this is fo real. my to do list tomorrow.
i am too lazy to get up and write it down.
this should do the trick.
also, switched from playlist to grooveshark.
better song selections.
but now you have to push play to hear my music
and that might make some of you happy.
others sad, maybe?
I like your new banner! and this is a wonderful way to write your list of things to do. I like the last one! sounds like it could be fun.
ya know…some people might think "wow. that is not a big list. i bet i could do that before lunch"
…i bet that could take you to dinner, at least. have fun!
I lika da music either way.
How are you liking "The Help"?
I'm not gonna lie, its nice that I can press play if I want to hear, or choose not to. Sometimes I'm just not in the right places looking at blogs and it causes a stir! It's not that I don't enjoy it, its the other mean people aka my S.
I did thoroughly enjoy that James Taylor playlist:)
candis, i am thoroughly enjoying 'the help'
hi ya'll!
you know how i feel about the music…so i won't say.
why on earth does your dog need a license? is this a mass thing?
I may be sad about this.
elizabeth, i thought of you when i did this! sorry 🙁 grooveshark is just way better, so now you might have to push play but the tunes will be far superior.
Ohhhh, I think I am going to make the hubs paint the inside of my closet. That sounds lovely. I would do it…but I have zero patience for painting. He would rather do it himself than deal with my crankiness. Ah ha ha
I sooo want to paint my closet too, but J says it'll only happen when heck freezes over :).
Oh, and I got my birdie canvas yesterday — soooo cute! Now I just need to decide where to put it … THANKS again!!