i’m guilty of the “as long as it’s healthy” one. seriously. like within the last 12 hours.
and i seem to not be able to not speak/talk in anything but hash tags because of twitter.
sometimes me and my twitter friends speak exclusively in hashtags.
ha! oh hashtags…
I laughed so hard! That video is amazing!
"I can't wait to hear someone say, don't care if it's brain-dead, don't care if it's limbless, as long as it has a penis!" Oh my goodness, so funny!
Thanks for sharing this!
I think thats going to be my new theme song! Or ring-tone on my phone.
Love it. Thanks for sharing!
I think thats going to be my new theme song! Or ring-tone on my phone.
Love it. Thanks for sharing!
haha has tag lingo! i just found this blog and i love it. your header picture is so so cute!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
you've exceeded my wildest hashtag expectations by adding a link within a hashtag. seriously. queen hash.
Does anybody else have Prince's Raspberry Beret stuck in their head after listening to this? "Pregnant women are smug" is the same tune as "it was a raspberry beret". Now I'm all mixed up..
It was a raspberry beret, everyone knows it, but nobody says it, because she's pregnant?
Oh my!
love it. #aslongasitshealthy
@spoiledeggs- well… i didn't before but i am now swinging it!
she wore a raaaaspberry beret. the kind u find in a second hand store…
I want a healthy baby and a boy and a baby withing maximum two pregnancies ;).
i meant a girl, oh, this must be pregnancy brain, LOL!
seriously. what's with you preggos? kidding. but that was hilarious.
Hil.ar.ious. Seriously!
I heart when she was on Scrubs! She's adorableeee.
haha, now you've discovered Garfunkel and Oates, I dare you to stop at just one video. Always funny, often inappropriate, pretty genius.
Might I also recommend: Me, You, and Steve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=groaPrY41Rk
Thanks for the shout out dear!
oh that i could, i would repost this vid to my own lil bloggie in a hot minute.
but i can't. because i'm not pregnant.
and people would be like, "who's that bitchy non-pregnant chick hatin' on all the preggos?"
#amazing #thanksforsharing #you'rethebee'sknees #noreallyyouare
hahah that's so funny!
Someone sent this to me years ago and I love it. You are certainly NOT a smug pregnant woman. I think this video would more ring true if it was "engaged women are smug." I truly don't think I've met more smug people than recently engaged women. Like what? You are suddenly better because of that? Too funny! Glad you are well and feeling good 🙂
The one I'm guilty of: Oh we know, but we're not telling! I do that with names and the color of the nursery and the way I'm dictating the baby shower.
That just made my day!
Now with two kids and no plans for more, I think I can admit to the truth in this video!
That was HILARIOUS. Perfect break from homework 🙂