl crushes are the bessst. i'll probs develop one on you too. just wait.
awww e & bridge. thanks 🙂