Oprah does it, so why can’t I?
I expect record-breaking sales of these items too. Just like the big O.
(Get your head out of the gutter. If you got that, good.)
Just after I click “Publish Post,” you are going to run out to the stores
to pick up these most-wanteds before they sell out.
to pick up these most-wanteds before they sell out.
Anyway, December has officially arrived. It’s the 1st.
So, with that in mind, every day I’m going to reveal one of my favorite things.
At which point you will swoon, exclaim, “YES! She’s a genius!”
and add it to your little repertoire.
and add it to your little repertoire.
First one’s easy:
Fully expecting a silly chick flick (which I do love, but they can be silly),
the husband and I went to see this.
We loved it!
It’s slightly Christmasy,
has unbelievable homes/interior designing
(Cameron Diaz’s home will be mine one day),
and has some great jackets (those worn by Ms. Diaz to be exact).
So by the end, Steve had shed a tear or two
(he resonates with Jude Law in the movie, ya know)
and we were happy we saw it.
Also, the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is great too.
Now, be off! Available at your nearest Target, Walmart, or Amazon.com!
I’m also sharing a wonderful Christmas song. First one’s funny, second one’s great.
And fear not. If you’ve come desperately seeking my Make it Right blog postings, they’re still there, just down below now as I am continuing posting. You just couldn’t find it, which is the only reason you haven’t joined my team yet. That makes sense.
1. The Holiday – Own it and love it
2. The Holiday Soundtrack – Own it and love it even more!
Sounds like your favorite things are also mine!
Now…can you find me a tree skirt you love so I might love it too? (I have been fruitlessly hunting for one for weeks!!!)
Just saw The Holiday on Friday. I must say, I would take Jude Law, crying or not, kids or not, showing-up-at-my-door-drunk or not, any day.