I can’t bring myself to laugh at most of what W. does. Like just now he put a coat on L’s head and said, “Look! Look Mom! An eskimo!!” Should I fake laugh? I don’t know. It certainly wasn’t funny. I generally disagree with telling a kid they’re good at everything, they poop stars and rainbows, and that they can be an NBA star if they want it bad enough because, well, I don’t believe it’s true. Being a comedian is not in his future. Mark my words.
Steve and I sometimes refer to them as “those people.” When they’re being particularly unruly.
Right now there is an insane amount of noise happening behind the chair I’m sitting in. Insane any time but mostly insane for 7:45 am. When is the bus coming??? Please. Come. And soon (when I blog, I think their volume automatically goes up. Just like it does when I’m on the phone.)
I put sleep aids in their dinner.
Just kidding, totally just kidding.
Unless they are leaking green or yellow from all orifices, they go to school. If it’s clear, school. All but one orifice, school.
No, that’s a joke too.
When W. asked us, over and over last weekend, to play with him, I told him, “That is why your Dad had 4 of you. So you would play with each other.” (Side note: I did play a few rounds of Hangman, and Apples to Apples with him, so I am not entirely evil, but seriously, the boy does not self-entertain for very long.)
I really do love them, just so you know. Sometimes I just can’t handle their morning-energy. I like to ease into my morning with a cup of tea and a quiet 30 minutes. They are ready and roaring to go. Especially W. Every single morning. Maybe I am feeding him too healthy.
Haha you're a funny mom, that's for sure. I loved this post. 🙂
Hahaha…I agree with Whitney, you are a funny mom:)…and that photo is so cool
Have a great day
Ps: Hope the bus came:)
i'm a super bad mom. i'm not even going to get into it.
What are you talking about? My son poops stars and rainbows everyday but now you've got me thinking I have a serious problem on my hands!!
Just kidding 🙂 I think you are a normal mom for sure. I make my son watch an hour of the most boring, unpopular cartoon every morning (horrible, right?) just so I can have some peace and quiet. I definitely dont like a lot of noise when I wake up. I agree with what most everything you said here, except I kind of believe the notion of "you can be anything if you put your mind to it".
haha jenn, you are funny. i DO believe that they can be (almost) anything if they have the DISCIPLINE to work at it. too many kids want to be millionaires, pro athletes, and yacht-owners but are laaaaazy as can be. i dont think desire will get them where they want to go but perhaps discipline. perhapppppps.
kera, spill it.
I can so relate! Fortunately my boys are pretty independent and play really well together, but as soon as I'm on the phone or computer it's a like an invitation to be as loud as they can possibly be. I do think there is some fine balance between building up their confidence and having a teaching moment. This parenting gig can be rough at times:) But most the time so rewarding! P.S. love, love, love your header picture, that is fabulous:)
I think you are doing the right thing. I'm not a Mom but just speaking as a "child" from my own experiences, my parents were very honest with me at all times. When I was younger I competed in figure skating and when I didn't medal at a competition my mom explained to me that on that day (not everyday) there was someone who skated just a little bit better than I did and I would have to work hard next time to make sure that I was the best on that particular day. There were other parents telling their kids "you got robbed" and "you were awesome" .. etc. I still know those people today and they are the kind of people that don't understand why everything in life isn't handed to them on a silver platter like it was when they were growing up. I feel like the way I was raised (sounds similar to you and Hubby) made me a well rounded person who was prepared for life in general. So NO. Don't feel bad!
As a teacher/substitute, I can say that NO, you don't have to laugh at everything they do. Especially if it it's not funny. You should save the reactions for when they are genuine. Your kids will appreciate you for it, really they will! And thank you for sending us your kid who is sick enough to stay home! 😉 hahaha .. kidding. Trust me you are not alone on that one. I know that for a FACT!
I do not have children, but I don't think you're a bad mommy. My sister is just like you (except she has three girls all under the age of 4. whuh.). The girls don't do everything right and sometimes she just puts the TV on to pacify them so she can get some quiet minutes.
And if your kids pooped stars and rainbows, I'd be worried.
haha! you are way too hilarious. my parents used to say that to us since there were four of us. and they never told us we were the most wonderful creatures ever to exist, and i think i turned out fine. or…maybe i'm not really the best example of that…
too funny.
so funny! I just think moms need a break every once in awhile. Just this morning I noticed how my daughter whines every morning and I just don't want to hear it first thing in the morning, but she's still little and learning. Just takes time 🙂
Mother of four here. You're TOTALLY normal. My oldest is 6 & wants so much to be funny. He can't tell a joke, even a simple knock knock joke, without messing it up. Rather than laugh at his attempts, I try to praise him for things he is good at, like art. I also bought him a joke book & we read those, so he can try to understand the basis of humor and what makes something funny & what doesn't.
But lots of times, when they are loud & obnoxious & I have worked all day, I just say, "Um, ok," or ignore him.
I know. I don't nurture 24 hrs a day/365. He may actually grow up to realize the world doesn't revolve around him. That's a good thing. 🙂
You're doing fine, darling. Cheers!
I've told you that already, but I admire you so much. I really do 🙂
i vote "normal". 🙂
so, i don't even know you…but i totally love you. and can relate to this post. my boyfriend has a twelve year old son, who moved in with us full-time last year, and let me tell you, there is never a shortage of energy in that one! it's far too overwhelming at times…oh…and he says funny things too, funny things i don't think are funny and don't laugh at =) you aren't alone!
That is hilarious! I seriously hate when kids do things and I'm expected to laugh. But it's not funny so then I feel like I'm lying. So I just nod and smile. You are so funny though!
OK, I almost couldn't read the rest of this because that picture CRACKED ME UP! I LURVE it! Your kids are lucky to have you as their mum 🙂
I don't have kids, I am particularly fond of returnable children (ie borrow children of my friends). However, if I did have kids, I would be just like you. Although probably not nearly as funny when I wrote about it! 🙂
I seriously thought the week long break for last week, plus the many furlough days for the month of November was an evil joke (a joke that like some of your son's… NOT FUNNY:).
(yep, I'm in the 'bad mom' club)
And my son told me that I always tell him, "That's not funny." I replied with, "I'm not going to laugh if I don't think something's funny!"
i just blogged about my AWESOME parenting skills today (that dripping sound is sarcasm)
not a bad mom! but..i have three- almost four, on Thursday she will arrive :)- and i do laugh or smile sometimes when i don't think something is funny. sometimes, i do think kids more than anything in the world want to make mom or dad laugh or smile, and it's a small thing to give, given out of love. kids all seem to go through these awkward stages where they are so needy of approval or kudos about something that may not live up to adult standards of 'good' or 'excellent' but is still worthy of a smile or a laugh and a hug. just my two cents.
Haha, I tend to think it's funnier when kids mess up the joke, or think something so clearly NOT funny is hilarious.
You're definitely not a bad mom. You're human! My son (almost 5) is at a stage right now where he does a lot of silly, unfunny things to get attention (and keep it away from his 3 yr. old brother). Drives me nuts. Then when he tells the same knock, knock joke over and over…oh, boy. Love your honesty!
Too funny! I love this!
Hilarious!! I'm guessing W. is going through one of those "annoying phases"? I mean that in the most loving way, because often I think Tate is entering into it too soon. Aren't they still supposed to be all charm at 4?
ps- an hour ago she yelled at me from her room that "I was so mean, Santa was NOT bringing me anything this year"!!
We're all bad moms I think:)
Your blog is like my morning cup of coffee (well, yours and Ahnika's). And I yell at my kids (3 boys) when they interrupt me when I'm reading it. This post happened to be one of my all time favorites. Thanks for telling it like it is. [You'd love the quote from my youngest son (5) who is depressed about all the stray dogs here in Argentina (you'd die). He plans to have at least 15 dogs and maybe adopt some cats "who like dogs".]
this is SO funny!! so glad that you came to visit my blog. I just felt like a super bad mom for thinking and acting the same way to one child only. but seriously, where does all this energy come from?? =)
i am not a mom. you know this. but i am a big sister. you also know this. and if you were to ask any of my littlest sibs (esp. A.-who is 11), they would tell you that i get "snooty" sometimes. this is their code for when i snap at them and lose my cool. and i yell and mildly insult them and say many mean things. i know. this is shocking for you to hear. that i could be mean.
yesterday, A. was complaining to me on the phone about how grumpy our mom was. i said, "see? i'm surely not as snooty as that!" and she said, "weeeellllll…."
i was crushed. i see a Bad-Mom award in my future. for whenever i become a mom.
Ha, LOVED this post, Bridget! I don't have kids, but I babysit plenty (a reason that I don't have kids yet?…perhaps) and can totally empathize.
I'm with you on the being encouraging, but also realistic. Parents do them (and the greater world) no favors when they raise them to think the world revolves around them.
Wow. It's like I wrote this post. heehee
Wow. Your story is amazing!!!! And yes, very interesting. So nice to have met you over on Casey's blog