What is your favorite movie?
Right now, I’d have to say… How to Train Your Dragon.
What is your favorite food?
Anything home cooked by my lovely wifey. See the post below.
What is your favorite past time?
Watching episodes of MTV Cribs or the Hills.
What is your favorite season?
I love fall quite a bit but as I’m always telling Bridget, it’s hard to beat “Summer Steve.” “Summer Steve” is a nicer version of myself.
What is your favorite drink?
Hands down, Coca-Cola on ice in a glass.
Where is your favorite place you’ve been?
This one’s really hard. I have lots of favorite places. I guess I’d put Vancouver at the top of that list. Oh yeah, Switzerland. I could live there pretty easily.
Place you most want to go?
Boxers or briefs?
Boxers. (He was sure no one would care. But I said, “Au contraire, my darling.”)
Mountains or beach?
Lake or ocean?
Lake…. Winnipesaukee.
What is on your mind most of the time?
Narratological approaches to the fourth gospel. Bridget wanted me to say Bridget.
Favorite TV show?
Sitcom: Frasier. Drama: Lost. Although I’m finding myself very frustrated in this final season.
Anything you’d like to say in closing?
I’ll pick up Nathaniel and Jordan and be home by 4:30.
Can I be your sister-wife, a la Big Love? Because I want what the two of you have!
Just kidding.
Absolutely, Elizabeth. Will you make me a dress?
I like the new specs!
Great one:) Those pictures are so funny:)
I'm totally lost with LOST too these days. Killer. I feel the pain.
tell steve i chuckled my way through his answers. especially his favorite past time.
this cracked me up. I think Summer Steve was my favorite. I cannot help but associate that with Scuba Steve from Big Daddy. haha
I love your blog, this interview is so sweet!
he's rad. you're rad. this blog… is rad. just… so much radness for my heart to handle.
tell steve that i totally understand his love for frasier. and my favorite answer is the last one.