The health tips post I did awhile back was fun and I think you liked it too (am I being too bold to say that?). Now that I’m pregnant, and have been for awhile, I’ve modified a few things in my own diet to grow a healthy baby and all that. Since I like to share good health information because really, at the end of the day if you don’t have your health than what do you have, here goes my pregnancy health tips. And, I’ll have you know, they’ve got the stamp of approval from my enema-loving, split-doing, yoga-practicing Mom. And that’s something.
I’d also like to say that every single winter without fail I usually get two nasty colds. Nothing more, nothing less. Since being pregnant through the winter, I was sure I’d get that or more (as you know, your immune system is not what it normally is so you’re more susceptible to things). Well, I think I have to attribute it to what I’m doing below, but I have not gotten one cold or even felt one coming on. Since I’ve written this, I most likely will. Starting tomorrow.
comes from a natural grocer nearby, though Whole Foods has it too. Probiotics are a good bacteria that should live in your intestines all the time. Because of how much antibiotics our culture takes, often times, we don’t have all the good bacteria (antibiotics kill all of it — good or bad). This is why a lot of people get yeast infections or urinary tract infections after taking a round of antibiotics. You need to replenish your system of the good stuff. But, in our toxic world, we should all be doing this all the time. They’ve (again, THEY!) also done studies that probiotics have been found to prevent food allergies in kids! Yee-haw! So, get a head start and take it before, while, and after pregnancy. And pleeeease don’t give me hate comments if you didn’t take probiotics and your child has a food allergy. Let me be clear: I AM NOT SAYING IT IS YOUR FAULT. I just like talking about this stuff and have found, thus far, that it works for me. Fair enough?
Such a great post! I'm one who is severely deficient in Vitamin D which causes some problems, and I'm thinking of checking out the DHA you are taking, because my vitamin A could be improved as well I'm sure. I'll also be checking out those probiotics since the ones I was on previously were over-priced and not refrigerated, which I'm hearing more and more is of great importance =)
I love your health tips! I definitely need to make some big changes. I just get off track sometimes, as we all do :-/
Being low in vitamin D is probably more common than people realize. Once I started taking my Ds I've noticed a difference in how I feel…I'll never be low again!
Thanks for the post!
I live in MN, don't even remind about how much vitamin D I am lacking :/
I love your attitude. I know I say that with every blog comment, but I'm pretty certain that if we lived in the same area we'd be buddies.
I like that you can totally enjoy the hashbrowns at McDonald's and also know all about good health and vitamins. Those two usually don't go along, it seems like it has to be one extreme or another.
So, I started taking vitamins last year and revved it up this year. The change has been incredible. My nails don't peel anymore, I have more energy and my skin looks better. I simply take a womens daily and 3 fish oil.
Loved this practical post!
Oh, I definitely need to be taking care of myself more. And anything that might prevent food allergies is awesome to me!
Just found your blog, love it! Congrats on the new addition!!! 🙂
Check. Check. And check. Did all three (and I still am!). But I have a few questions…
William takes fish oil but non Lindsay?
Did you know that they make drops for toddlers so you can put it in their bottle when they are no longer on the breast? Pretty cool!
No wonder you're still pooping every day…you're taking probiotics. I blame this on not having a split-doing mother around to tell me to start swimming in yogurt the second I got pregnant.
I also took nordic natural fish oil and a probiotic while i was pregnant (along with "whole food" based prenatals that cost a fortune! those bad boys better have been doing some good work on me and that baby!) I'm continuing to take a probiotic now and I'm mixing the powder form into breastmilk or colic water for my infant. My two year old (who also takes a probiotic daily) has a host of allergies (Eosinophilic Esophagitis, which most people aren't familiar with…), so we are trying really hard to combat them in our new baby.
And speaking of supplements, have you heard of Juice Plus? I'd love to know what you (or that smart mama of yours) thinks of it…
@creole wisdom – yes, i do indulge… even at micky ds!!
@shannon- i emailed you!
@elizabeth- get on the probiotics train and you will be regular 🙂
@anne – i have heard of it and from some decent sources too! i will find out more! whats your email address?
WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! I don't stop by your blog and BOOM you're pregnant!??! CONGRATULATIONS! Amazing news! I hope you enjoy every moment! xoxo
I took those prenatals when I was pregnant with my 2nd son (can't remember what I took with my 1st, it has been to long.)
I just found your blog and loved reading your story. Congrats on the pregnancy. I look forward to following your experiences.
Sarah –
i just got wait too excited when i saw this post pop up. and i'm not even pregnant.
but yes, you are correct – i loved, loved, loved your health tips you posted and have thought of them occasionally since.
Thank you for talking about fat! People are so afraid of fat! Babies NEED fat! Thank you!
I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago…love it! Congrats on the baby! Please keep these natural health posts coming…I started working with a homeopathic chiro. over the last few months and am finding it amazing…who knew you didn't need an antibiotic for every little thing? (or sleeping pills, or anxiety meds? there's a natural cure for just about everything!)
we're twins. i take that dha stuff too and the probiotics daily. thanks for going ahead of me, forging the way, for when i'm pregnant. I'll be bothering you non stop on preg health questions.
keep these a coming!
This is awesome! I love the health posts (along with all the other posts of course hehe)
Love it. Read it with Rita. And we were like… ummm hum.
I am way behind on the times, so CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited y'all are pregnant!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I just stumbled upon your blog. Lovely. I love your header and after reading some of your posts I love your attitude.
Just wanted to say hi and that I swear by those fishy pills. Long live cod liver oil that doesn't taste disgusting.
What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!
Good Health
can you write about 4D ultrasounds with side effect if it is
@kashif – i don't really know much about them actually! i do believe less is more and we get a little too ultrasound-happy in our society… but, i get that the mother is desperate to see a healthy baby!! so, i really can't say one way or another…
My friend Alexis introduced me to your blog and I am LOVVVVVVVING it…
I just came upon this particular post and felt I needed to comment. I love learning and living health "stuff" and in particular, pregnancy health (started classes for midwifery). My fiance and I are opening a chiropractic office in Santa Barbara, CA and believe so heavily in everything you mentioned in this post. Just wanted to stop by and tell you what I'm sure soooo many have already told you, your blog is awesome, and super fun to read! Thank you for sharing 🙂
@jen, hey! nice to meet you!! opening a chiro office in SB?! that sounds like my dream. thanks for stopping and for liking the health thing along w/ me 🙂
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New Chapter Organics (the company who makes the probiotics you take) also makes a great prenatal called Perfect Prenatal and I love it! Best I've found. One question, you say you're a yogurt lover, so does that mean you eat cow's milk dairy?
@joanna, i've seen that probiotic! i take twin labs one.
and yes, i do drink cow's milk! i've drank it raw before but since being prego/giving birth haven't… i imagine that's the best way to get it.
"Probiotics. I can't say enough good things about probiotics." Same here. I'm a big fan of probiotics and I really enjoy the benefits it gives me. Can't say enough good things about it. I'm using one from Has anyone tried it as well?
@kelly, mercola's products are great!
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so do you or don't you take cod liver oil during pregnancy? would love some insight on this as i am 20 weeks and have been taking a spoonful of it once a week.
I do take it while pregnant (and when not too!). I took it through my pregnancy with Parker and have a lot of the time this pregnancy too!